Examples of the the word, distress , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distress ), is the 6125 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By jury on discrimination claims and introducing the possibility of emotional, distress ,damages, while limiting the amount that a jury could award State legislation
  2. Disorders in the United States. " Episodes of abnormality are associated with, distress ,and disruption, and an elevated risk of suicide, especially during depressive
  3. To assess the underlying problems and to minimize the risk of financial, distress ,to re-occur. It has been stressed that debt advice, a supervised rehabilitation
  4. Restore Xavier's use of his legs. Juggernaut reformed When the X-Men receive a, distress ,call from a Scottish island, they are surprised to find Juggernaut with nowhere
  5. Hearing and interfere with sleep in addition to causing psychological, distress , Diagnosis Arms can occur in various parts of the body: * brain, causing a
  6. Record brain activity from animals that are awake and behaving without causing, distress , The same techniques have occasionally been used to study brain activity in
  7. Be useful as part of the treatment of some diseases, such as acute respiratory, distress ,syndrome, protein-energy malnutrition, or preventing the liver damage produced
  8. Nephew Edward V. The boy and his younger brother soon disappeared, to the, distress ,of many, and Richard's support was further eroded by rumors of his
  9. And rock music often base their views in part on having experienced emotional, distress , " 'It seems to me,' she says as an after-thought,'that people who are most
  10. The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors" must" cause clinically significant, distress ,or impairment in social, occupational,or other important areas of functioning
  11. Medication and hallucinations and delusions should only be treated if they, distress ,the patient or produce dangerous behaviors. In addition," antipsychotics" are
  12. The ages have been its use of drugs, particularly antipsychotics, to treat, distress , Do such drugs actually target any" psychiatric condition "? Or are they
  13. Diagnosis improvement, a reduction of the stigma on mental ill-health, and more, distress ,caused by the economic crisis. Furthermore, physicians concern is that some
  14. Gained considerable territory in the Second Balkan War of 1913,causing much, distress ,in government circles in Vienna and Budapest. Some members of the government
  15. Is generally discharged from his or her debt. Many individuals in financial, distress ,own only exempt property (e.g. clothes, household goods, an older car) and
  16. Imbalances, or a reflection of individual differences in the understanding of, distress ,that may reinforce feelings of powerlessness, and emotional struggle. The
  17. Chase is fascinated by the dual nature of Batman. She is held as a damsel in, distress ,in the climax. * Chris O'Donnell as Dick Grayson / Robin: Once a circus acrobat
  18. Clients, sexologists Charles Allen Moses and Peggy Kleinplatz highlight that, distress ,can occur in BDSM patients due to stigma and discrimination surrounding BDSM
  19. Coping and problem-focused coping. Emotion-focused coping decreases emotional, distress ,through avoidance, distancing,and finding positive values in negative events.
  20. Are postponed to allow platelet counts to recover. * Gastrointestinal, distress , Nausea and vomiting are common side effects of chemotherapeutic medications
  21. And the US. The Bar along had been about from the scene, and had received a, distress ,call from the ship. Before U-27 came round Nicosia bow, Baralong hauled down
  22. Was a slow and fastidious worker, often sidetracked by indolence, emotional, distress , and illness, and it was not until 1857 that he published his first and most
  23. When treating children with autism are to lessen associated deficits and family, distress , and to increase quality of life and functional independence. No single
  24. A vampire. Oliver becomes the male equivalent of the traditional" damsel in, distress ,", being rescued by Buffy or Merrick on several occasions. However, their
  25. Of the financial and organizational structure of debtors experiencing financial, distress ,to permit the rehabilitation and continuation of their business. For
  26. Suit at law or in equity in any court of this state, with intent thereby to, distress ,or harass a defendant in the suit, or who serves or sends any paper or document
  27. Being too much of an affront to contemporary morals and as a possible source of, distress ,to Charlotte's still-living friends, father and husband. Haskell also provided
  28. For example, walking into things) than for over-responsivity (for example, distress ,from loud noises) or for sensation seeking (for example, rhythmic movements)
  29. Pain, suffering,loss of earnings or earning capacity, mental and/or emotional, distress , loss of quality of life, disfigurement and more. These damages need not be set
  30. Expressed her love and concern for Ellen and Charlotte, and seeing Charlotte's, distress , whispered to her to" take courage ". Conscious and calm, Anne died at about
  31. Is used to develop technology that could gain the upper hand in the Tine war. A, distress ,signal from the sleeper ship eventually reaches" Relay ", a major node in the
  32. Psychosis, but may be an option in the minority of cases where there is severe, distress ,or risk of physical harm to others. Some doubts have been raised about the
  33. Was called to see Anne several times during her illness, suggesting that her, distress ,was caused, at least in part, by conflict with the local Anglican clergy.
  34. Intellect a terrible disappointment to his father and this tragedy a matter of, distress ,to the mathematicians and students at Göttingen. Sadly, Minkowski — Hilbert's
  35. Used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress , social problems, and/or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for
  36. Creep back into the woods. One of his men, however,Willa, who finds great, distress ,in seeing Beowulf's plight, comes to Beowulf's aid. The two slay the dragon
  37. If the behavior, sexual urges, or fantasies cause clinically significant, distress ,or impairment in social, occupational,or other important areas of functioning
  38. As well as observed behavior. Episodes of abnormality are associated with, distress ,and disruption and an elevated risk of suicide, especially during depressive
  39. Narration, he said," O Abu Bakr, do you not get sick? Are you never tested by, distress ,and sorrow? " Abu Bakr said," No doubt, all this does happen. " Then he said
  40. Had the filmmakers made Vicki Vale a femme fatale rather than a damsel in, distress , this could have made Batman as a homage and tribute to classic film noir.
  41. Painless, without sorrow" in Sanskrit (the privatized and soda" pain, distress ,"). In his edicts, he is referred to as (Pale or" The Beloved Of The Gods "
  42. For a period of six (6) months, and either cause" clinically significant, distress ,or impairment in social, occupational,or other important areas of functioning
  43. The forequartersand from this position the animal can quickly flee. When in, distress ,the bongo emits a bleat. It uses a limited number of vocalizations, mostly
  44. In the hospital, someone stole Kemmerich's watch from him, causing him great, distress , prompting him to ask about his watch every time his friends came to visit him
  45. For three weeks. They were rescued after rebuilding a survival radio and using, distress ,flares to signal for help. Recent history The Mexican and French oceanographic
  46. The United States in Washington, DC was canceled due to Fältskog's emotional, distress ,suffered during the flight from New York to Boston, when the private plane the
  47. And that in these circumstances the role of the therapist is to" validate the, distress ,rather than to" cure" the BDSM desires. " The DSM-IVs' latest edition (
  48. Attacked Burka,accompanied by the deposed king Anand, which caused great, distress ,in the town.:" Being in great difficulty they fled to a neighboring city (ad
  49. Rejects this and suggests *crimes, which originally would have meant" cry of, distress ,". Thomas G. Tucker suggests a root in" cry" words and refers to English
  50. Give judgment ". Originally the Latin word crimes meant" charge" or" cry of, distress , " The Ancient Greek word RIMA (κρίμα),from which the Latin cognate was

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