Examples of the the word, accreditation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Ideals of what makes a good mediator which in turn reflects the training and, accreditation ,of that particular organization. Selection processes for ADR practitioners are
  2. The US, the Distance Education and Training Council (ETC) specializes in the, accreditation ,of distance education institutions. http://www.detc.org/accred.html
  3. Of Colleges and Schools that bore a threat of the schools losing their, accreditation ,the last tournament was in 1930. The organizations said they were concerned
  4. Baptist University, a reflection of expanded student enrollment and academic, accreditation , ABU sports teams play under the name Blue Tide. The institution was the first
  5. However, no Maltese hospital has undergone independent international healthcare, accreditation , Malta is popular with British medical tourists, pointing Maltese hospitals
  6. FI APF (Federation Internationale DES Associations de Producteurs de Films), accreditation , AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center As the largest nonprofit exhibitor in
  7. For mediators but people that use mediation are unsure as to what level of, accreditation ,is required for the quality of service that they receive. Standards will tend
  8. The Macau hospitals is independently assessed through international healthcare, accreditation , There are no western-style medical schools in Macau and thus all aspiring
  9. Establish the first historic shipwreck museum in the UK to receive government, accreditation ,and funding. The excavation of the Mary Rose wreck site proved that it was
  10. Of these agencies. Consular officials (that do not have concurrent diplomatic, accreditation ,) formally have a more limited form of immunity, generally limited to their
  11. Several years, a number of University programs and faculties have also sought, accreditation ,with more specialized bodies. The Faculty of Health Sciences’ Graduate Public
  12. As of 2008,no hospitals in Brunei were undergoing international healthcare, accreditation , There is currently no medical school in Brunei, and Bruneians wishing to study
  13. Budget is funded by the sale of publications, membership dues and fees, accreditation ,services, fee-based programs, and international standards programs. History
  14. Accreditation of ADR in Australia has no national, accreditation ,system for ADR. However, following the National Mediation Conference in May
  15. To effectively carry out a mediator's role. The educational requirements for, accreditation ,as a mediator differ between accrediting groups and from country to country. In
  16. Small Business committee. In February 2007,ICANN began the steps to remove, accreditation ,of one of their registrars, RegisterFly amid charges and lawsuits involving
  17. Chiropractor may not be eligible for licensing in states requiring CCE, accreditation , Today, there are 18 accredited Doctors of Chiropractic programs in the U. S.,2
  18. In 2009,ANSI began accepting applications for certification bodies seeking, accreditation ,according to requirements defined under the Toy Safety Certification Program (
  19. UK-sourced accreditation , such as with the Trent Accreditation Scheme. Dual, accreditation ,with the American-oriented Joint Commission is necessary if hospitals in Malta
  20. Or registered. In general, this entails a medical degree from a university and, accreditation ,by a medical board or an equivalent national organization, which may ask the
  21. 38. It was unusual among school voucher proposals in that it required neither, accreditation ,on the part of schools accepting vouchers, nor proof of need on the part of
  22. Conversely, receives the letters of their foreign counterparts. Without that, accreditation , they cannot take up a role and receive the highest diplomatic status. However
  23. By the early 1930s,he had publicly stated his opposition to holding regional, accreditation , Not surprisingly, Jones and the college were criticized for this stance, and
  24. And the Association for Computing Machinery have collaborated to form, accreditation ,and curriculum standards for degrees in Information Technology as a distinct
  25. History of the university. Accreditation Bob Jones, Sr. was leery of academic, accreditation ,almost from the founding of the college, and by the early 1930s,he had
  26. Known as ASU Online. The degree programs delivered online hold the same, accreditation ,as the university's traditional face-to-face programs, and students earn many
  27. In 2003,the CRLS, also known as Ridge, came close to losing its educational, accreditation ,when it was placed on probation by the New England Association of Schools and
  28. Schools (SACS) as well as other subject-focused national and international, accreditation ,agencies such as the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABLE),the
  29. On Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies administers a voluntary, accreditation ,program for law enforcement agencies. See also *Royal Australian and New
  30. Professional organization in Australia, instituted a peer-group, accreditation ,system for full-time Australian professional hypnotherapists, the first of its
  31. But we stayed out. We have lived up to our convictions. ” In any case, lack of, accreditation ,seems to have made little difference during the post-war period, when the
  32. Through to the highest levels of degree and doctoral programs. Levels of, accreditation ,vary: some institutions receive little outside oversight, and some may
  33. The" CDM process" that determines which GHG projects they wish to propose for, accreditation ,by the CDM Executive Board. Background The view that human activities are
  34. Was available). The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACM) also provides, accreditation ,to non-nurse midwife programs, as well as colleges that graduate nurse-midwives
  35. By accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations. ANSI, accreditation ,signifies that the procedures used by standards developing organizations meet
  36. British medical tourists, pointing Maltese hospitals towards seeking UK-sourced, accreditation , such as with the Trent Accreditation Scheme. Dual accreditation with the
  37. master's degree and the doctorate. Coursework Standards set by each country's, accreditation ,society are intended to provide uniformity in fundamental subject material
  38. Campuses into a single institution, sharing students, faculty,staff and, accreditation , Under Crow's leadership, and aided by hundreds of millions of dollars in
  39. Filled with high density foam. Most composite doors carry secured by design, accreditation ,and PAS 23 and PAS 24. A flush door is a completely smooth door, having plywood
  40. Advancement of Technical Education. Today City and Guilds is an examining and, accreditation ,body for vocational, managerial and engineering qualifications from entry level
  41. Began operations in that building on July 1,1979, and received provisional, accreditation ,from the American Bar Association in 1980. The ABA granted full approval to
  42. 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia,PA 19104,Tel. 267-284-5000). PUB’s, accreditation ,was most recently reaffirmed in June 2009,after the completion of an extensive
  43. CAB),and most other countries offering engineering degrees have similar, accreditation ,societies. Some mechanical engineers go on to pursue a postgraduate degree such
  44. Jurisdictions, an institution may not use terms such as" university" without, accreditation ,and authorization, often overseen by the national government - for example, the
  45. Or rely on word of mouth. There are inconsistent standards. A national, accreditation ,system could very well enhance the quality and ethics of mediation and lead
  46. Inc. (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). In general,the, accreditation ,process is intended to strengthen and sustain the quality and integrity of a
  47. By the early 2000s,however, the university quietly reexamined its position on, accreditation ,as degree mills proliferated and various government bureaucracies, such as law
  48. Lamb to the Falkland Islands Meat Company. The abattoir received export, accreditation ,in December 2002 and began exporting meat in May 2003. The number of farms
  49. Institute (GPS) in 2006 in southern Gaza. In 2007,the college received, accreditation ,to award BA degrees as the University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS). In
  50. Experts chosen in consultation with Middle States. The University’s next full, accreditation ,cycle is due in 2018–19. Over the last several years, a number of University

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