Examples of the the word, velocity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( velocity ), is the 5404 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Heavily loaded and fueled aircraft precious seconds to attain sufficient air, velocity ,and lift to sustain normal flight. Without a ski jump launching fully loaded
  2. Of time as At approaches zero. Tangential and centripetal acceleration The, velocity ,of a particle moving on a curved path as a function of time can be written as::
  3. Of the body, and an is its acceleration. Average acceleration is the change in, velocity ,(UV) divided by the change in time (At). Instantaneous acceleration is the
  4. Light begins to be absorbed). See. In the Bohr Model, an n 1 electron has a, velocity ,given by v Z \alpha c, where Z is the atomic number, \alpha is the
  5. Armstrong took semi-automatic control and, with Aldrin calling out altitude and, velocity ,data, landed at 20:17 UTC on July 20 with about 25 seconds of fuel left. Two
  6. Number of diseases and pathologies, and noninvasive measures of the pulse wave, velocity ,are an independent indicator of hypertension. Measuring the pulse wave velocity
  7. In speed is called deceleration. In physics, a change in the direction of, velocity ,also is an acceleration: for rotary motion, the change in direction of velocity
  8. Doppler shifts in the spectrum of Algol, inferring variations in the radial, velocity ,of this binary system. Thus, Algol became one of the first known spectroscopic
  9. Time harmonic form (at fixed frequency). In that case, the pressures and the, velocity ,are assumed to be time harmonic functions of the form: p (\math bf, t ) = \hat
  10. Apollo 4 to raise the craft to a higher Earth orbit, and bring the CM back at a, velocity ,midway between that of low Earth orbit and lunar return velocity . This mission
  11. At this stage we assume that the medium is at rest which implies that the mean, velocity ,is zero,i.e. \angle\math bf\range = 0. Then the balance of momentum reduces
  12. t) is the acoustic pressure and \math bf (\math bf, t ) is the acoustic fluid, velocity ,vector, \math bf is the vector of spatial coordinates x, y,z, t is the time
  13. Are simple formulas that relate the following quantities: displacement, initial, velocity , final velocity , acceleration,and time:: \math bf = \math bf + \math bf t:
  14. Distance at very slow speeds, resulting in less than 1/4 the projectile launch, velocity ,possible without the limitations of the Force- velocity relationship. When a bow
  15. Displayed an unusually high proper motion, and therefore its observed true, velocity ,through space should be much larger. By the observed differences between the
  16. The S-IVB to fly past the Moon at too high an altitude to achieve earth escape, velocity , It remained in a semi-stable earth orbit after passing the Moon on November 18
  17. Classification system for peripheral nerve fibers, based on atonal conduction, velocity , myelinization, fiber size etc. Even recently our understanding of the
  18. The term acceleration is used for an increase in speed (the magnitude of, velocity ,); a decrease in speed is called deceleration. In physics, a change in the
  19. Protect only against sabers and light lances. The cavalry had to beware of high, velocity ,rifles and machine guns like the foot soldiers, who at least had a trench to
  20. Of Scania and Brandenburg) In physics, acceleration is the rate of change of, velocity ,with time. In one dimension, acceleration is the rate at which something speeds
  21. Cfrac + \COFRAC\left (\COFRAC + v_r\right) + \COFRAC \end where the, velocity ,has been expressed as \math bf =
  22. Sources, temperatures,masses, and sizes of the regions. Doppler-shifted, velocity ,components allow for the separation of distinct regions of molecular gas which
  23. 2 \, \math bf \dot \math bf where: \math bf = displacement: \math bf = initial, velocity ,: \math bf = final velocity : \math bf = uniform acceleration: t = time. In the
  24. For a Newtonian fluid, the diatonic stress tensor is related to the, velocity ,by: \bold symbol = \mu~\left\tabla\math bf + (\tabla\math bf)AT\right + \lambda~
  25. More quickly than can be delivered by the muscles, resulting in much higher, velocity ,and, hence,greater distance. This same process is employed by frogs which use
  26. Is the rate at which something speeds up or slows down. However, since, velocity , is a vector, acceleration describes the rate of change of both the magnitude
  27. Century armor therefore gave substantial resistance. In the early years of low, velocity ,firearms, full suits of armor, or breastplates actually stopped bullets fired
  28. Fields. The craft was deployed by a spring action, which generated a relative, velocity ,of around 1.2 m/s and a spin of 120 rpm. It returned data from 24 April to 29
  29. Light, and for other wavelengths, or for higher precision work, the group, velocity ,dispersion is used. Alternate definitions of the Abbé number are used in some
  30. Equations. Peripheral nerve fibers can be classified based on atonal conduction, velocity , elevation, fiber size etc. For example, there are slow-conducting
  31. Coating. This first correction burn was only 2.4 seconds and added about, velocity ,prograde (in the direction of travel). The Apollo 8 crew and Mission Control
  32. And vector magnetic fields, and facilitated tracking of the satellite, velocity ,to high precision. A basic requirement was that the satellite acquire fields
  33. Bows automatically limit the draw length which gives a consistent arrow, velocity ,while traditional bows allow great variation in draw length. Mechanical methods
  34. Which required using the Service Module engine to achieve a large change in, velocity ,to essentially reverse the direction of the craft. Though this would get the
  35. Acceleration Uniform or constant acceleration is a type of motion in which the, velocity ,of an object changes by an equal amount in every equal time period. A
  36. Point with a constant speed along a line which rotates with constant angular, velocity , Equivalently, in polar coordinates (, ) it can be described by the equation:
  37. Inadequate. His failings were largely due to the absence of concepts like mass, velocity , force and temperature. He had a conception of speed and temperature, but no
  38. Non-invasively) is a means of determining arterial stiffness. Maximum aortic, velocity ,may be noted as Max or less commonly as Format. Diseases/pathology * Aortic
  39. CM back at a velocity midway between that of low Earth orbit and lunar return, velocity , This mission was considered successful enough to launch men on the next Saturn
  40. Because of their relatively large mass, +2 electric charge and relatively low, velocity , alpha particles are very likely to interact with other atoms and lose their
  41. That relate the following quantities: displacement, initial velocity , final, velocity , acceleration, and time:: \math bf = \math bf + \math bf t: \math bf \math bf t+
  42. Case (that is, the case of acceleration aligned with the initial, velocity ,), there are simple formulas that relate the following quantities: displacement
  43. Presence. Meanwhile, Newton (1642–1727) derived the relationship for wave, velocity ,in solids, a cornerstone of physical acoustics (Principal,1687). The Age of
  44. That flow is slow and smooth for gases and nutrient exchange. Blood flow and, velocity ,The pulsatile nature of blood flow creates a pulse wave that is propagated down
  45. Of may also attempted to provide a quantities relation between the weight and, velocity ,of a moving body, resembling the concept of momentum, a precursor to the
  46. By the arrow. The huge ratio of length vs cross-sectional area coupled with, velocity ,made the arrow orders of magnitude more powerful than any other hand held
  47. Velocity also is an acceleration: for rotary motion, the change in direction of, velocity ,results in centripetal (toward the center) acceleration; whereas the rate of
  48. Describes the rate of change of both the magnitude and the direction of, velocity , Acceleration has the dimensions L T −2. In SI units, acceleration is measured
  49. t) is the mass density of the fluid and \math bf (\math bf, t ) is the fluid, velocity , The equation for the conservation of mass for an acoustic medium can also be
  50. Velocity is an independent indicator of hypertension. Measuring the pulse wave, velocity ,(invasively and non-invasively) is a means of determining arterial stiffness.

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