Examples of the the word, vibrant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vibrant ), is the 7913 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stanton Beckett. The design of BPC to some degree reflects the values of, vibrant ,city neighborhoods championed by Jane Jacobs. The Urban Land Institute (UPI)
  2. Nightlife and festivals Berlin's nightlife is one of the most diverse and, vibrant ,of its kind in Europe. Throughout the 1990s,people in their twenties from many
  3. Anus. So when hip hop came to Europe in the early 1980s there already was a, vibrant ,graffiti culture. The student protests and general strike of May 1968 saw Paris
  4. Bassoon can sound flat and woody, but good players succeed in producing a, vibrant , singing tone. Conversely, a poorly played Buffet can sound buzzy and nasal
  5. In a dedicated online journal. Music and festivals Cornwall has a rich and, vibrant ,folk music tradition which has survived into the present and is well known for
  6. Flourishes. Additionally, the musics of ethnically Celtic peoples abroad are, vibrant , especially in Canada and the United States. Divisions In Celtic Music: A
  7. Sealant for the bridge. Many locals persuaded Morrow to paint the bridge in the, vibrant ,orange color instead of the standard silver or gray, and the color has been
  8. Eastern or mountain bongo’T. Eurycerus Isaac, of Kenya has a coat even more, vibrant ,than that of T. eurycerus. The mountain bongo is only found in the
  9. Austin 31st most walkable of fifty largest U. S. cities. Pedicabs Austin has a, vibrant ,and large pedicab community of bicycle taxis that operate downtown during the
  10. Inner suburbs and nationally acclaimed restaurants and cafés, as well as its, vibrant ,music and nightlife culture. Tourists also come to visit the massive weekly
  11. At work and play, using a new optimistic style—broad, loose brushstrokes of, vibrant ,color with frequent use of white space and rare use of black—with only
  12. Was given the title El Cid (The Master) and served as a leading figure in a, vibrant ,Moorish force consisting of Maladies, Berbers,Arabs and Malians. O'Callaghan
  13. Universities. Cologne is a major cultural center of the Rhineland and has a, vibrant ,arts scene. Cologne is home to more than 30 museums and hundreds of galleries.
  14. Julian Burden describes Puccini as a gifted and original composer, noting the, vibrant ,innovation hidden in the popularity of works such as" Che Gelid Manila. " He
  15. And to" Brazil's chronic poverty," as the main engines that" have fuelled a, vibrant ,graffiti culture. " Their artistic success and involvement in commercial design
  16. Djibouti's main advantages have been its strategic position. It has a, vibrant ,port in a region of large land-locked country. Since the Ethiopian-Eritrean
  17. War and also to the 137 people killed on Black January. Nightlife Baku boasts a, vibrant ,nightlife. Many clubs that are open until dawn can be found throughout the city
  18. Correct, will further support the idea that Pre-Contact Chamorros lived in a, vibrant ,and dynamic environment. The Spanish era Magellan's first encounter with Guam
  19. Record of her personal life, but it is an invaluable source for understanding a, vibrant ,part of British society in the late 19th century. It describes Potter’s
  20. An audience of British soldiers about the pilgrims of Chaucer's time and the, vibrant ,history of England. Pier Paolo Pasolini's 1972 film The Canterbury Tales
  21. Directors include Buddha Disrupt and Apart Sen. Dhaka also has a, vibrant ,commercial industry and more recently has been home to critically acclaimed
  22. Showers of Blessings Church in Gainesville, Florida and kept in tune with the, vibrant ,spirit of BO Diddley's life and career. The many in attendance chanted" Hey
  23. Had about 40,000 population, but Lyon had a powerful banking community and a, vibrant ,culture. Bordeaux was next with only 20,000 population in 1500. About 97 % of
  24. So my artists and I have taken a different tack, and we want to show the cool, vibrant ,side of Gotham, the energy and excitement that would draw people to live and
  25. Courtesan in the house of Locus. *Vibrate: (Latin for" Vibrant" ) A wild, vibrant ,courtesan in the house of Locus. *Geminate: (Latin for" Twins" ) Twin
  26. Moving people and goods efficiently, safely,and in a manner conducive to a, vibrant ,community. This involves specifying, designing,constructing, and maintaining
  27. To host the World Design Capital in 2014 ”. Entertainment Dublin has a, vibrant ,nightlife and is reputedly one of Europe's the most youthful cities, with an
  28. Have their own theater at Leidseplein. Nightlife Amsterdam is famous for its, vibrant ,and diverse nightlife. The two main nightlife areas are the Leidseplein and the
  29. Writings made a significant contribution to German mysticism, which became, vibrant ,in the minds of the Beguines and women such as Hildegard of Binge and
  30. Foreign countries, and many foreign merchants settled in China, boosting a, vibrant ,cosmopolitan culture. The Tang culture and social systems were admired and
  31. S official slogan is The Live Music Capital of the World, the city has a, vibrant ,live music scene with more music venues per capita than any other U. S. city.
