Examples of the the word, compassion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compassion ), is the 5409 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Role in portraying Christmas as a holiday emphasizing family, goodwill,and, compassion , Dickens sought to construct Christmas as a family-centered festival of
  2. Truly deserve),grace (treating unworthy sinners as they do not deserve), compassion , ( toleration of much discrediting, inappropriate mortal speculation impugning
  3. Being" ( Dalai Lama). Since" all beings" includes the individual, love and, compassion ,in Buddhism are outside the opposition between self and other. It is even said
  4. XIV for command of a company in French service, but the King – who had shown no, compassion ,for Olympia's children since her disgrace – refused him out of hand. " The
  5. Excess associated with sensibility also theoretically produced an ethic of, compassion ,: those with sensibility could easily sympathize with people in pain. Thus
  6. Who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies ... must be accepted with respect, compassion , and sensitivity. " Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should
  7. To others to donation, giving oneself up for others, non-violence and, compassion ,for all living things. Jainism prescribes a path of non-violence to progress
  8. Traditionally, a Bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great, compassion , has generated Bodhisattva, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddha hood for
  9. A great influence on Ueshiba's martial arts philosophy of extending love and, compassion ,especially to those who seek to harm others. Aikido demonstrates this
  10. Essential indicator of someone's" humanity ". The applicants appear to show, compassion ,and concern for one another and are juxtaposed against human characters who
  11. Time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is, compassion , whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair. " *" God is either
  12. People. *Taoism, a philosophy which emphasizes the Three Jewels of the Tao:, compassion , moderation, and humility, while Taoist thought generally focuses on nature
  13. What this means is that God will give humanity such things as reason and, compassion ,but this applies to all and not individual intervention. Some modern deists
  14. Suicide in 1998,Letterman told the New York Times that he had had great, compassion ,for her, and publicly expressed sympathy. Extortion attempt and revelation of
  15. Labelled" holy flattery" by Martin Luther. Commending Philemon's Christian, compassion , but at the same time subtly reminding Philemon of his apostolic authority over
  16. Compassion). " Many illnesses can be cured by the one medicine of love and, compassion , These qualities are the ultimate source of human happiness, and the need for
  17. In the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and, compassion , toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer
  18. Men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion , and the transforming power of love; * wisdom from the world's religions which
  19. Conform to organized religion or depend on the law. * The ideal that love and, compassion ,can save one from the apparent absurdities of existence and the cruelties of
  20. By a ring Daniel was exalted in Babylon; by a ring our heavenly Father showed, compassion ,upon His prodigal son, for He said, ‘ Put a ring upon his right hand, kill the
  21. Self-centeredness of most of us, Buddhism encourages us to focus love and, compassion ,on others, and thus can be characterized as" altruistic. " Many would agree
  22. Saying" The hard facts are that it is costly in terms of human effort, compassion , energy, and finite resources such as money, to care for individuals with
  23. With grief, making music, art,altruism, allomothering, play,use of tools, compassion ,and self-awareness. Elephants are believed to rank equally in terms of
  24. Is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal, compassion ,is the only guarantee of morality. In 1841,he praised the establishment, in
  25. Shantiparva 265.9.4 Further, the Mahabharata states," How can you expect, compassion ,from a meat-eater? " Quotes from Ramayana: Saint Valid was going to the river
  26. Green, dusky violet and gray * Other: Correspondences include emotions, love, compassion , healing, dreams,divination, intuition and psychic abilities. The
  27. Senate vote. The party is based on the principles of honesty, tolerance, compassion , and direct democracy through postal ballots of all members, so that" there
  28. Mahayana Buddhists recognize the consumption of meat to be cruel and devoid of, compassion , some Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarians. Numbers of Mahayana supra record
  29. Captured, tied and forced to carry the belongings of the conquistadors without, compassion , Return to Peru After the exhaustive crossing of the Atacama Desert mainly due
  30. S moral theory proposed that of three primary moral incentives, compassion , compassion , is the major motivator to moral expression. Malice and egoism are corrupt
  31. Knew. ' Duncan and Jessica arrive at Salsa. Farad'n informs Jessica with some, compassion ,that her grandson has been killed, though her granddaughter survived. The Been
  32. Schopenhauer's moral theory proposed that of three primary moral incentives, compassion , compassion is the major motivator to moral expression. Malice and egoism are
  33. Beings be happy (love) and the wish that all beings be free from suffering (, compassion ,). " Many illnesses can be cured by the one medicine of love and compassion .
  34. And one who grew up among the disenfranchised, Grothendieck always had a deep, compassion ,for the poor and the downtrodden. As Cartier puts it, Grothendieck came to find
  35. Musicians redoubled their outcry and their tears, fancying the king would take, compassion ,upon them. Lamenting, they replied with sobs that the king's orders had killed
  36. Line of talks who are considered to be manifestations of the Bodhisattva of, compassion , Avalokiteśvara. Traditionally, the Dalai Lama is thought of as the latest
  37. Powerful race bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion ,or remorse. Various storylines portray them as having had every emotion removed
  38. With Room and Narrow, witnesses his horrible death. Panel is moved with, compassion ,for the child, and he takes up the question of innocent suffering in his second
  39. Responded: -"You're a gentleman with an illustrious name; do not display, compassion ,; It marvels me that a man of our mood fears death so much. Confess why our
  40. Absence of one of the partners. Thus, permitting remarriage is an act of, compassion ,of the Church towards sinful man. In the U. S., according to 2001 statistics
  41. Emotions pertaining to weakness, a category in which he groups such emotions as, compassion , mercy and kindness, and place the mutants in tank-like" Mark III travel
  42. A general and subjective alteration in consciousness *Feelings of empathy, compassion , and forgiveness toward others *The ability to discuss normally
  43. Is needed. In Mencius' view, all men are born to share goodness such as, compassion ,and good heart, although they may become wicked. The Three Character Classic
  44. This superiority complex is the basis of the Dales' ruthlessness and lack of, compassion , And the second was the renegade Time Lord known as the Master in the 1996
  45. Of Chenrezig (referred to as Avalokiteśvara in India),the Bodhisattva of, compassion ,and patron deity of Tibet. In that role the Dalai Lama has chosen to use peace
  46. Patron deity of Tibet. In that role the Dalai Lama has chosen to use peace and, compassion ,in his treatment of his own people and his oppressors. In this sense the Dalai
  47. God did not will the calamity:" He looked on the evil-doing in the town with, compassion ,; only when there was no other remedy did He turn His face away, in order to
  48. Morality. Buddhism Altruism figures prominently in Buddhism. Love and, compassion ,are components of all forms of Buddhism, and both are focused on all beings
  49. Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote: * justice, equity,and, compassion ,in human relations; * acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual
  50. To perceive the patients at the clinic, whom he at first despised, as worthy of, compassion ,and dignity. Yugo Okayama, who plays Sumoto, was an extremely popular film and

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