Examples of the the word, interviewer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interviewer ), is the 7651 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Now plays only acoustic bass. Carter was close to Davis and even revealed to an, interviewer ,in 1966 that the famous trumpeter's favorite color was fuchsia. Carter also
  2. Bin Al-Fayed. As translated by the Israeli-based ME MRI, Bin Al-Fayed told his, interviewer ,that" the West, and the Americans in particular … are behind all the tragedies
  3. And an interviewer (historian Alex Haley, for example, served as a Playboy, interviewer ,occasionally; one of his interviews was with Martin Luther King Jr.; he
  4. Ownership of the concept was retained by the BBC; Pemberton later told an, interviewer ,for Doctor Who is a Magazine," I'm very cross that the sonic screwdriver—which I
  5. And he enjoyed collecting model cars, including racers. In 2000,he told an, interviewer ,for Esquire that, while growing up, he admired his father's ability to tell
  6. Bernard went off for a break with Electronic, but it was different from. " The, interviewer ,said that the band would be working together again shortly anyway, to which
  7. Admiration for certain facets of Hitler. ' 'Comparison was inevitable ',the, interviewer ,prompted. Thackeray said: 'I have not sent anybody to the gas chamber. If I’d
  8. Applied for a job at a duplicating office machine company and when asked by the, interviewer ,why he applied, Foster replied: 'mainly because it offered the prospect of a
  9. Attitude, he put the matter of an Ottoman restoration to rest when he told an, interviewer ," no" to whether he wished the Ottoman Empire to be restored.
  10. Stir in Singapore. Invited to do an interview on a morning show, he shocked the, interviewer ,by asking if they could recommend him a gay bar. The program immediately ended.
  11. Italian football player and coach * 1968 – John Ruskin, Canadian celebrity, interviewer ,and musician (The Evaporators) * 1969 – RNA, American rapper (Wu-Tang Clan)
  12. A free market economy. Asked about liberal, non-democratic rule by a Chilean, interviewer , Hayek is translated from German to Spanish to English as having said: "
  13. S literature ", Garner himself rejects such a description, informing one, interviewer ,that" I certainly have never written for children" but that instead he has
  14. Page of 20 different chow mans or fried rice dishes. " When asked by a CNN, interviewer ,about whether American Chinese foods" stand as its own cuisine," Tsai said "
  15. A similar skiing accident in Aspen, Colorado. After Bono's death, Mary told an, interviewer ,from TV Guide that Sonny had been addicted to and was seriously abusing
  16. Kirby responded:" I would say that's an outright lie ", although the, interviewer , Gary Growth notes that this statement needs to be viewed with caution. Kirby
  17. Outside of Beijing, and so I didn't have to do the Beijing accent ". When the, interviewer , Craig Reid, remarked that" My mother-in-law has this strange Sichuan-Mandarin
  18. To listen to the answers. These shots can be used as cutaways. Cutaways to the, interviewer , called noddies, can also be used to cover cuts. In medicine, a coma (from the
  19. On October 15, 2010. Continuation rumors After the creation of the series,an, interviewer ,asked Watanabe if he had any plans to create more Cowboy Bebop material.
