Examples of the the word, purchasing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( purchasing ), is the 6132 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Items on the basis of chance and personal interest. Another frequent reason for, purchasing ,coins is as an investment. As with stamps, precious metals or other commodities
  2. By one estimate, it has the fourth-highest gross national income at, purchasing ,power parity in Africa, giving it a standard of living around that of Mexico
  3. Of the pool table will typically be a function of space, with many homeowners, purchasing ,a table as a compromise. High quality tables are mostly 4.5 by. (interior
  4. Wish to abide by the terms of the Sleepy cat Public License have the option of, purchasing ,another proprietary license for redistribution from Oracle Corporation. This
  5. 2004 est. ) GDP - real growth rate: 1.7 % (2005 est. ) GDP - per capita:, purchasing ,power parity - $43,800 (2004 est. ) GDP - composition by sector: agriculture:
  6. The world's seventh-largest economy by nominal GDP and the eighth largest by, purchasing ,power parity. Brazil is one of the world's fastest growing major economies.
  7. Country. By one estimate, it has the fourth-highest gross national income at, purchasing ,power parity in Africa, giving it a standard of living around that of Mexico
  8. Recently, in England, there have been plans to raise the age limit for, purchasing ,knives, including utility knives, from 16 to 18,in an effort to tackle a surge
  9. Of Brazil is the world's seventh largest by nominal GDP and eighth largest by, purchasing ,power parity. Brazil has moderately free markets and an inward-oriented economy
  10. Itself, becoming one of the fastest-growing economies in the world to a GDP (, purchasing ,power parity) per capita of about $14,800 (2010 IMF estimate). The country
  11. Income in 2010 was US$641 compared to the world average of $8,985. But, if, purchasing , power parity (PPP) is taken into account,Bangladesh's economy is the 44th
  12. Of diamonds and gold began in earnest. Several cotton companies were granted, purchasing ,monopolies over large areas of cotton production and were thus able to fix the
  13. Is a law school, a university-college and a medical school. Statistics GDP:, purchasing ,power parity - $1.939 billion (2004 est. ) GDP - real growth rate: 1.7 % (
  14. Then collectors funnel money into an ancillary aspect of the hobby, instead of, purchasing ,additional material for their collections. The two most prominent grading
  15. Others. In June 2011,BA's parent company, IAG,announced their interest in, purchasing ,BMI British Midland from their owners, the Lufthansa Group, to gain lucrative
  16. Funds for modernization. An example of bad spending plans is the large-scale, purchasing ,of transport aircraft, while the Air Force has a severe need of new fighters (
  17. International Monetary Fund with figures in millions of Bruneian Dollars. For, purchasing ,power parity comparisons, the US Dollar is exchanged at 1.52 Bruneian Dollars
  18. Countries living below $1 per day in East Asia (adjusted for inflation and, purchasing ,power). Sub-Saharan Africa, as an area that felt the consequences of poor
  19. President Juan Perón's 1946 establishment of the IAP, a state agricultural, purchasing ,and export agent. The company responded by extending its reach into the country
  20. In marketing, coupon codes can be used for a financial discount or rebate when, purchasing ,a product from an internet retailer. In military environments, specific sounds
  21. To reach the Bands, the expedition remained in Band for about one month, purchasing ,and filling their ships with Banda's nutmeg and mace, and with cloves in which
  22. School of forces kind of Baku * Carrying out of the material and technical, purchasing ,* Development of the 5th Army Corps also known as Nakhchivan Army Corps in
  23. Declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their, purchasing ,power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods
  24. Product of Azerbaijan at market prices with figures in millions of Mantas. For, purchasing ,power parity comparisons, the US dollar was exchanged at 1,565.88 Mantas only.
