Examples of the the word, shallow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shallow ), is the 5405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Finance Benin’s financial sector is dominated by banks, and in general remains, shallow , However, a series of reforms were undertaken in the 1990s,which resulted in
  2. The Antarctic Peninsula and then is split by the Scotia Arc to the east, with a, shallow ,warm branch flowing to the north in the Falkland Current and a deeper branch
  3. As it nears other vessels or a wharf. These are often called 'pike poles '. On, shallow ,canals in the United Kingdom, long punt poles are used to maneuver or propel
  4. Behavior Wallowing is a common behavior of bison. A bison wallow is a, shallow ,depression in the soil, either wet or dry. Bison roll in these depressions
  5. Fens of East Anglia where large expanses of ice formed on flooded meadows or, shallow ,washes in cold winters, and skating was a tradition. Members of the Bury Fen
  6. Great majority are sessile. Encrusting forms are much the commonest of these in, shallow ,seas, but erect forms become more common as the depth increases. Some
  7. High summer temperatures result in a marked vertical stratification and a warm, shallow ,mixed layer. Day length and insolation intensity also controls the extent of
  8. Achievements, criticized what he saw as the film's lack of emotional depth, shallow ,characterization and empty metaphors. Listing it among the most overrated works
  9. Providence's harbor could easily accommodate hundreds of ships, and was too, shallow ,for the Royal Navy's larger vessels to navigate. The island then was not the
  10. Southern Germany during a time when Europe was an archipelago of islands in a, shallow ,warm tropical sea, much closer to the equator than it is now. Similar in shape
  11. Difficulties of undertaking such studies. " Locations. Seaweeds grow mostly in, shallow ,marine waters, under; however some have been recorded to a depth of. The
  12. Cliff dwellings, housing,defensive and storage complexes were built in, shallow ,caves and under rock overhangs along canyon walls. The structures contained
  13. Relationship to higher plants The first plants on earth evolved from, shallow ,freshwater algae much like Chart some 400 million years ago. These probably had
  14. Was high, which led to large areas of the continents being flooded in warm, shallow ,seas ideal for thriving life. The sea levels fluctuated somewhat, suggesting
  15. M below. The reef rim averages around 100 m across and completely encloses a, shallow ,lagoon that has a maximum depth of 15 m. Its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEA) of
  16. They were designed with a shallow draft, which might be important in the, shallow ,Baltic. This is not clear-cut evidence that the ships were designed for the
  17. Average of. The deepest location is between Kendall and Been with. The most, shallow ,locations are off Kadıköy İnciburnu on the northward route with and off Asian
  18. Nyasa, the latter with depths of 430 fathoms (790 m). Others, however,are, shallow , and hardly reach the steep sides of the valleys in the dry season. Such are
  19. Harbour, but naval surveyors reported that the channel into the harbor was too, shallow ,and narrow for the larger ships of the French fleet. As a result, an
  20. Machine conceived by Sir William Thomson was of great utility to navigation in, shallow ,waters. * The differential analyzer, a mechanical analog computer designed to
  21. A shell of two valves enclosing the trunk (as in most Caldera),broad and, shallow ,(as in the Notostraca),or entirely absent (as in the Abstract). In the
  22. Site. Scuba divers can explore numerous wrecks and coral reefs in relatively, shallow ,water (typically in depth) with virtually unlimited visibility. Many nearby
  23. It is anchored, such as in a very narrow river or a deep pool in an otherwise, shallow ,area. For ships, a edge may be dropped while a ship is underway, or carried
  24. Jack O'Connor ordered third baseman Red Corridor to station himself in, shallow ,left field for the season-ending doubleheader between the Browns and the
  25. A broad undulation of the surface, is the basin of Lake Chad - a flat-shored, shallow ,lake filled principally by the Chart coming from the southeast. West of this is
  26. Of storm drains can often still pay for enough land to constructs wales (, shallow ,water collecting ditches) or water impeding berms instead. This plan provides
  27. The observation deck, many homes are visible. The soils of Austin range from, shallow , gravelly clay loads over limestone in the western outskirts to deep, fine
  28. Used its wings mainly to escape predators by glides punctuated with, shallow ,down strokes to reach successively higher perches, and alternatively to cover
  29. Farming because they were too rocky. The people covered the islands with a, shallow ,layer of seaweed and sand from the ocean. This made it arable. Today, crops are
  30. The great bend of that river. All, except possibly Were, are more or less, shallow , and Lake Chad appears to be drying up. Divergent opinions have been held as to
  31. Not freeze during a normal winter,except sheltered bays and, shallow ,lagoons such as the Cronin Lagoon. The ice reaches its maximum extent in
  32. Population has dramatically decreased. Reptiles. The anaconda snake is found in, shallow ,waters in the Amazon Basin. One of the world's the largest species of snake, the
  33. Became typical for the time, although it was later regarded as strategically, shallow , Sparkling games like Anderssen's Immortal game and Evergreen game or Morphy
  34. Size of the affected buffer is too small and the current depth of the stack is, shallow ,(i.e. there is not much space from the end of the current stack frame to the
  35. Basin. Once a huge inland sea (the Pale-Chadian Sea) whose only remnant is, shallow ,Lake Chad, this vast depression extends west into Nigeria and Niger. The larger
  36. The Holocene The Black Sea is connected to the World Ocean by a chain of two, shallow ,straits, the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. The Dardanelles is deep and the
  37. Their options. Bonaparte had ordered the fleet to anchor in About Bay,a, shallow ,and exposed anchorage, but had supplemented the orders with the suggestion that
  38. This structure works to conceal a window which lights the statue from above. In, shallow ,relief, sculpted figure-groups of the Corner family inhabit in opera boxes
  39. Of today's Suez Canal, and another from the Red Sea to the Nile River, both, shallow , works that were swallowed up by huge sand storms in antiquity. Later the
  40. Refining problems, some being high in silica, but have the advantage of being, shallow ,and relatively easy to mine. Recycling Aluminum is theoretically 100 %
  41. And the acidic content of its rocks, developed principally relatively poor, shallow ,soils, suitable only for forests. In the valleys and in some areas where
  42. After local and western NGOs and the Bangladeshi government undertook a massive, shallow ,tube well drinking-water program in the late twentieth century. This program
  43. Using an algal turf scrubber (ATS). Scientists developed the ATS, which are, shallow , 100-foot raceways of nylon netting where algae colonies can form, and studied
  44. The large shelf to the north of the basin is up to 190 km wide, and features a, shallow ,apron with gradients between 1:40 and 1:1000. The southern edge around Turkey
  45. Bay in a rough semicircle approximately from the shore. These shoals were too, shallow ,to permit passage of larger warships, and so Areas ordered his thirteen ships
  46. Russian) on the German Baltic coast. Specifically, they were designed with a, shallow ,draft, which might be important in the shallow Baltic. This is not clear-cut
  47. Their captors in theological discussion" and finding these jihadists to be, shallow , even adolescent, in their faith. Unfamiliar with the Qur'an, the outlaws had
  48. Dardanelles and the Bosporus. The Dardanelles is deep and the Bosporus is as, shallow ,as. By comparison, at the height of the last Ice age, sea levels were more than
  49. 1849,he received a patent for a flotation device for the movement of boats in, shallow ,water. The idea was never commercialized, but Lincoln is the only president to
  50. Yemen and Oman today) was significant, and the Egyptian Pharaohs built several, shallow ,canals to service the trade, one more or less along the route of today's Suez

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