Examples of the the word, vagina , in a Sentence Context
The word ( vagina ), is the 12019 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Vulval vestibule, which contains the external openings of the urethra and the, vagina , Each labium Magus has two surfaces, an outer, pigmented and covered with
- Collected using an artificial vagina (AV) which is heated to simulate the, vagina ,of the mare. The AV has a filter and collection area at one end to capture the
- Actually extended into the uterus itself. Because they occupied both the, vagina ,and the uterus, this type of stem pessary was also known as an intrauterine
- The man then directs his ejaculate (semen) away from his partner's, vagina ,in an effort to avoid insemination. This method of contraception, widely used
- They are located around the urethra and can be felt through the wall of the, vagina , However, research shows most women achieve orgasm only through clitoral
- The lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the, vagina , It is cylindrical or conical and protrudes through the upper anterior
- One further behind for the anus. The female has one genital slit, housing the, vagina ,and the anus. Two mammary slits are positioned on either side of the female's
- Uterine tubes. File: Gray1167. SVG|Posterior half of uterus and upper part of, vagina , File: Cervix dilation sequence. SVG|Cervix dilation sequence in labor A
- Sexuality were linked to contemporary understanding of female physiology. The, vagina ,was considered an inward version of the penis; where nature's perfection
- The increase in anal pornography, Moreover,an anus is usually tighter than a, vagina , which can yield greater tactile pleasure for the man via his penis. While each
- Burning or scarring the genitals, or introducing harmful substances into the, vagina ,to tighten it. Affluent people in urban settings may have the procedure done in
- Manchester, first proposed that this behavior would tend to draw semen in the, vagina ,into the uterus, increasing the likelihood of conception. This explanation has
- Vaginosis (BV) or less commonly vagina l bacterizes is a disease of the, vagina ,caused by bacteria. It is not considered to be a sexually transmitted infection
- Infibulation, and consists of a vertical cut opening up normal access to the, vagina , This may be accompanied by removal of scar tissue and labial repair.
- May vary depending on the type of FGM performed. Complete obstruction of the, vagina ,results in hematocolpos and hematoma. FGM may complicate pregnancy and place
- The anterior junction of the labia minor, above the opening of the urethra and, vagina , Unlike the penis, which is homologous to the clitoris, the clitoris does not
- With an unpleasant smell. This malodorous discharge coats the walls of the, vagina , and is usually without irritation, pain or erythema. By contrast, the normal
- Life. When the endocervix is exposed to the harsh acidic environment of the, vagina ,it undergoes metaplasia to squamous epithelium which is better suited to the
- Both solids and liquids; the other for reproduction, which appears as a, vagina ,in females and a penis in males. Female placental mammals have completely
- And the woman is least likely to be pregnant. A spectrum is used to hold the, vagina ,open, a pendulum is used to steady the cervix and uterus, and a tube is used
- Activity that involves sexual intercourse or even contact of semen with the, vagina ,or vulva carries the chance of pregnancy. People who want to engage in such
- Achieve orgasm only through clitoral stimulation. The clitoris surrounds the, vagina ,somewhat like a horseshoe and has over 6,000 nerve fibers. In addition to nerve
- System: the sex organs; in the female; ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina , mammary glands, and in the male; testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles
- Talc is known to be toxic if it enters the abdominal cavity (i.e. via the, vagina ,). Cornstarch is generally believed to be safe, however some researchers have
- Flatulence (also known as Queen) is an emission or expulsion of air from the, vagina ,that may occur during or after sexual intercourse or (less often) during
- Into an oral syringe which may then be lubricated and inserted into the anus or, vagina ,before the plunger is pushed. Rectal administration of heroin is very efficient
- Term impotent could describes simple inability to insert the penis into the, vagina , It is now mostly replaced by more precise terms. The study of erectile
- And is at its clearest about 2 weeks before the period starts. Causes A healthy, vagina ,normally contains many microorganisms; some common ones are
- Well have known. Like many artists, he imagines the beak penetrating Leda's, vagina , " Leda and the Swan" is a sonnet by William Butler Yeats first published in
- Into an oral syringe which may then be lubricated and inserted into the anus or, vagina ,before the plunger is pushed. Anecdotal evidence of its effects are
- The same function. *During colonoscopy,Lugol's iodine is applied to the, vagina ,and cervix. Normal vagina l tissue stains brown owing to its high glycogen
- A man, often nature was thought to be trying to right itself by prolapsing the, vagina ,to form a penis in some women. These sex changes were later thought to be cases
- Of bacterial vaginosis. * Loss of acidity. To control bacterial growth,the, vagina ,is normally slightly acidic with a pH of 3.8–4.2. A swab of the discharge is
- Bone surrounding the urethra and accessible through the anterior wall of the, vagina ,— is considered to have legs in relation to the clitoris which may also be
- More than 90 % reported French kissing, oral sex, and fingers inserted into the, vagina ,; and 80 % reported tribalism. Lesbians in their 30s were twice as likely as
- Of candidiasis may vary depending on the area affected. Infection of the, vagina ,or vulva may cause severe itching, burning,soreness, irritation,and a whitish
- Cervix means neck in Latin. Anatomy Endocervix The portion projecting into the, vagina ,is referred to as the portion vagina l is or endocervix. On average, the
- Is a gel that hardens upon increased temperature after insertion into the, vagina ,or rectum. In the lab, it has been shown to effectively block HIV and herpes
- Main purpose during sexual intercourse is to prevent passage of semen into the, vagina , and taking the condom off just before ejaculating essentially invalidates that
- Which is often described by women as a burning sensation, particularly in the, vagina , Men with pelvic floor tension experience referred pain, particularly at the
- Days. Upon withdrawal of the penis, the spines rake the walls of the female's, vagina , which is a trigger for ovulation. This act also occurs to clear the vagina of
- Significantly decreases sensation both in the penis and in the ability of the, vagina ,'s walls to properly feel the penis, because of the material barrier. In
- In which a man, during intercourse withdraws his penis from a woman's, vagina ,prior to ejaculation. The man then directs his ejaculate (semen) away from
- Is visible with appropriate medical equipment; the remainder lies above the, vagina ,beyond view. It is occasionally called" cervix uteri ". Cervix means neck in
- A live mare may be used, and he is most commonly collected using an artificial, vagina ,(AV) which is heated to simulate the vagina of the mare. The AV has a filter
- Less pleasurable or even actively irritates their vagina l walls and leaves the, vagina ,sore and/or irritated whereas condomless sex does not. Religious The Roman
- Trade his daughters disguised as pigs, except " pig" was ancient slang for ", vagina ,". Since the embargo against Regard was the pretext for the Peloponnesian War
- Diagnosis To make a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis, a swab from inside the, vagina ,should be obtained. These swabs should be tested for: * A characteristic "
- S vagina , which is a trigger for ovulation. This act also occurs to clear the, vagina ,of other sperm in the context of a 2nd (or more) mating, thus giving the
- The epithelium of the cervix is varied. The endocervix (more distal, by the, vagina ,) is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. The endocervix
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