Examples of the the word, coherent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coherent ), is the 6134 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The one who has been most keen on connecting the various stories into a, coherent ,universe and chronology, considers (with few exceptions) all Barks' duck
  2. S The Outline of Mythology (1913) which inspired Howard to" coalesce into a, coherent ,whole his literary aspirations and the strong physical, autobiographical
  3. The striking feature of the blitzkrieg concept is the complete absence of a, coherent ,theory which should have served as the general cognitive basis for the actual
  4. The Future) the disparate stories thrown together generally made for a less, coherent ,plot. One of van Vogt's best-known novels of this period is San, which was
  5. On. Academics since the 1970s have questioned the existence of blitzkrieg as a, coherent ,military doctrine or strategy. Many academic historians hold the idea that the
  6. While some events have none, others have a policy in order to create a more, coherent ,atmosphere and to prevent voyeurs from taking part. At these parties, BDSM can
  7. And have authority beyond the socially mediated. It is, for example, perfectly, coherent , for someone like William Wilberforce to say" slavery may be approved of by
  8. Come from its opponents, is simply that the anti-globalization movement lacks, coherent ,goals, and that the views of different protesters are often in opposition to
  9. Formed the basis of the science of mathematics. These theories were built on a, coherent ,building of argument from assumed or accepted beginnings. Etymology The
  10. Revealed his genius was in designing the field force and Burns to be parts of a, coherent ,military system. Neither Alfred's reformed Ford nor his Burns alone would have
  11. So should we impoverish ourselves and enrich them. " Similarly a systematic and, coherent ,explanation of balance of trade was made public through Thomas Mun's c1630 "
  12. To" last, the best hope for victory" by season three. The series consists of a, coherent ,five-year story arc taking place over five seasons of 22 episodes each. Unlike
  13. His initial cut-up experiment: unedited and unchanged cut-ups which emerged as, coherent ,and meaningful prose. South African poet Sinclair Bales also used this
  14. And a supernatural element added. Conan's chronologies In an attempt to provide a, coherent ,timeline which fit the numerous adventures of Conan penned by Robert E. Howard
  15. The diverse and sometimes conflicting creation myths and stories into a, coherent ,system. These various conceptions of divinity were not considered contradictory
  16. Parts as does a mechanical mouse. A laser mouse is an optical mouse that uses, coherent ,(laser) light. Inertial and gyroscopic mice Often called" air mice" since
  17. Felt murky and undernourished when it opened back in December. Now,a, coherent ,whole has emerged ... With everybody firing on all cylinders,Nunn's spare
  18. Being replaced by His kingdom. Across the entire book, each chapter forms a, coherent ,unit, with a concluding unit of three final chapters (10-12). Aramaic
  19. In the movie Titan A. E., an alien race called the Drew were composed of a, coherent ,plasma. * In the movie The Monolith Monsters, a silicon meteor reproduces
  20. And marble seahorses emerging from the water. The whole gives nevertheless a, coherent ,impression. The fountain served as an example for future fountain-makers. Other
  21. Sixty years using local red sandstone, but gives the impression of a single, coherent , mainly 'Early English' architectural design, though the round-arched
  22. There has been a great deal of debate about whether blitzkrieg existed as a, coherent ,military strategy. Many historians now hold the position that blitzkrieg was
  23. Loneliness ... are essential to Kurosawa heroism and make of Duke the first, coherent ,... example. " This" existential loneliness" is also exemplified by Dr.
  24. Was not completed before his death. It was to have been a sustained and, coherent ,examination and defense of the Christian faith, with the original title
  25. CARTA was a work of great importance in Sardinia history. It was an organic, coherent , and systematic work of legislation encompassing the civil and penal law.
  26. As symmetric multiprocessing (SMP),where a few CPUs share a, coherent ,view of their memory system. In this scheme, each CPU has additional hardware
  27. The main structures of a categorical Galois theory. As a framework for his, coherent ,duality theory he also introduced derived categories, which were further
  28. Synchronized. This physical property is used to make lasers, which can emit a, coherent ,beam of light energy in a narrow frequency band.
  29. Talent was to incorporate this episodic writing style but still end up with a, coherent ,novel at the end. The monthly numbers were illustrated by, amongst others,"
  30. Had been won against candidates from both parties and none of these formed a, coherent ,area of Liberal survival. The party seemed finished and during this period some
  31. Approximately 23 % of the population of Denmark and is the second-largest, coherent ,urban area after the Copenhagen metropolitan area. Name The city was mentioned
  32. Classification. However, zone S (Southern Bantu) does appear to be a, coherent ,group. The languages which share Dahl's Law may also form a valid group
  33. Use data from such different sources, the problem of integrating them into a, coherent ,argument has been a long-term issue for archaeoastronomy. Archaeoastronomy
  34. Helped bring together evolutionary biology and genetics into a consistent, coherent ,whole that could begin to be quantitatively modeled. In parallel to this
  35. And New Testament references At the time of Jesus, there was no single, coherent ,form or order within Judaism, and significant political, social and religious
  36. Was the relative version of Serre's theorem showing that the cohomology of a, coherent ,sheaf on a complete variety is finite dimensional; Grothendieck's theorem
  37. With our own, the role of sexuality in the supernatural and the construction of, coherent , complex and detailed universes. Barker has referred to this style as" dark
  38. Shows that the higher direct images of coherent sheaves under a proper map are, coherent ,; this reduces to Serre's theorem over a one-point space. In 1956,he applied
  39. Figure of Lloyd George returned to the leadership and began a drive to produce, coherent ,policies on many key issues of the day. In the 1929 general election he made a
  40. Century BCE, selecting,editing and composing of his sources to produce a, coherent ,work. Frank Moore Cross later proposed that an early version of the history was
  41. Because member states did not accept a change in the rules; they were not, coherent ,". Support for the Regulation There is support for the Community patent from
  42. Occupy about the bottom quarter of the page, and are unusually extensive and, coherent ,in this work. In fact the bestiary has been expanded beyond the source in the
  43. Desire division from the Ottoman Empire. The Albanian national awakening as a, coherent ,political movement began after the Treaty of San Stefano, according to which
  44. By Hermann Bauer, Lutheran pastor and local historian, evaluated this as not, coherent ,and exaggerated, but it is beyond question that the city church and buildings
  45. An evolutionary-biological perspective, the function of the brain is to provide, coherent ,control over the actions of an animal. A centralized brain allows groups of
  46. Chinese. China (including its internal vassals/tributaries) is viewed as a, coherent ,state formed since time immemorial and exists as one legal entity even in
  47. Novelty in this opera was" Du baroque ", complaining that the music lacked, coherent ,melody, was filled with unremitting dissonances, constantly changed key and
  48. Material is ejected close to the rim at low velocities to form an overturned, coherent ,flap of eject immediately outside the rim. As eject escapes from the growing
  49. No means mutually exclusive and are often combined to form a more complete and, coherent ,interpretation of prophetic passages. Most interpretations fit into one, or a
  50. Dimensional; Grothendieck's theorem shows that the higher direct images of, coherent ,sheaves under a proper map are coherent ; this reduces to Serre's theorem over

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