Examples of the the word, vest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vest ), is the 7650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In upper-level classes, the riders wear a shad belly with a yellow vest or, vest ,points instead of a plain dressage coat. Riders usually wear tall dress boots
  2. Also, normally made of white fabric, the outfit consists of a romper with a, vest ,or other accessories. These clothes are often kept as a memento after the
  3. Excluded from power and the Constitution changed along French lines to, vest ,power in the Presidency, a post that M'BA assumed himself. However, when M'BA
  4. Commonly used to clean clothes. *The garment must be a shirt, blouse,jacket, vest , or similar that" covers the heart. " The garment may not be a hat, scarf
  5. Such as that of Ireland, are largely ceremonial, whereas other systems, vest ,the President with substantive powers such as the appointment and dismissal of
  6. Relationships of power. For example, in a unitary state, the constitution will, vest ,ultimate authority in one central administration and legislature, and judiciary
  7. 1913 exclamation that he was" tired of being carried around in Henry Ford's, vest ,pocket. " By 1914,Horace had found a solution by creating the new
  8. Have three. In upper-level classes, the riders wear a shad belly with a yellow, vest ,or vest points instead of a plain dressage coat. Riders usually wear tall dress
  9. For many years, associates were identified in the store by their signature blue, vest , but this was discontinued in June 2007 and replaced with more modern and
  10. Protect them against lower water temperatures. A newer introduction is a rash, vest ,with a thin layer of titanium to provide maximum warmth without compromising
  11. Of this opportunity to redress many abuses in the papal administration, to, vest , the election of the pope in the nobles, and to confirm the statute that no pope
  12. Can also be the body itself as in jumping exercises or the body with a weight, vest ,that allows movement with resistance. Plyometrics is used to develop explosive
  13. 1960 Sony introduced their first transistorized radio, small enough to fit in a, vest ,pocket, and able to be powered by a small battery. It was durable, because
  14. Press. The first ad featured images of Rutherford in a sailor cap and a leather, vest , and Johnson with a shaved head and rubber gloves. The images were accompanied
  15. 1977,that converted images into a 1024-point,10-inch square tactile grid on a, vest , On the consumer end,1977 also saw the introduction of the HP-01 algebraic
  16. Long FM Manchu mustache, pink eyes and vampire teeth. He wears a red matador, vest , a white shirt, and a black bow tie, with a sash for a belt. * Judge Gallows
  17. Other team's ballpark. It became common to wear white pants with a white color, vest ,at home and gray pants with a gray or solid color vest when away. Most teams
  18. On the other hand, serious political complications resulted. In order to, vest ,his grandson Octavio Barnes with the dukedom of Ca merino, Paul forcibly
  19. In contrast, the competing Manson bill was similar to Bush's proposal to, vest ,control in a panel of top scientists and civilian administrators with the
  20. Logo change, the Celtics repainted the leprechaun logo to include gold on the, vest , bow tie and hat, as well as brown on the ball and shillelagh, and black on its
  21. Hand or attached to the arm, as opposed to an armored suit or a bullet-proof, vest , Prehistory and antiquity The oldest form of shield was a protection device
  22. Of the problem. Rather," the passionate concerns and interests that humans, vest ,in their social life" are" so much a part of all classification disputes
  23. Doc reveals he had taped the letter back together and was wearing a bulletproof, vest , Doc drops Marty off at home and leaves in the time machine for the future.
  24. Required an expensive waterproofing process. Wool increased friction in a, vest ,with 28-30 layers of fabric, to provide the same level of bullet resistance as
  25. Two walls of the rink. A set of pulleys ride on the cable. The skater wears a, vest ,or belt that has a cable or rope attached to it. That cable/rope is threaded
  26. This player becomes the designated goalkeeper on the court, he must wear some, vest ,or bib to identify himself as such. If the goalkeeper deflects the ball over
  27. Did not feature a pleated front. Waistcoat or cummerbund A waistcoat (, vest ,in American and Canadian English) or cummerbund is worn when wearing a
  28. Combat helmets, ballistic face masks, and ballistic vest s. The PAST helmet and, vest ,used by the United States military forces from the 1980s into 2005 both have Kevlar
  29. Specials. In all of these, Von Drake wears a pink shirt, black tie, red, vest , and a lab coat. In the 1963 version of Mickey and the Beanstalk (originally
  30. Riders have improved as well. Riders are now required to wear a safety, vest ,(body protector) during cross-country, as well as an ASTM/SET or ISO approved
  31. In the chest without penetration. Dragon Skin body armor is another ballistic, vest ,which is currently in testing with mixed results. Despite advances in the
  32. Title. As a colony or other dependent state or territory lacks the authority to, vest ,in a true head of state of its own, it either has no comparable office, simply
  33. His hands, Stansfield finds the pin from a grenade. He rips open Léon's, vest ,to discover several active grenades on his chest right before a massive
  34. Pants with a white color vest at home and gray pants with a gray or solid color, vest ,when away. Most teams also have one or more alternate uniforms, usually
  35. A data-taker and better. Another early wearable system was a camera-to-tactile, vest ,for the blind, published by C. C. Collins in 1977,that converted images into a
  36. Not Areas, were executed. Duke Conrad was also killed, after he opened his, vest ,in the summer heat and one arrow struck his throat. " Was Never so bloody a
  37. Departure, Gaumont Film Company" has held The Professional rights close to the, vest ,— and will not budge. " According to Megaton, the sequel will more than likely
  38. Competitors used standard athletic clothing, i. e., shorts and an athletic, vest , which provided little protection for racing through undergrowth. Purpose-made
  39. Uniforms, usually consisting of the primary or secondary team color on the, vest ,instead of the usual white or gray. Teams on occasion will also wear throwback
  40. Black jersey all with sleeves. However, they kept the pinstriped sleeveless, vest ,for Sunday home games. To coincide with the move into Three Rivers Stadium in
  41. Magnitudes in the thoracic cavity for handgun projectiles stopped by a Kevlar, vest , The work of Unison et al. and Courtney et al. suggest that remote neural
  42. On his own but serves only as an assistant to a priest and may not even, vest ,without the blessing of a priest. The ordination of a deacon occurs after the
  43. To split the Hanoverian succession between George II's grandsons rather than, vest ,all the domains (both Britain and Hanover) in a single person. Both British
  44. Once again played a mysterious stranger—unshaven, wearing a serape-like, vest , and smoking a cigar. Although the film received moderate reviews the film is
  45. Be applied to such future estates as have not yet vest ed or possibly may not, vest , For example, an estate is granted to A for life, with remainder to the heir of
  46. Also kill directly, without causing drowning, even when the person wears a life, vest , Less common are ** Exocytosis is an abnormal bony overgrowth narrowing the ear
  47. Shirt (York University color) and black exterior body armor (bulletproof, vest ,covers). Residence watch staff are also posted nightly at all undergraduate
  48. Raided Burke's bungalow, they found a large trunk containing a bulletproof, vest , almost $320,000 in bonds recently stolen from a Wisconsin bank, two Thompson
  49. Was acquired. Estates are distinguished by the varying property rights that, vest ,in each, and that determine the duration and transferability of the various
  50. Him and requested his autograph while he was shopping for a bulletproof, vest ,in a California mall. Coleman refused, an argument ensued, and Fields

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