Examples of the the word, dismissal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dismissal ), is the 7353 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. High Representative has many governmental and legislative powers, including the, dismissal ,of elected and non-elected officials. More recently, several central
  2. To remove the Prime Minister from office by a majority support for his or her, dismissal , The Prime Minister can also call an election whenever he or she so chooses.
  3. Attend formations, classes,or church. Poe tactically pled not guilty to induce, dismissal , knowing he would be found guilty. He left for New York in February 1831,and
  4. Previously winless Miami Dolphins on December 16 ultimately led to Billick's, dismissal ,on New Year's Eve, one day after the end of the regular season. 2008 season
  5. Revenue Service and the Tax Court—has long been established. We affirm the, dismissal ,of Crain's spurious" petition" and the assessment of a penalty imposed by
  6. Court will often dismiss the case on the motion of the trustee. Pursuant to the, dismissal , creditors will typically resume pursuit of state law remedies to the extent a
  7. Conduit for anger against perceived nepotism in the government, the unfair, dismissal ,and early death of HU, and the behind-the-scenes role of the" old men ". By
  8. The state or prosecution may appeal as of right from a trial court's, dismissal ,of an indictment in whole or in part or from a trial court's granting of a
  9. Property # rescission of the relevant contract # account of profits # summary, dismissal ,The future Historically, directors ' duties have been owed almost exclusively
  10. Only God can resurrect the dead. Cryonics advocates complain that theological, dismissal ,of cryonics because it is interment is a circular argument because calling
  11. Circuit Court of Appeals on June 18, 2007. The Court of Appeals upheld the, dismissal ,of the case, stating the herbicides used during the war were not intended to be
  12. Of St. John Chrysostom, used in the Byzantine Churches, still has a formula of, dismissal ,of catechumens (not usually followed by any action) at this point. The
  13. To fit the Romantic artist within the nationalistic But UND Baden. Clark's, dismissal ,of Friedrich reflected the damage the artist's reputation sustained during the
  14. Extra time. They failed in qualification for the 1974,leading to ALF Ramsey's, dismissal , and 1978 World Cups. Under Ron Greenwood they managed to qualify for the 1982
  15. To the top flight, Chievo immediately struggled in the league resulting in the, dismissal ,of Machine in November and his replacement with former Parma boss Domenico Di
  16. Their last five games to finish at 6–8,a collapse that led to Forrest Gregg's, dismissal ,before the final game of the season. Dick Modzelewski served as interim coach
  17. The Lord Chancellor of England was almost always a bishop up until the, dismissal ,of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey by Henry VIII. Likewise, the position of Cancer in
  18. Approval of the budget, scheduling of presidential elections, selection and, dismissal ,of the prime minister and other ministers, declaration of war, deployment of
  19. States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit:: :Glenn Train appeals from the, dismissal ,of his Tax Court petition challenging the constitutional authority of that body
  20. S rejection of the democratic movements of the time as well as with Burke's, dismissal ,of the" rights of man. " Gibbon's work has been praised for its style, his
  21. As a legislature and to draft a constitution. In the wake of the 11 July, dismissal ,of Jacques Becker, the people of Paris, fearful that they and their
  22. And its appointed colonial administrators in America led to his arrest and, dismissal ,as governor of the settlements in Hispaniola in 1500,and later to protracted
  23. Resulting in rash play by the batsman which in turn can lead to a quick, dismissal , Leg theory can be a moderately successful tactic when used with both fast
  24. With a woman to whom he was not married; the ensuing scandal led to his, dismissal ,in January 1884. Over the years Pace sought academic employment at various
  25. He was president. The case was initially dismissed, but Jones appealed the, dismissal ,to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. During the
  26. Attempt The first presidential attack was against Jackson. Jackson ordered the, dismissal ,of Robert B. Randolph from the Navy for embezzlement. On May 6,1833,Jackson
  27. Stamp duties. His influence was perhaps most keenly felt when, on the Whigs ’, dismissal ,from office in 1834,he issued a pamphlet entitled A Letter to a Late Cabinet
  28. On loose change. " In 1975,in a move echoing Ken Pitt's acrimonious, dismissal ,five years earlier, Bowie fired his manager. At the culmination of the ensuing
  29. Coach. The following season, with Domenico Case as the coach, saw the first, dismissal ,of a coach during the presidency of Luca Campbell, with Case being fired and
  30. New York City on May 25, 1999 which subsequently was followed by the, dismissal ,of all community leaders under the age of 18 years old as well as a
  31. Clearly condemned by God's word and prohibited here. " Grounds for immediate, dismissal ,include stealing, immorality (including sexual relations between unmarried
  32. Of Muhammad Shah Qatar. Name "/NP"> Daftary-Ismailis"/> Refusing to accept his, dismissal , Hasan Ali Shah withdrew with his forces to the citadel at Bam. Along with his
  33. Was finally repealed in 2011,removing open sexual preference as a reason for, dismissal ,from the armed forces. On January 1,1994,Clinton signed the North American
  34. The 2007 postseason, and expanded to Sunday afternoon games in 2008. Until his, dismissal ,in 2009,Chip Carry, one of the Braves' current broadcasters, called
  35. Possibly taking legal action. DIMM Borgia soon after confirmed the pair's, dismissal ,from the band, releasing a statement explaining why the two were fired.
  36. The backlog in civil municipal courts. The most important result was the, dismissal ,of 12.2 % of inactive claims in civil courts thanks to the application of Law
  37. An investigation by the Allison Commission exonerated Pace, but led to the, dismissal ,of Superintendent Julius Hilary and several other Coast Survey employees for
  38. Vary). The blessing cross which the priest uses to bless the faithful at the, dismissal ,will often have the crucifix on one side and an icon of the Resurrection of
  39. Rumors of drug use and other" problems on the set" swirled around her, dismissal , the producers were adamant that the pregnancy was the only reason her
  40. Applauded the referee and was given a second yellow card, causing an automatic, dismissal , although the suspension was cancelled on appeal two days later. By Christmas
  41. Its President had been the President of Johns Hopkins at the time of Peirce's, dismissal , The one who did the most to help Pace in these desperate times was his old
  42. Anthropology during the Cold War provides detailed accounts of the pursuit and, dismissal ,of several anthropologists from their jobs for communist sympathies. Attempts
  43. Regarding the sexual health of his soldiers. However, he was defended from, dismissal ,by his superior Alan Brooke, commander of II Corps. Montgomery's training paid
  44. Meaning" man. " The novel contains no other Malay words or links. Author's, dismissal ,In 1985,Burgess published the book Flame into Being: The Life and Work of D.
  45. Of general election of members of the Diet. #Attestation of the appointment and, dismissal ,of Ministers of State and other officials as provided for by law, and of full
  46. Homily of St. John Chrysostom, for which the congregation stands. After the, dismissal ,of the Liturgy, the priest may bless Paschal eggs and baskets brought by the
  47. Unless a Belgian citizen is involved. Political downturn and recovery After his, dismissal ,from the Defense Ministry post, Sharon remained in successive governments as a
  48. States. Crimes committed by members of a diplomat's family can also result in, dismissal , Exceptions to the Vienna Convention Some countries have made reservations to
  49. Voiced their discontent with Alston’s leadership which soon led to his, dismissal ,by the team owner. Rookie coach, Red Miller, along with the Orange Crush
  50. Feminine, and the biology and culture of womanhood, rather than rejection or, dismissal ,of men and masculinity. Most Dianic's conceive of and experience the pagan

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