Examples of the the word, organisation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( organisation ), is the 6123 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the Environment) in Sweden. She accepted and became chairwoman for this, organisation , from 1992 to 1995. To mark her interests in the environment, she recorded the
  2. In 1937,the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship emerged as a distinct reform, organisation , seeking to make pacifism a clearly defined part of Anglican theology. The
  3. Broadcasts for BBC radio, founded the Peace Pledge Union a secular pacifist, organisation , for the non-religious that gained considerable support throughout the 1930s.
  4. Maximilian von Montreal wrote an elaborate concept for the future political, organisation , of Bavaria, which is known as the "
  5. Nestor Making, concluded that anarchists needed to develop new forms of, organisation , in response to the structures of Bolshevism. Their 1926 manifesto, called the
  6. Minority in Serbia. *Association of Teachers of Mathematics, UK teacher, organisation , *Agenda Transport Milanese, public company responsible for public
  7. Association of British Counties, an advocacy group * Anti-Bases Campaign,an, organisation , campaigning to remove foreign military bases and intelligence installations
  8. By its parliament on 28 March 2008. Furthermore, the CST is an observer, organisation , at the United Nations General Assembly. The charter reaffirmed the desire of
  9. Perform with any partner they might meet. Here the huge Arthur Murray, organisation , in America, and the dance societies in England, such as the Imperial Society of
  10. However, a schism had developed in the Golden Dawn, with MacGregor Mather's,the, organisation , 's leader, being ousted by a group of members who were unhappy with his
  11. 1992,Gangsta was asked and chosen to be the chairperson for the environmental, organisation ," Artistes for Milton" ( Artists for the Environment) in Sweden. She accepted
  12. Shocks the Theosophy movement by dissolving the Order of the Star,the, organisation , built to support him. *1934 – Adolf Hitler becomes the supreme leader of
  13. The effects of the budget reductions had been so badly handled that the, organisation , was to remain seriously crippled for years. " 1980s–90s The Australian
  14. Fundraiser for Women in Recovery, Inc., a Venice, California-based non-profit, organisation , offering rehabilitation assistance to women in recovery from substance abuse.
  15. On environmental and ecological issues. Her environmental work for this, organisation , led up to the decision to record again. DUP Andean (Deep Breaths) was
  16. Council. Conferences The Anglican Communion has no international juridical, organisation , All international bodies are consultative and collaborative, and their
  17. Be assassinated in public by the Narodnaya Volga (People's Will) terrorist, organisation , His education as a future Tsar was carried out under the supervision of the
  18. 1911 Forget all the past differences among Africans and unite in one national, organisation , The ANC was founded in the subsequent year on 8 January 1912. The government
  19. N196,winds southeast to Bonifacio. Local buses The local public transport, organisation , Transports en Common d'Ajaccio (Ajaccio public transport) provides 8 urban
  20. His friend, the British publicist William T. Stead, asked him to create a new, organisation , for the goal of a peace and arbitration society, his reply was as such:
  21. Of state economic issues, claiming that it is not" an objective media, organisation ,". A number of former journalists and presenters have moved from positions at
  22. The trade barriers put up by rich nations and poor nations alike. The WTO is an, organisation , set up to work towards removing those trade barriers. Therefore, it is argued
  23. Societal Interamericana de Astronomía en la Cultural, primarily a Latin American, organisation , which was founded in 2003. Additionally, the Journal for the History of
  24. Tashkent Treaty). Nikolai Bordyuzha was appointed secretary general of the new, organisation , On 23 June 2006,Uzbekistan became a full participant in the CST and its
  25. Party, but it was some years before there was any significant structure or, organisation , at a national level. The ALP during its early years was distinguished by its
  26. Quite curious, was the maintenance of the internal comma in a British, organisation , of secret agents called the" Special Operations, Executive " —" S. O., E" —
  27. Support. Since 1994 the Australian Army has maintained a presence within the, organisation , Currently, 25 personnel rotate twice a year, being employed in key HQ
  28. 1974,becoming part of the borough of Selwyn, Gwent. Further local government, organisation , in 1996 placed the area in the county borough of Caerphilly. The former urban
  29. Label for a movement that seems to target the West ". " There is no umbrella, organisation , We like to create a mythical entity called al-Qaeda in our minds, but that is
  30. To initiate, inhibit,sustain, and switch attention and is involved in the, organisation , of complex tasks down to smaller components. Often patients with such changes
  31. Folkish branch became the Ásatrú Alliance (AA). McAllen re-founded his own, organisation , as the Ásatrú Folk Assembly (AFA) in 1994. In 1997,the Britain based Odinic
  32. With the services in the Book of Common Prayer, under the leadership and, organisation , of a continuing episcopate; and over the years these traditions themselves came
  33. Various themes were treated during the Congress, in particular concerning the, organisation , of the anarchist movement, popular education issues, the general strike or
  34. With the Government Code and Cypher School (GCCS),the British code breaking, organisation , He worked on the problem of the German Enigma machine, and collaborated with
  35. For Ethics in International Affairs, an independent, nonpartisan,nonprofit, organisation , whose mission is to be the voice for ethics in international affairs. The
  36. As mentioned above, the Anglican Communion has no international juridical, organisation , The Archbishop of Canterbury's role is strictly symbolic and unifying and the
  37. Pavement load imposed by an aircraft * Anglican Communion Network, a missionary, organisation , based in Pittsburgh, USA * Ante Chris tum Datum, the Latin equivalent of B. C.
  38. Maritime Academy, no common media and no single large cultural or scientific, organisation , in which both main communities are represented. The forces that once held the
  39. That spans almost four hundred years. There is no comparable site in which the, organisation , social interactions, working and living conditions of a community can be
  40. Sector is the St. Francis Vocational Training Center, run by a Catholic youth, organisation , Culture and sightseeing Theatre In 2008,a former goods shed by the main
  41. A Fight for Right campaign meeting in London's Queen's Hall. The aims of this, organisation , were " to brace the spirit of the nation, that the people of Great Britain
  42. Arising from the sexual intercourse of a man and a woman * Affinity (Christian, organisation , ),formerly known as the British Evangelical Council * Affinity group - small
  43. Anniversary in 1997,when David J. Wright, noticed that a Nebraska nonprofit, organisation , called the National Arbor Day Foundation had taken the name of the holiday and
  44. Government for the ABC's funding submission for the 2009/10 budget, saying the, organisation , had been underfunded for many years. Politics and criticism The ABC has often
  45. Sections. Anarchist communism proposes that the freest form of social, organisation , would be a society composed of self-managing communes with collective use of
  46. Which they offered to the invaders was neither worthy of the efficient military, organisation , of the Atoms nor of the reputation which they acquired by repeated success in
  47. The ANC) proposed cooperation with the Communists in a bid to revitalize the, organisation , but he was voted out of power in the 1930s. This led to the ANC becoming
  48. Of the United Kingdom, both of which are honorary offices. Function and, organisation , History The office of Admiral of England (or Lord Admiral and later Lord High
  49. And led to undreamed of changes in the amount of artillery, its tactics, organisation , and techniques most of which occurred during World War I. To quote McCauley, By
  50. The truce agreed at the conclusion of the first Arab/Israeli War. Current, organisation , The 1st Division takes responsibility for the majority of the regular army

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