Examples of the the word, notwithstanding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( notwithstanding ), is the 6121 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And physical features of the whole organic world. Consequently, as it is easy, notwithstanding ,those limitations, to obtain by careful selection a permanent breed of dogs or
  2. Things don't quite go according to plan and, in this case, Don Diego, notwithstanding ,a bout of pneumonia, finds the strength to survive. However, the lawyer Cairo
  3. And Darlington Railway, however,Stephenson would use only wrought iron rails, notwithstanding ,the financial loss he would suffer from not using his own, patented design (
  4. Adjective. According to this view, all Jennings are formally compounds, notwithstanding ,widespread thesis. Semantics Jennings could be developed into extended, and
  5. Democratic society which had been almost unknown to the German people before —, notwithstanding ,the attempt between 1919 and 1933 (the Weimar Republic) — and which is today
  6. And for this reason alone recommend first-line treatment with the atypical, notwithstanding ,a greater propensity for metabolic adverse effects in the latter. The UK
  7. Exhausted his resources, and compelled him to labor with unceasing assiduity, notwithstanding ,age and disease. During the period which intervened between commencing
  8. And for much of the 20th century. Lengthy periods of continuous occupation, notwithstanding , many of the smaller islands were abandoned. There were however continuing
  9. Lord Louis Mountbatten and was known as Lord Louis informally until his death, notwithstanding ,his being granted a viscountcy in recognition of his wartime service in the Far
  10. Church," according to exemplary statements of evangelical Protestant theology, notwithstanding ,condemnation of the Catholic Church by some Protestants. Claims that one or
  11. Esoteric view of alchemy, as Atwood claimed:" No modern art or chemistry, notwithstanding ,all its surreptitious claims, has anything in common with Alchemy. " Atwood's
  12. And visual. In spite of (or perhaps because of) this stereotyping, and, notwithstanding , some alleged streaks of French chauvinism, the humor has been very well
  13. To be able to yield such a strong appearance of design, Darwinian claims, notwithstanding , the conclusion that the design seen in life is real design is rationally
  14. Referred to by the press as" Boulder Dam" or" Boulder Canyon Dam ", notwithstanding ,the fact that the proposed site had been shifted to Black Canyon. The Boulder
  15. http://www.interpol.int/public/data/wanted/notices/data/2010/56/2010_15456.asp, notwithstanding ,the fact that Romania had not waived his diplomatic immunity and had commenced
  16. RDC winning 20 out of 109 seats, which constituted a comeback, but in 1999, notwithstanding , widespread public anger in urban centers with his corrupt rule, Patassé won
  17. Be no records or proof of any application given to the party by Puccini. This, notwithstanding , Fascist propaganda appropriated Puccini's figure, and one of the most widely
  18. Remained hostile to Disraeli on a personal level, his assault on the Corn Laws, notwithstanding , Beating and the leadership In 1847 a small political crisis occurred which
  19. Admiral Karl Donate for ordering unrestricted submarine warfare were dropped, notwithstanding ,that the activity constituted a clear violation of the Second London Naval
  20. Actual optical amplifiers have come to be referred to as" laser amplifiers ", notwithstanding ,the apparent redundancy in that designation. The back-formed verb to lase is
  21. Design and the low non-recurring engineering costs relative to an ASIC design (, notwithstanding ,the generally higher unit cost),offer advantages for many applications. FPGA
  22. Coherence among the ancient churches is not exact; the broad uniformity exists, notwithstanding ,their well-articulated differences. Further, among those Protestant churches
  23. When a trial judge sets aside a jury verdict for conviction with a judgment, notwithstanding ,verdict for the defendant. A successful appeal by the prosecution would simply
  24. Designations, bodily attributes or even traits of character. Hyphenations, notwithstanding , they mostly consist of a single word; in those rare cases where the family
  25. Beta from the east along the narrow spit on which the town stands. This, notwithstanding , road links with Beta continue to be a problem. By 1989 it was estimated that