  25. Forces, including Egypt. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has requested the, purchasing ,of SL-AMRAAM as part of a larger 7 billion dollar foreign military sales
  26. a billion (28th in the world and third in South America). Adjusted for, purchasing ,power parity, GDP per capita stands at $6,273,placing Colombia 82nd in the
  27. And currencies, on a grand scale, tend to change exchange rates until the, purchasing ,power is equal. In reality, of course, one must consider taxes and the costs of
  28. Willie Walsh stated that this purchase did not indicate that they had ruled out, purchasing ,the Airbus A350 for their fleet renewal program and" that the airline
  29. A ledger that goes hand in hand with the Accounts Payable account. This is the, purchasing ,transaction a company does. *General ledger representing the original 5 main
  30. Motherboards destined for the A500+. Many users were unaware that they were, purchasing ,anything other than a standard Amiga 500. Although the Amiga 500+ was an
  31. Brunei is ranked 4th in the world by gross domestic product per capita at, purchasing ,power parity. Etymology According to legend, Brunei was founded by Wang Alan
  32. Entirely new league and decided to contact the others who had shown interest in, purchasing ,the Cardinals. He contacted Adams, Howsam, and Winter (as well as Winter's
  33. In prices in the different markets. Arbitrage moves different currencies toward, purchasing ,power parity. As an example, assume that a car purchased in the United States
  34. Nominal GDP of all continents, after Europe, but the largest when measured in, purchasing ,power parity. As of 2010,the largest economies in Asia are the People's
  35. Be held back by the current financial difficulties in East Asia. Numbers GDP:, purchasing ,power parity - $575.3 million (2007 est. ) country comparison to the world:
  36. Media In December 2005,team owner Time Warner, who inherited the Braves after, purchasing ,TBS in 1996,announced it was placing the team for sale. Liberty Media began
  37. Factor is that of origin-destination control (" O&D control" ). Someone, purchasing ,a ticket from Melbourne to Sydney (as an example) for AU$200 is competing
  38. Services in demand, as the real value of each monetary unit is eroded, loses, purchasing , power and thus buys fewer goods and services. Given that all major economies
  39. Rate: 3 % (2003) country comparison to the world: 139 GDP - per capita:, purchasing ,power parity - $8,000 (2007 est. ) country comparison to the world: 120 GDP -
  40. Antagonist used in neuroscience research * Big Mac Index, a measurement of, purchasing ,power parity across different countries, popularized by The Economist * Body
  41. Problems for supposedly attempting to falsely convince consumers they were, purchasing ,rum made in Cuba rather than just marking its heritage. Bacardi adverts in
  42. Steele Hall approved many parts of the plan and the government went as far as, purchasing ,land for the project. The later government elected under Don Duns tan shelved
  43. Tourist, or non-commercial, rate was PCs 10.5 per US$1. Neither rate reflected, purchasing ,power. The exchange rate on the black market was around PCs 30 per US$1,which
  44. Features include access to the iTunes Store to rent movies and TV shows (, purchasing ,has been discontinued),streaming from internet video sources, including
  45. Each to 120,000 veterans in the colonies, and spent 700 million sentences in, purchasing ,land for his soldiers to settle upon. In 28 BC, he melted down 80 silver
  46. S second-largest economy, after the United States, by both nominal GDP and, purchasing ,power parity (PPP). On per capita terms, however,China ranked only 91st by
  47. Years later, Purcell would give the Herald a suburban presence it never had by, purchasing ,the money-losing Community Newspaper Company from Fidelity Investments.
  48. In the process of adopting new labor and investment codes. Statistics GDP:, purchasing ,power parity - $3.007 billion (2007 est. ) GDP - real growth rate: 4 % (2007
  49. With a population of 3.2 million, this amounts to a GDP per capita of $2,676 (, purchasing ,power parity $5,178). Growth After a decade of double-digit growth,Armenia's
  50. By the International Monetary Fund with figures in millions of CFA Francs. For, purchasing ,power parity comparisons, the US Dollar is exchanged at 470.70 CFA Francs only.

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