Examples of the the word, striking , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of interest Despite some unsympathetic development, the island retains some, striking ,natural beauty. The cliffs of Croghan on the western end of the island are
  2. South and consisting in turn of ranges, tablelands and depressions. The most, striking ,feature is the existence of two great lines of depression, due largely to the
  3. And electrical components, such as capacitors, inductors,and resistors is, striking ,in terms of mathematics. They can be modeled using equations that are of
  4. The matter to Job, the king's commander. Job avenged David by fatally, striking ,and killing Absalom, by the use of three spears, followed by a group of
  5. Warrior, in the Louvre *Ananias, son of Oenophiles, is the author of another, striking ,figure of a warrior in the museum of Athens. Like the above sculptor, he
  6. Neighbourhoods built in the early 20th century, although there are also some, striking ,examples of these styles in the city center. Most historic buildings in the
  7. At Passage and his decease, he executed or finished some of his most, striking ,works. Amongst these were the group Mars and Venus, the colossal figure of Pius
  8. Undertake an attempted military uprising. *1981 – Ronald Reagan fires 11,359, striking , air-traffic controllers who ignored his order for them to return to work. *1989
  9. Prefigured Poirot's reliance on his" little gray cells ". Poirot also bears a, striking ,resemblance to A. E. W. Mason's fictional detective—Inspector Hand of the
  10. Finally, losing her temper, Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry and loom, striking ,it with her shuttle. Athena then struck Arachne with her staff, which changed
  11. Others. The 1940 discovery of a lost work by Vincent of Series, which bears a, striking ,similarity too much of the language of the Athabaskan Creed, have led many to
  12. Have come to an end to be replaced by a new movement markedly different in, striking ,ways. See also cultural movements. Artistic revolution and cultural/political
  13. Modified to promote greater speed under sail. The island's waters and, striking ,underwater sites are occasionally visited by scuba divers, though Achill's
  14. To the strike site. Then, allegedly in response to the fight between the, striking ,workers and the Pinkerton's, anarchist Alexander Bergman shot at Brick in an
  15. The Arctic ice cap. *1959 – Portugal's state police force SIDE fires upon, striking ,workers in Bissau, Portuguese Guinea, killing over 50 people. *1972 – The
  16. But rather as an ingenious hypothesis strongly supported by some, striking ,facts and analogies, but which remains to be proven by more facts and the
  17. Offering the city one gift each. Poseidon produced a salt water spring by, striking ,the ground with his trident, symbolizing naval power. Athena created the olive
  18. 11,747 people, more than on any other day. *1912 – Russian troops open fire on, striking ,goldfield workers in northeast Siberia, killing at least 150. *1941 – World War
  19. Flight 175 was known to have been hijacked and was within minutes of also, striking ,the World Trade Center. After learning of this second hijacking involving an
  20. Be fulfilled at this time. After spreading desolation through North Italy and, striking ,terror into the citizens of Rome, Alaric was met by Silicon at Potential
  21. Sound consisted of contractions and expansions of the air" falling upon and, striking ,the air which is next to it ... ", a very good expression of the nature of wave
  22. Avenge himself for his previous injury, but Athena managed to overpower him by, striking ,Ares with a boulder (XXI.391–408). Renaissance In Renaissance and
  23. Region, many of whom claim some of these ancient people as ancestors, contain a, striking ,range of diversity in lifestyles, social organization, language and religious
  24. Much of a sensation in the Soviet Union as it did in the West—not only by its, striking ,realism and candor, but also because it was the first major piece of Soviet
  25. The King, such as recent Scottish settlers in the back country; among the more, striking ,examples of this, see Flora MacDonald. When Loyalists left the South in 1783
  26. Intermediate Period, Minoan-style frescoes were found in Paris. The most, striking ,example of a politically driven change in artistic forms comes from the Maria
  27. Polished New Zealand Paul shells are extremely popular as souvenirs with their, striking ,blue, green,and purple iridescence. South Africa The largest abalone in South
  28. And interpretations, along with sundry myths and mistakes. The most, striking ,passages are about the sea-life visible from observation on Lesbos and
  29. Victims and opponents of totalitarian regimes have been able to present, striking ,critiques of these regimes through autobiographical accounts of their
  30. A man much younger than himself (Minus was his contemporary). It is a, striking ,fact that Minus, though a professional soldier, gives excellent pictures of
  31. Of the Linear remarking in May 1859 that the year had not been marked by any, striking ,discoveries; but, with Darwin's publication of On the Origin of Species later
  32. Interlayered with white and gray. Quartz forms within these nodules, creating a, striking ,specimen when cut opposite the layered growth axis. It is often dyed in various
  33. Band on the label, exceeded in sales only by Gabriel himself. Their, striking ,live performances have often been the highlights of the WOMAN concert festivals
  34. Republic of Macedonia. * 2001 – The Red Cross announces that a famine is, striking ,Tajikistan, and calls for international financial aid for Tajikistan and
  35. In their dietary habits to those that many of them had brought from England. A, striking ,difference for the colonists in New England compared to other regions was
  36. Which he channeled a stream of neon ions through magnetic and electric fields, striking ,a photographic plate at the other end. He observed two glowing patches on the
  37. The Anvils. Famed anarchist-punk band Crass played their last live show for, striking ,miners in Aberdeen during the UK miners' strike (1984-1985). Griffith Rays
  38. Surface to Surface Missiles *Scud ballistic missiles (SCUD-B with improved, striking ,range of 300 Kilometers) Military of Karabakh In addition to forces mentioned
  39. De Slavery, defeated an American corps of approximately 2,300 men. Another, striking ,example was its use by Alexander Macomb in the stunning victory at the Battle
  40. some dialogue from Middle East media and commentators about Jews bear a, striking ,resemblance to Nazi propaganda. According to Josef Off of Newsweek,"
  41. To the principles of the architect Hendrick de Keyser. One of the most, striking ,buildings designed by Hendrick de Keyer is the Westerners. In the 17th century
  42. History ALP mythology says the first party branch was founded at a meeting of, striking ,pastoral workers under a ghost gum tree (the" Tree of Knowledge" ) in
  43. Remarkably stable over time; indeed, the cuisine of modern Egypt retains some, striking ,similarities to the cuisine of the ancients. The staple diet consisted of bread
  44. To instruments instead comes from an interpretation of history. It is, striking ,that there is no written opposition to musical instruments in any setting in
  45. Regarding persons and events of the 4th century, and partly on the fact that, striking ,affinities to the cult of Nervous as described by Tacitus are to be found in
  46. Flow. This difference most obviously manifests itself in the case of a fluid, striking ,an object. In front of that object, the fluid builds up a stagnation pressure
  47. Orchestration, the horns appearing for the first time, and being treated with, striking ,effect. Besides the operas, oratorios (Agar et Ismael Emilia,1684;
  48. Deer River crosses the flat prairie and farmland, and features deep canyons and, striking ,landforms. Dinosaur Provincial Park, near Brooks, Alberta,showcases the
  49. From ancient times is the Battle of the Serbia river. Hannibal encamped within, striking ,distance of the Romans with the Serbia River between them, and placed a strong
  50. House of Said at risk. The world's the most valuable oil fields were within easy, striking ,distance of Iraqi forces in Kuwait, and Saddam's call to pan-Arab/Islamism

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