  32. Museums and cultural centers. Ainu people living in Tokyo have also developed a, vibrant ,political and cultural community. Current affairs Litigation On March 27, 1997
  33. And an array of other social and health indicators. In the 1950s,Cuba had a, vibrant ,but extremely unequal economy, with large capital outflows to foreign investors
  34. The pubs, mainly those of Waterloo Street. Other attractions include museums,a, vibrant ,shopping center and trips to the Giant's Causeway, which is approximately away
  35. One sheet at a time, for transfer. Messy and smelly, the process could create, vibrant ,colors for the few copies produced, the easiest aniline dye to make being
  36. Cornwall, with its unspoiled maritime scenery and strong light, has sustained a, vibrant ,visual art scene of international renown. Artistic activity within Cornwall was
  37. And affected the economy and demography of the urban area, resulting in, vibrant ,Hispanic communities within the city. Although the majority of the Hispanic
  38. Harvey. Contemporary scholarship Gaelic scholarship remains an intense and, vibrant ,field, following renewed interest in his work, dating from the Realencyclopädie
  39. To the Netherlands, which resulted in the transformation of the country into a, vibrant , multicultural society. The second half of the 20th century was marked by
  40. Correct, will further support the idea that Pre-Contact Chamorros lived in a, vibrant ,and dynamic environment. Spanish colonization and the Manila galleons
  41. Valderrama-Redin created their own brand of football, a very distinctive and, vibrant ,brand of football where Valderrama and Resin would give the impression of
  42. Of Washington Square Park and Jane Jacobs, using the Village as an example of a, vibrant ,urban community, advocated to keep it that way. Since then, preservation has
  43. That playing in deep areas of the pitch was defensive, a very distinctive and, vibrant ,brand of football where Valderrama and Resin would give the impression of
  44. S complex plot, innovative battle system, varied characters, moving score, vibrant ,graphics, and success in breaking convention with its predecessor. Electronic
  45. Were deeply influenced by those of the Vienna Circle and David Hume. His clear, vibrant ,and polemical exposition of them makes Language, Truth and Logic essential
  46. Stopped the teaching, speaking,writing, and cultivating of this increasingly, vibrant ,minority language. It is important to remember that the sense of Basque
  47. Beninese novel, L'Enclave in 1929. Post-independence, the country was home to a, vibrant ,and innovative music scene, where native folk music combined with Ghanaian
  48. Hawaii has many North American and Asian influences along with its own, vibrant ,native culture. Hawaii has over a million permanent residents along with many
  49. Pieces of cloth wrapped around the neck. These items are all very colorful and, vibrant , representing the rich rural colors of Punjab. Besides the above, the bhangra
  50. Espoused by Ken Mesa became established as the seminal elements of the, vibrant ,social tapestry that continue to define Eugene. The Merry Prankster, as Mesa

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