Examples of the the word, deprive , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Alleged that the directors had issued many new shares purely to, deprive ,a particular shareholder of his voting majority. An argument that the power to
  2. To the point of xenophobia. As they themselves have no sight, they wish to, deprive ,the traveler of his own eyes in this allegorical tale of stagnation. Literature
  3. High prelates; and even to them but rarely, lest the too great profusion should, deprive ,relics of the respect which they ought to inspire. The Holy Father decreed
  4. Their under-lords the right to nominate and invest bishops. The effect was to, deprive ,lay kings power over the Church and increase both spiritual and temporal power
  5. Wife. The Covenant Code orders men who have two wives (polygynously) to not, deprive ,the first wife of food, of clothing, nor of sexual activity; if the husband
  6. Tankers and merchant ships, including those of neutral nations, in an effort to, deprive ,the opponent of trade. Iraq declared that all ships going to or from Iranian
  7. Province, but it soon became obvious that Spanish authorities planned to, deprive ,him of his power, leading him to resign in 1862. Condemned to death by the
  8. The appropriate penalties; whereas he subsequently declared that he intended to, deprive ,all disturbers of orthodoxy of the opportunity for such offense by due process
  9. With the confiscation of two thirds of the recusant's goods, and went on to, deprive ,him of almost every civic right. The Catholic Encyclopaedia make the point that
  10. Tribune Curio to use his veto to prevent a senatorial decree which would, deprive ,Caesar of his armies and provincial command, and then made sure Antony was
  11. Offence, and for a serious offense correspondingly, but not so heavily as to, deprive ,him of his livelihood. In the same way, a merchant shall be spared his
  12. Powder extinguishers designed for metal fires are also effective. These agents, deprive ,the fire of oxygen and cool the potassium metal. Potassium reacts violently
  13. In the 1949 and 1953 campaigns. The governing Liberals repeatedly attempted to, deprive ,Diefenbaker of his parliamentary seat. In 1948,Lake Center was redistricted to
  14. Of the Navy's Enterprise ships Excommunication is a religious censure used to, deprive , suspend or limit membership in a religious community. The word means putting
  15. The Parliament of England was concerned that the formation of a new state would, deprive ,England of its ancient liberties, taking on the more absolutist monarchical
  16. The castle of Jules in the al-Jarrah. After devastating its countryside to, deprive ,it of any resource, he encircled it. Finding it difficult to bombard with
  17. Embargo on trade with Nicaragua on 1 May 1985,has committed acts calculated to, deprive ,of its object and purpose the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation
  18. Ostracize but declare accursed, while the civil laws brand them as infamous and, deprive ,them of hereditary rights. We, therefore,following the example of our fathers
  19. Blinding has been used as an act of vengeance and torture in some instances, to, deprive , a person of a major sense by which they can navigate or interact within the
  20. Others," whether political, military or semi-military, whose purpose it is to, deprive ,the people of their democratic rights. " In practice, the " anti-fascist "
  21. 7 regulates the involuntary loss of nationality. It provides that states may, deprive ,their nationals of their nationality in only the cases of voluntary acquisition
  22. Offence, but even for a serious offense the fine should not be so heavy as to, deprive ,a man of his livelihood. No fines should be imposed except by the oath of
  23. As the Czechoslovaks had done in 1938 under Anglo-French pressure, and thereby, deprive ,the Germans of their excuse for aggression. Throughout 1939,in private, Hitler
  24. Suicide bombers are dying for their own self-respect. It's a terrible thing to, deprive ,someone of their self-respect. It's like your culture is nothing, your Race is
  25. Sarky proposed to nominate Strauss-Kahn as managing director of the IMF to, deprive ,the Socialist Party of one of its more popular figures. International
  26. In opposition. But Owned believed it sinful to say that temporal power might, deprive ,a priest, even an unrighteous one, of his temporalities; Wycliffe regarded it
  27. Before Congress, Greyhound Bus Lines stated that the Act had the potential to “, deprive ,millions of people of affordable intercity public transportation and thousands
  28. In Germany, not only to suppress resistance to National Socialism but also to, deprive ,the population of alternative forms of association and means of political
  29. The way of attack. Defensiveness by way of offensiveness, in order to, deprive ,the enemy the option of attacking, is called active defense. The first
  30. Or other promise, and when the promise was not kept, my only recourse was to, deprive ,them of my services. " Cagney himself acknowledged the importance of the
  31. Of sodium acetylate and its acid form, as one of the rainbow herbicides to, deprive ,the Vietnamese of valuable crops. Other uses *Copper acetoarsenite was used as
  32. They argued that the" crowding out" effects discussed above would hobble or, deprive ,fiscal policy of its positive effect. Instead, the focus should be on monetary
  33. All the tyrants the world ever saw, we patricians met together and resolved to, deprive ,him of his power, a thing we ought to have done long ago, but are doing now
  34. To remain as slave labor. The removal of the racially valuable types would, deprive ,the population of leaders, and ensure that they were available for labor. His
  35. Sale of alcohol to Native Americans were criticized because it was“ not fit to, deprive ,Indians of any lawful comfort allowed to all men by the use of wine. ” Laws
  36. What Anarchistic-Socialism aims to abolish is usury... it wants to, deprive ,capital of its reward. " Tucker first favored a natural rights philosophy where
  37. By contrast to the superior entities of which he is unaware. Many monks would, deprive ,themselves of food, water,or necessary needs for living. This presented a
  38. The Fifth Amendment has an explicit requirement that the Federal Government not, deprive ,individuals of" life, liberty,or property ", without due process of the law
  39. International status. From a strictly legal point of view, the treaty did not, deprive ,Morocco of its status as a sovereign state. Theoretically, the sultan remained
  40. Non-resistance even to the most arbitrary royal commands, led Charles to, deprive ,him of his functions as primate, putting them in commission. The need of
  41. To include anything other than the union of one man and one woman would ", deprive ,the term of its fundamental and defining meaning. " In other countries
  42. President. At the same time, Article 6 of the constitution was changed to, deprive ,the CPU of a monopoly on political power. Unintended consequences Gorbachev's
  43. The Society Franchise de Psychanalyse (SFP). One consequence of this was to, deprive ,the new group of membership within the International Psychoanalytical
  44. Was taken partially because of concerns that an absence of non-Muslims would, deprive ,the state of a valuable source of revenue. However, as the pizza was imposed by
  45. Say it rests, on the speech or writings of the person committed, saying that to, deprive ,him of liberty based in whole or part on such speech and writings violates the
  46. Was to be no more lay interference in the selection of clergy. The aim was to, deprive ,emperors and their under-lords the right to nominate and invest bishops. The
  47. The defeat of Hannibal, during the Punic wars, the Romans determined to, deprive ,Carthage of its most valuable possession: Hispanic (the Iberian Peninsula).
  48. Only fact that can be adduced in support of the assertion that Grimm wished to, deprive ,Rank of his claims to priority is that he does not expressly mention Rask's
  49. Of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation has also been used in war to, deprive ,an enemy of cover for it's forces and also vital resources. A modern example
  50. Of Australian troops from Vietnam. Whitley, however,said that this would, deprive ,Australia of any voice in a settlement, and that regular troops, rather than

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