Examples of the the word, clone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clone ), is the 6133 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. American schools, offered what appeared at first glance to be an Apple II Plus, clone ,in a distinctive black plastic case. However, these were in fact real Apple II
  2. Track-to-track delay is on the order of. The default capacity is. Many, clone ,drives were available, and products such as Weasel makes it possible to read
  3. Duke Henry, Ash successfully leads the Medieval soldiers to defeat his Dead ite, clone , Evil Ash, and his Dead ite Army, and save Sheila. After this, he is brought
  4. On September 21, 2010 and internationally on September 24, 2010. An open source, clone ,of Civilization has been developed under the name of Freebie, with the slogan "
  5. Was base with no Windows version ready. Bowland had an internal project to, clone ,base which was intended to run on Windows and was part of the strategy of the
  6. Lua has Rocks, Haskell has Hackage and an associated installer/make, clone ,cabal; but none of these are as large as the CAN. Other major languages, such
  7. Or 32 IRIS 8 computers connected in local network administrated by IRIS 16 PC, clone , The number of IRIS 8's produced could be as many as a couple of tens of
  8. With Cyrillic support. Basis, a German company, created the Basis 108,a, clone ,for the Apple II that included both a 6502 processor and the Pilot Z80
  9. For fabricating data in his research. Snappy, nonetheless,was a genuine, clone , and thus the first clone d dog in history. In the BBC Three Sitcom Mongrels the
  10. One new feature it had was a numeric keypad. Although not technically a, clone , Qua dram produced an add-in ISA card, called the Quad link, that provided
  11. Was the first extinct animal (extinct 2000) to be clone d back to life; the, clone ,lived for seven minutes before dying of lung defects. * | date April 14, 2009 |
  12. Since all the shoots and branches coming from the graft are genetically a, clone ,of a single individual, but this particular kind of cloning has not come under
  13. Horse-family clone . *, a Harbinger female born 28 May 2003,was the first horse, clone , * Water Buffalo: Sambuca was the first clone d water buffalo. It was born on
  14. In the horticultural world for hundreds of years. Horticultural The term, clone ,is used in horticulture to refer to descendants of a single plant which were
  15. Machines were sold off to discounters for ever-lower prices. Soon many of the, clone ,companies were out of business, and both Fair child and Atari Inc. were selling
  16. II graphics, provided they had the Warcraft II CD. The programmers of the, clone ,shut down their site without challenge. Soon after that the developers
  17. On a programmable FPGA Alter chip on the board. The Tatami is the second Amiga, clone ,project after the Minimum motherboard, and its history is very similar to that
  18. Software was hit-or-miss. Apple also challenged VTech's Laser 128,an enhanced, clone ,of the Apple IIC first released in 1984,in court. This suit proved less
  19. To many that the techniques used to produce her could someday be used to, clone ,human beings. This stirred a lot of controversy because of its ethical
  20. Commercial reasons *, a john mule born 4 May 2003,was the first horse-family, clone , *, a Harbinger female born 28 May 2003,was the first horse clone . * Water
  21. 25 display. This dual-architecture capability only existed on one other TRS-80, clone , the LOGO Max-80. With a special configuration tool, the CT-80 could
  22. Integer BASIC as" Game BASIC," having written it, so he could write a Breakout, clone ,for his new computer, few action games were written in Apple soft BASIC for
  23. Microsoft launched the competing database Microsoft Access and bought the base, clone ,FoxPro in 1992,undercutting Borland's prices. During the early 1990s Bowland
  24. Bioethicist Gregory Pence also attacks the idea of criminalizing attempts to, clone ,humans. The social implications of an artificial human production scheme were
  25. Infrared measurements for metabolic activity determination * inferring, clone ,overlaps in DNA mapping,e.g. the Sultan score Structural Bioinformatic
  26. And the Stylus (Apple Newton-style palmtop). Clones * GE-Soft Eagle, TT, clone , but with 32 MHz system bus
  27. Sell imported home computers like the TRS-80,the Video Genie, ( another TRS-80, clone , ),the Luxor ABC 80 and the Apple II. They also sold the exotic Olivetti M20,a
  28. Room designed versions of Intel code. In 1991,AMD released the Am386,its, clone ,of the Intel 386 processor. It took less than a year for the company to sell a
  29. It was used to run BASIC. Emulators, clone s,and replicas A software-compatible, clone ,of the Apple I (Replica 1) produced using modern components, was released in
  30. Architect from the start until version 5.5. MINI In 1987,Tenenbaum wrote a, clone ,of UNIX, called MINI (MIni-uNIX),for the IBM PC. It was targeted at
  31. Then to humans, a form of xenotransplantation. The first hybrid human, clone ,was created in November 1998,by Advanced Cell Technologies. It was created
  32. The term entered the popular lexicon in a more general context, the spelling, clone ,has been used exclusively. In the United States, the human consumption of meat
  33. The same after adding or removing non-winning candidates? * Independence of, clone ,candidates—Is the outcome the same if candidates identical to existing
  34. Of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software. The term, clone ,is derived from the Ancient Greek word, the spelling clan was used until the
  35. Case characters, toggled with a TO keystroke. An unknown company produced a, clone ,called the RX-8800. One new feature it had was a numeric keypad. Although not
  36. Well known in the Soviet Bloc were the Agar, an oversized Russian Apple II, clone ,with a Cyrillic character set, and Bulgarian Privet series 8,a close Apple II
  37. Copy (s, t ), that puts instance s in a state equivalent to that of t; *, clone ,(t),that performs s ← new (), copy (s, t ), and returns s; * free (s) or
  38. Not readily grow in standard media. A useful tissue culture technique used to, clone ,distinct lineages of cell lines involves the use of cloning rings (cylinders)
  39. RAM chip business in 1975. That same year, it introduced a reverse-engineered, clone ,of the Intel 8080 microprocessor. During this period, AMD also designed and
  40. That the Spider-Man who had appeared in the previous 20 years of comics was a, clone ,of the real Spider-Man. This plot twist was massively unpopular with many
  41. Could be as many as a couple of tens of thousands. An Australian-produced, clone ,of the Apple II was the Med fly, named after the Mediterranean fruit fly that
  42. Sysco 2 Inc (from Carson City, NV ) created the Sysco 2 Apple +, clone , The case looked nearly identical. They had 48 k RAM and the normal expansion
  43. A rather literal German translation of the English" microcomputer" ) is a, clone ,of the Amstrad CPC built by East Germany's VEB Microelectronic Munchhausen in
  44. That his team of researchers had become the first team to successfully, clone ,a dog, an Afghan Hound named Snappy. In 2006 Hwang Woods was dismissed from
  45. And the original" Clone Saga ", containing the introduction of Spider-Man's, clone , in #147-149 (Aug. -Oct. 1975). Archie Goodwin and Gil Kane produced the
  46. Blizzard issued a cease and desist letter to the developers of an open source, clone ,of the Warcraft engine called Free Craft, claiming trademark infringement. This
  47. Revealed that the body left behind at the end of Final Crisis #6 was actually a, clone ,created from a failed attempt by Daresay to amass an army of" Batmen ".
  48. Hardware project began in 2005 with the aim of designing and building an Amiga, clone ,motherboard that is enhanced with modern features. The Tatami motherboard is a
  49. On the operating system, because he believed that other hardware vendors would, clone ,IBM's system. They did, and the sales of MS-DOS made Microsoft a major player
  50. And a built-in disk controller. Unitron, a Brazilian company, produced another, clone , named APII. Unitron used a copy of the Apple's ROM translated to Portuguese.

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