Examples of the the word, capitol , in a Sentence Context

The word ( capitol ), is the 6135 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Loop route running through Lansing. * a loop route off I-496 serving the state, capitol ,and other downtown facilities. US highways Michigan state trunk lines Railways *
  2. South-southeast, and Front Range Airport (KFTG) is located east of the state, capitol , In the past, Denver has been home to several other airports that are no longer
  3. Four years before. During the 1880s,Austin gained new prominence as the state, capitol ,building was completed in 1888,and claimed as the seventh-largest building in
  4. Isabel Ishaković, transformed the cluster of villages into a city and state, capitol ,by building a number of key structures, including a mosque, a closed
  5. Mommu's reign (700 CE),it is certain that Tomato was still present at the, capitol ,after Prince Kusakabe's death (689 CE). Because there are no works certain
  6. The flags of the Confederate States of America, which was raised on the state, capitol ,in 1962. The state capital is located directly next to the University of South
  7. Panama was placed under its jurisdiction. But the remoteness of New Granada's, capitol ,Santa Fe de Bogotá proved a greater obstacle than the Spanish crown anticipated
  8. As the capital city and left a plot open in the center of town for a future, capitol ,building. Following the discovery of gold and silver in 1859 on the nearby
  9. East. Capitol may refer to: **the Capitoline Hill in Rome (from which the word, capitol ,derives) **a Capitalism, the temple for the Capitoline Triad in many cities of
  10. The US. Over 2 million demonstrate nationally; about 250,000 in the nation's, capitol , *1970 – Thirty-five construction workers are killed when a section of the new
  11. Measure that survives was the naming of streets in the vicinity of the proposed, capitol ,grounds for the counties of California. In 1909,the citizens of Berkeley
  12. Next 18 years, three separate buildings were built to serve successively as the, capitol ,building. In 1837,the state legislators representing Salmon County, under
  13. Brigade plants a bomb at the main power substation for the Washington state, capitol ,in Olympia in solidarity with a prison strike at the Wall Wall State
  14. Tip Sultan ruler of the Sultanate of Mysore sent an embassy to the Ottoman, capitol ,of Istanbul, to Sultan Abdul Hamid I'm requesting urgent assistance against the
  15. A campaign to strike the rebellious territory known as Underhand and its, capitol ,Orchid from 3 sides: Syed Khan-i-Jahan with 10,500 men from Baden, Abdullah
  16. Lincoln, succeeded in having the capital moved to Springfield, where a fifth, capitol ,building was constructed. A sixth capitol building was erected in 1867,which
  17. Capitol building was erected in 1867,which continues to serve as the Illinois, capitol ,today. Though ostensibly a" free state ", Illinois had slavery. The French
  18. Nichiren began propagating his teachings in Katakana, then Japan's de facto, capitol ,since it was where the chicken (regent for the shogun) and shogun lived and
  19. Of all races ". At the conclusion of the march and on the steps of the state, capitol , King delivered a speech that has become known as" How Long, Not Long ".
  20. Rocky Erikson in the 1970s helping to build the city's reputation as a music, capitol , The current scene has been featured in
  21. Flume was also built from the Sierra Nevada's into Carson City. The current, capitol ,building was constructed from 1870 to 71. The United States Mint operated a branch
  22. court's actual facilities, a state supreme court may be housed in the state, capitol , in a nearby state office building shared with other courts or state executive
  23. By Bertram Grosvenor Good hue and constructed between 1922 and 1932. The, capitol ,building is a skyscraper topped by a golden dome. The tower is crowned by a
  24. Some Roman structures still stand magnificently. The architectural style of the, capitol ,city was emulated by other urban centers under Roman control and influence.
  25. Were dominant. The war went very badly, and when the British burned the, capitol ,building on August 24, 1814,Madison removed John Armstrong as Secretary of War
  26. It was the largest college building in North America. It served briefly as the, capitol ,of the United States when the Continental Congress convened there in the summer
  27. Was granted self-governance and retained Island Palace as the territorial, capitol ,building. Despite several attempts to become a state, Hawaii remained a
  28. Master plan, specifying that no building within 500 feet (152 m) of the, capitol ,would surpass it in height. This plan prohibited future high-rise development
  29. Year, Driver was able to bring out his flag and hoist it from the state, capitol ,spire, the last time it flew from a flagpole. A unit of Federal troops, the 6th
  30. Low saucer dome that lights the interior rotunda. Unlike many U. S. state, capitol ,buildings, the Ohio State Capitol owes little to the architecture of the
  31. Contributors, and court tennis players in the Hall of Fame. Landmarks The state, capitol ,building is made of white Georgian marble. On top is the world's fourth
  32. Of writ was done in order to give Union enlistments free entry into the, capitol , Lincoln was supported by Congress and the northern public for these actions.
  33. Revealed traces of the ancient trade routes leading to it. The Incan, capitol ,city of Vilcabamba was destroyed and depopulated during the Spanish conquest of
  34. And beauty attracts many people from other parts of the state. The state, capitol ,building is the tallest building in the state, and the city has the largest
  35. Mohamed and Ramzi Bin all Which though, who stated UA 93 was on its way to the, capitol , not the White House. ) *Osama bin Laden wrote a handwritten note to Abu
  36. As the 'King of Spades' for his excessive digging of trenches around the, capitol , These trenches would later play a pivotal role in battles near the end of the
  37. Certain extant from the later half of the Fujiwara-kyō period or after the, capitol ,moved to NARA, it is thought that Tomato died before 710 CE. When he was
  38. King, Jr. successfully complete their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the, capitol ,in Montgomery, Alabama. *1969 – During their honeymoon, John Lennon and Yoko
  39. Named the official seat of state government, its 1819 State House the oldest, capitol ,in which legislative branches meet in their original chambers. The city would
  40. New union of sovereign states the United States. *1791 – Washington’D. C.,the, capitol ,of the United States, is named after President George Washington. *1801 –
  41. Louisiana, Huey Long, nicknamed " King fish ", is fatally shot in the Louisiana, capitol ,building. *1941 – World War II: Siege of Leningrad begins. German forces begin
  42. Michigan Pride festival includes a gay pride parade from Riverfront Park to the, capitol , * The Capital City African American Cultural Association hosts an African
  43. Rose skiing areas. Points of interest Museums *Nevada State Capitol – original, capitol ,still housing the governor's offices with museum exhibits *Nevada State Museum
  44. To the murder of Jorge Eliezer Gaiman the mobs of el Bogota tried to burn the, capitol , but the Colombian Army stopped them. Years later, in the 1980s,with liberals
  45. 1890,which produced Mississippi's Constitution of 1890,was also held at the, capitol , This was the first of new constitutions or amendments ratified in southern
  46. A slave state in 1821 as part of the Missouri Compromise with a temporary state, capitol ,in St. Charles. In 1826 the capital was shifted to its permanent location of
  47. Moved to Springfield, where a fifth capitol building was constructed. A sixth, capitol ,building was erected in 1867,which continues to serve as the Illinois capitol
  48. Formerly Neva CACEIS) when it was the capital of Amos Ca marines. A new, capitol ,was constructed in Pile when Ca marines SUR was created. Geographic center The
  49. The early portion of her reign. Later, another pharaoh, Amenhotep IV, moved the, capitol ,to break the influence of this priesthood. He later took the name Akhenaten in
  50. Of advanced technology leftover from an alien race known as the Proteins (The, capitol ,of Mars is called" Lowell city" probably named after Percival Lowell who

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