  26. Who were raised in Quebec during the last century (command of English, notwithstanding ,) can understand and speak at least some local. Origin of the name local
  27. Prevented sitting president Blaine Compare from being re-elected. However, notwithstanding ,a challenge by other presidential candidates, in October 2005,the
  28. And governance of a country, including carrying out economic planning (, notwithstanding ,the" free market" label). Concept The concept of corporatocracy is that
  29. Under a letter of indemnity, was condemned by council and burned at the stake, notwithstanding ,on 6 July 1415. Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic conflict In 1411,the First Peace of
  30. Then those of 1709 and 1710. France retained Île-Saint-Jean and Mile Royale, and, notwithstanding , Allied intransigence, was returned most of the captured Continental lands
  31. This has caused syllabic abbreviations to have negative connotation, notwithstanding ,that such abbreviations were used in Germany even before the Nazis came to
  32. The" Crown in right of the Republican of the Bailiwick of Guernsey" ). This, notwithstanding , it is a matter of local pride for monarchists to treat the situation otherwise
  33. V The Queen 1964 AC 900 that it remained the highest court of appeal in Ceylon, notwithstanding ,the country's independence as a Dominion in 1948. Hong Kong is court
  34. Quickly caught on. The three-match series resulted in a two-one win to England, notwithstanding ,a fourth match, won by the Australians, whose status remains a matter of ardent
  35. By the praetor, or for serving in the Roman armies. Marcus Arminius was thus, notwithstanding ,the reproach of the censors (animadversion censorial),made dictator. A person
  36. Of Canterbury resolved that bishops might approve the use of the 1928 book, notwithstanding ,the lack of parliamentary authority. It became common for Prayer Books to print
  37. In the 1910s,notably Pound's" In a Station of the Metro" of 1913,but, notwithstanding ,several efforts by One Touch to explain" the hook spirit," there was as
  38. To each according to his need. " Thus,Bakunin's" Collectivist Anarchism,", notwithstanding ,the title, is seen as a blend of individualism and collectivism. Collectivist
  39. President, Blaise Compare, from being reelected. However, in October 2005, notwithstanding , a challenge by other presidential candidates, the constitutional council ruled
  40. Was penalized for it. Rousseau's father, Isaac Rousseau, was a watchmaker who, notwithstanding ,his artisan status, was well-educated and a lover of music. " A Geneva
  41. America and overseas. Improvements in infrastructure and the regional economy, notwithstanding , the three provinces remain one of the poorer regions of Canada. While urban
  42. By all countries and ratified, except for Somalia and the United States (, notwithstanding ,the latter's Supreme Court decisions abolishing the practice). The UN
  43. Legislative acts the plural forms of euro and cent are spelled without the s, notwithstanding ,normal English usage. Otherwise, normal English plurals are recommended and
  44. Assignments for Sir Robert Cecil in France and Denmark; his high rate of pay, notwithstanding , Lowland seems to have been only a court musician. Whither he had travelled in
  45. He issued an edict that any gentleman who swore fealty to him would, notwithstanding ,any previous attainder, be secure in his property and person. Henry secured his
  46. And markets in non-capital goods. Thus,Bakunin's" Collectivist Anarchism,", notwithstanding ,the title, is seen as a blend of individualism and collectivism.
  47. Misinterpreting the Quran and Sunny, and for innovations to Islam (bid'ah), notwithstanding , Islamists ' proclaimed opposition to any such innovation. History Predecessor
  48. Christianity. The Union of Lublin and the integration of the two countries, notwithstanding , for over two centuries Lithuania continued to exist as the Grand Duchy of
  49. 27 of the 31 justices and replaced them with new members chosen by Congress, notwithstanding ,the lack of any provisions permitting impeachment of Supreme Court justices by
  50. British (out of all recognition, out of the team; cf. above); all of this, notwithstanding , out of is overall more frequent in Am Ethan in BRE (about four times as

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