  20. Being beyond his authority, and properly a matter for the PNC, told a French TV, interviewer ," C'est cadet ", meaning that it, the Charter, was null and void. (transcript
  21. Aimed the series to be popular with women and children. In 2000 an America, interviewer ,talking with Takanashi asked her if she intended Rama ½" as an effort to
  22. Now? " Replied," Yeah, me and Bernard Sumner aren't working together. " The, interviewer ,pointed out that the band had split up and reunited numerous times before, too
  23. The host, through the use of on-screen text summarizing the position of the, interviewer ,or speaker and" bullet points" when a host was giving commentary. Fox News
  24. Usually several thousand-word) discussion between a notable individual and an, interviewer ,(historian Alex Haley, for example, served as a Playboy interviewer on a few
  25. Country between France and Spain, and England). Welles served as host and, interviewer , his commentary including documentary facts and his own personal observations (
  26. Dries sen was his favorite character after Basis to voice. He based it on an, interviewer ,he overheard during his time in a band. It became the focus of criticism from
  27. Was interviewed in the late 1970s for a BBC feature on religion. He told the, interviewer ," I say that creeds, dogmas,and theologies are inventions of the mind. It is
  28. The memo was the basis for Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation. Yew even told an, interviewer ,“ there was an urgency to decide so that valuable intelligence could be
  29. Get away from it all, but not too far away. " He acknowledged this, telling an, interviewer ,in the 1950s:" Being an 18-karat manic depressive, and having lived a life of
  30. With Hammett, when asked where the band got the idea of the cover, he tells the, interviewer ,that he saw the video on his television set, and he thought that the video is
  31. Most famous stories, including that of the Patty Hearst abduction odyssey. One, interviewer , speaking for large numbers of his peers, said that he bought his first copy of
  32. On the group's advisory board for over 30 years until his death. He told an, interviewer ,in 1997 that drugs should be legalized" Across the board. It might be a little
  33. Religion, sex,mutilation, and pop culture ". Francis told a Melody Maker, interviewer ," It's all those characters in the Old Testament. I'm obsessed with them.
  34. Had some lasting impact on him. In response to an interview question when an, interviewer ,remarked that he seemed quite calm in the aftermath of the 11 September attacks
  35. Film entitled The Last Gunfight. Spielberg recalled years later to a magazine, interviewer ," My dad's still-camera was broken, so I asked the scoutmaster if I could
  36. Forward the concept of sustainable retreat, Lovelock writes:" A television, interviewer ,once asked me,'But what about nuclear waste? Will it not poison the whole
  37. In as cheap labor and then putting them in ghettos. " In 2004 Clapton told an, interviewer ,for Scotland on Sunday," There's no way I could be a racist. It would make no
  38. United States Secretary of Homeland Security, informed a Canadian television, interviewer ,that some terrorist-hijackers who carried out the September 11 attacks
  39. Of a radio interview, as the interviewee becomes more comfortable with the, interviewer , This type of variation is characteristic of the diglossia that exists
  40. Act and material. The friendship ended abruptly as a result. Hicks once told an, interviewer ,:" I have a scoop for you. I stole his Leary's act. I camouflaged it with
  41. By their parents. In a 1994 interview with because in The New Yorker,the, interviewer ,wrote:" To buy into psychohistory, you have to subscribe to some fairly woolly
  42. Music formed a major part of her early church experience. She once told an, interviewer ,that her grandfather was a Pentecostal" holy-roller" preacher. Today, when
  43. Interviewee. Often there is also only one microphone. After the interview,the, interviewer ,will usually repeat his questions while he himself is being filmed, with pauses
  44. Producer Jim Gallon for creative control of the program. Hodgson later told an, interviewer ,:" If I had the presence of mind to try and work it out, I would rather have
  45. To which Widdecombe replied:" Be careful,that's the way you get sued ". When, interviewer ,Jenny Murray asked if she had ever had a sexual relationship, Widdecombe
  46. In the 1960s Corner began a media career, working initially as a show business, interviewer ,and then on ITV's Five O'Clock Club, a children's TV show. Corner also wrote
  47. Passionately involved in every aspect of the filmmaking process. As one, interviewer ,summarized,“ he (co-)writes his scripts, oversees the design, rehearses the
  48. Noelle, Belgian cyclist (d. 2003) *1938 – Gene Overland, American wrestling, interviewer ,and announcer * 1938 – Kashiwado Sushi, Japanese sumo wrestler, the 47th
  49. Can baseball player * 1976 – Todd Grisham, American professional wrestling, interviewer ,*1977 – Beth Trout man, American production assistant *1978 – Mathieu Aaron
  50. And avoid leading questions that encourage people to say what they think the, interviewer ,wants them to say. Some interviews are“ life reviews ”, conducted with people

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