Examples of the the word, superintendent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( superintendent ), is the 6128 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. State legislator, attorney,professor * William Tecumseh Sherman — First, superintendent ,; Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy (later to become LSU
  2. Power, however,lay with Chiang Kai-shek, also known as Jiang Jitsi, who,as, superintendent ,of the Shampoo Military Academy, was in near complete control of the military.
  3. 2004 Tony Award for best musical. A character presented as Coleman works as the, superintendent ,of the apartment complex where the musical takes place. In the song," It Sucks
  4. The final battle that occurred on 10 September. The British first appointed a, superintendent ,over the Belize area in 1786. Prior to that time, the British government did
  5. Operating under the ancient Alexandrian habitue, ordained Rev. Thomas Coke a, superintendent , although Rt. Rev. Coke embraced the title bishop. Today, Methodism follows
  6. With police near Watts, California following their murder of the Oakland school, superintendent , the Solids organized memorial rallies, including a rally in Berkeley's Ho
  7. Of his supervisory staff, including company auditor T. Clyde Edwards, plant, superintendent , Alexander Samuelson, and Earl R. Dean, bottle designer and supervisor of the
  8. Piloted the CPR expansion. Worthington continued on as the construction, superintendent ,for the CPR past Infield. He remained with the CPR for about a year until he
  9. Several support structures were built, along with a two-story, eight-room ", superintendent ,'s house" featuring an observation cupola and wide verandahs. Tram tracks were
  10. That this would convince her son to choose a different career. However,the, superintendent ,of the school, Caspar Caliber, recognized Telemann's talents and even
  11. Supplied the building materials. John W. Bowler was project construction, superintendent , Excavation of the site began on January 21, 1930,and construction on the
  12. The only man he ever saw that a beard improved. " Robert E. Lee was appointed, superintendent ,of the Academy in 1852,and Stuart became friends with the Lee family, seeing
  13. Instead, beginning at the Temple School, he would appoint a daily student, superintendent , When that student observed an infraction, he or she reported it to the rest of
  14. And secondly, ten to fourteen technical service civilians, including a camp ", superintendent ," and" foreman," employed by either the Departments of Interior or
  15. The presence of the Mullet fish in the local river * Norman Mullet, the chief, superintendent ,in the British television show A Touch of Frost (TV series) * Mullet Festival
  16. Gettysburg Battlefield cartographer and 1st Gettysburg National Military Park, superintendent ,20th century *Bernard J. S. Cahill (1867–1944) – Inventor of octahedral "
  17. Spokesperson was the philosopher John Dewey. In 1875 Francis Parker became, superintendent ,of schools in Quincy, Massachusetts after spending two years in Germany
  18. Having taken Agricola into his favor, appointed him court preacher and general, superintendent , He held both offices until his death in 1566,and his career in Brandenburg
  19. The first female public school superintendent in the United States. She was, superintendent ,for Davenport schools from 1874 to 1878. Saint Ambrose University, Kaplan
  20. 1962),Burton (1964),and East Liverpool, Ohio (1965). In 1961,grounds, superintendent ,Larry Wood dell and Biff Staples of the Davey Tree Expert Company released ten
  21. Take over Kafulafuta Mission, while its founder Reverend Phillips remained as, superintendent , Clement Done returned to Kafulafuta as missionary in 1914,followed by his
  22. Age 18,the youth began a rapid advancement through the company, becoming the, superintendent ,of the Pittsburgh Division. His employment by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
  23. And killing himself, his men, and Dr. Stapler. *Dave Mitchum is a state-hired, superintendent ,of the Colorado Division of Haggard Transcontinental. He is partially
  24. Of his studies. In 1808,soon after the death of his mother, he was appointed, superintendent ,of the private library of Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, into which
  25. Plate, and produced about 122 intaglio prints altogether. Public life As the, superintendent ,of the municipal buildings Adorer had overseen the construction of several
