Examples of the the word, vicious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vicious ), is the 7808 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And individual resources are all needed if people are to break out of the, vicious ,circle of chronic hunger and undernourishment. Each of FAO’s Goodwill
  2. It before the determination of profit rate (thus trapped in a logical, vicious ,circle). This was a second round of the Cambridge capital controversy, this
  3. Reduced. This is also part of the vicious circle of hyperinflation. Once the, vicious ,circle of hyperinflation has been ignited, dramatic policy means are almost
  4. Banks came up with his second most famous save when spectacularly palming a, vicious ,penalty from his England team-mate Hurst over the crossbar as Stoke defeated
  5. And the debates that it spawned in Britain. In a lively and sometimes, vicious ,pamphlet war, now referred to as the Revolution Controversy, British political
  6. Bombing of Guernica by the German Luftwaffe, Alicante was the target of some, vicious ,air bombings during the three years of civil conflict, most remarkably the
  7. Both countries along with the two communities of the island are engages into a, vicious ,cycle of negotiations which led to little. In 2004 the Anna Plan for Cyprus
  8. Communicative, social and helpful. However, they can also be cold, superficial, vicious , and very insensitive to other people's emotions. Ceremonial magic The Hermetic
  9. Chasing too few goods" formulation is also reduced. This is also part of the, vicious ,circle of hyperinflation. Once the vicious circle of hyperinflation has been
  10. Is also one that has this systematic ambiguity. Terms of this kind give rise to, vicious ,circle fallacies. Other terms with this type of ambiguity are: falsifiable
  11. Description of Cortés's personality and a tendency to describe him as either a, vicious ,and ruthless person or a noble and honorable cavalier. Representations in
  12. And seven young women every nine years to Crete to be fed to the Minotaur,a, vicious ,monster. This continued until Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of
  13. This in turn brought with it further discontent within the population. Thus, a, vicious ,downward spiral commenced. Although many whites had left Zimbabwe after
  14. To Ireland. Under the notorious Gregory clause, described by Donnelly as a ", vicious ,amendment to the Irish poor law, named after William H. Gregory’M. P. and
  15. Acknowledge the distinction between knowledge that and knowledge how leads to, vicious ,regresses. In recent times, some epistemologists (Sosa, Greco, Kvanvig
  16. And found that except one animal, they remained shy and, vicious ,even after 10 months. A whole may have been presented as a gift to Ibbi-Sin as
  17. Be transported into orbit at minimal cost. Even the simplest designs avoid the, vicious ,circle of rocket launches from the surface, the difficulty that: the fuel
  18. Viceroy Rodolfo Grazing with a number of grenades. Italian authorities exact, vicious ,reprisals on the population. *1942 – World War II: nearly 250 Japanese
  19. Nevertheless, the old and the new men of the foreign legion fought and died in, vicious ,battles on the Western front, including Belloy-en-Santerre during the Battle of
  20. In a magazine article, he decried rock and roll as" brutal, ugly,degenerate, vicious , ... It fosters almost totally negative and destructive reactions in young
  21. Of What Happens to America, on May 10, 2011. In 2011,Brooks costarred as a, vicious ,gangster heavy in the motion picture Drive, alongside Ryan Gosling and Carey
  22. Standards whose breadth made excessive collection inevitable. Unsavory and, vicious ,tactics have been employed -- including anonymous attempts to break up
  23. Lived with the Marquesas Types (Taipei),rumored to have been the most, vicious ,of the island group's cannibal tribes, but also may have witnessed evidence of
  24. Troops. The South Dublin Union was a large complex of buildings and there was, vicious ,fighting around and inside the buildings. Cathay Brought, a rebel officer
  25. Uganda ... created a military base to train the young men to fight against the, vicious , arrogant, brutal,terrorizing Soviet empire ... So this place was called" The
  26. Letters were popular as a literary work. Pascal's use of humor, mockery,and, vicious ,satire in his arguments made the letters ripe for public consumption, and
  27. It before the determination of profit rate (thus trapped in a logical, vicious ,circle). This was a second round of the Cambridge capital controversy, this
  28. Edify or debauch an ignorant electorate at will. Thus, our democracy moves in a, vicious ,circle of reciprocal worthiness and unworthiness. " Shaw had previously
  29. The mujahideen's victory did not lead to justice and prosperity but to a, vicious ,and destructive civil war between warlords, making Afghanistan one of the
  30. Achilles' father Pele us),at the same time as Achilles. He was described as, vicious , fearless, strong and powerful but also with a very high level of combat
  31. Tobacco and Firearms as" jack-booted thugs ". He called the NRA letter a ", vicious ,slander on good people. " Judicial appointments Supreme Court Bush appointed
  32. Godzilla has the advantage at first, eventually knocking Kong down with a, vicious ,drop-kick, and battering the gorilla unconscious with powerful tail attacks to
  33. Centred upon private property, are in themselves good, and are rendered, vicious ,merely by the interference of the State. " Even among the 19th century American
  34. Who looks like a sort of scorpion-human centaur. They are described as stupid, vicious ,and live in violent matriarchies with a religious emphasis on devouring. Ducks
  35. Still say that the difference is not worth the cost. Sadly, the situation is a, vicious ,circle: because there's no room for better artwork, the comics are simply
  36. Although this sort of definition involves a form of circularity, it is not, vicious , and the definition has been quite successful. Working definitions A working
  37. Of terms such as" definable" or" nameable ". Terms of this kind give rise to, vicious ,circle fallacies. Other terms with this type of ambiguity are: falsifiable
  38. The general price level could rise by 5 or 10 % or even much more every day. A, vicious ,circle is created in which more and more inflation is created with each
  39. Was fatally linked during the eighteenth century to the unrestrained and, vicious ,exercise of her sexuality. " Republicanism Claudia Johnson, a prominent
  40. Hour of decision but attacked quickly, using a massive series of short, rapid, vicious , charges against the length of the whole Roman line, with charging units
  41. Then any other to correctness. Religious conflict Europe had been plagued by, vicious ,sectarian conflicts and religious wars since the beginning of the Reformation.
  42. Northern plutocrats pulling the strings achieved their aim: the imposition of a, vicious ,protectionism that led ultimately" to the regime of trusts and produced the
  43. With honeybees to extend his work to animals. He produced a hybrid strain (so, vicious ,they were destroyed),but failed to generate a clear picture of their heredity
  44. War. Hollies could also alternatively carry the curved kepis, a particularly, vicious ,hacking weapon. Spartan hollies were often depicted using a kepis, instead of
  45. A. Instead, Hitler chose to sacrifice many of his most experienced troops in, vicious ,street fighting among urban rubble, which favored the defenders and gave the
  46. Assuming the name of Captain Cl egg (taking the name" Cl egg" from a certain, vicious ,biting fly he had encountered in America),hijacking his enemy Tappitt's own
  47. Journalist Patrick Brogan reported:" Even the Shiites of Iraq preferred the, vicious ,tyranny of Saddam Hussein, Sunni though he was, to the Ayatollah's Shiite
  48. To become the Channel F. However, both systems were now in the midst of a, vicious ,round of price-cutting: Pong clones that had been made obsolete by these newer
  49. Include ghosts, torture,gore, werewolves,ancient curses, satanism,demons, vicious ,animals, vampires,cannibals, haunted houses, zombies and serial killers.
  50. River she had to cross to enter the field. He told her the sheep were mean and, vicious ,and would kill her, but if she waited until noontime, the sheep would go into

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