  26. A hospital in Philadelphia for tribal members. Dr. Frank McKinley was the first, superintendent , Prior to McKinley's arrival, the Choctaws had grouped themselves in six
  27. Ability to classify plants, and invited him to become his physician and, superintendent ,of his garden. Linnaeus had already agreed to stay with Burman over the winter
  28. Mental Hygiene Department. Over the next 25 years, Dr Made Sr became medical, superintendent ,at several Victorian mental hospitals, namely Sunburn, Beechworth and Mont Park
  29. Church struggled with the issue of the ordination of women. The first general, superintendent , B. T. Roberts, was in favor of ordaining women, but never saw it take place in
  30. Morning. He was noncommittal. The workers hoped that Crowe, the general, superintendent ,of the job, would be sympathetic; instead he gave a scathing interview to a
  31. And his family lived in the Orchard House until 1877. In 1860,Alcott was named, superintendent ,of Concord Schools. Civil War years and beyond Alcott voted in a presidential
  32. 3) School Administrative District containing multiple towns and one, superintendent , and 4) Community School District that has one elementary school that towns
  33. Fillmore Unified School District before becoming vice principal and eventually, superintendent ,of the district. Kemp's Biblical Literature professor, Keith Beebe, presided
  34. On the throne. While still young, Jeroboam was promoted by Solomon to be chief, superintendent ,of the" burden ",i.e. the bands of forced laborers. Influenced by the words
  35. Schools, Sudlow was named after Phoebe Slow, the first female public school, superintendent ,in the United States. She was superintendent for Davenport schools from
  36. A nurseand Henry Tillman Millay, a schoolteacher who would later become, superintendent ,of schools. Her middle name derives from St. Vincent's Hospital in New York
  37. Where his father had been appointed the main inspector of public schools (, superintendent ,). Kerensky graduated with honors from a Tashkent secondary school in 1899. The
  38. In public, when his powers were exhausted. During the reign of Nero he became, superintendent ,of the city's water supply, but died not long afterwards, in 59 AD, having
  39. Atlanta Public Schools) is run by the Atlanta Board of Education with interim, superintendent ,Enroll Davis. As of 2007,the system has an active enrollment of 49,773
  40. 100 men had been sent in response to warnings from father Alexis André and NWMP, superintendent ,L. N. F. Crosier, a rumor soon began to circulate that 500 heavily armed
  41. Officially plotted as a town site on January 3,1881,by Charles Prior,the, superintendent ,of the Minneapolis office of the Chicago, Milwaukee,and St. Paul Railroad, or
  42. Rome anew. Opposite opinions Adriano La Regina (former Rome’s archaeological, superintendent ,1976-2004,professor of Etruscology at Rome’s La Sapiens University)
  43. Company names an area in Ohio" Cleveland" after Gen. Moses Cleveland,the, superintendent ,of the surveying party. *1797 – Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Battle
  44. Fourteen-member state Board of Education. The Board sets policy and hires the, superintendent ,of schools, who oversees the state Department of Education. The Department of
  45. Of a Welsh steelworker of Irish descent, William O'Callaghan, who had been, superintendent ,on the Indian State railways. However, in her book, Brando for Breakfast, she
  46. Of Salt Lake City, Young was appointed the territory's first governor and, superintendent ,of American Indian affairs by President Millard Fillmore. During his time as
  47. Register of deeds, county treasurer, coroner,emergency management, highway, superintendent , public welfare, state’s attorney, and a few others. The state senators from
  48. And afterwards George Wight wick. William Robert Hicks the humorist was domestic, superintendent ,in the mid-19th century. Freemasons Hall There is a sizeable Masonic Hall in St
  49. 1961),medical correspondent for CNN * Joseph A. Gilmore (1811–67),railroad, superintendent , New Hampshire governor * Isaac Hill (1789–1851),U. S. senator, New
  50. 1) local for a single school,2) School Union whose members share only a, superintendent , 3) School Administrative District containing multiple towns and one

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