Examples of the the word, payoff , in a Sentence Context
The word ( payoff ), is the 12021 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Ted went to Jacksonville for a course in aerial gunnery, the combat pilot's, payoff ,test, and broke all the records in reflexes, coordination,and visual-reaction
- Summarizes this as don't be envious; in other words,don't strive for a, payoff ,greater than the other player's. In any IPD game there is a certain maximum
- After which all other runners automatically and completely lose (that is,the, payoff ,is" winner-takes-all" ). There is, however,no" post" that the winning
- Is important to make a machine that is perceived to present greater chances of, payoff ,than it actually has within the legal limitations that games of chance must
- Minimal is used in zero-sum games to denote minimizing the opponent's maximum, payoff , In a zero-sum game, this is identical to minimizing one's own maximum loss
- 60 cents per dollar. Perhaps not surprisingly, despite the astonishingly high, payoff ,for strong performance, the ten-spot game is by far the poorest from the player
- Straight up" bet). If the bet wins (which happens with probability),the, payoff ,is $35; otherwise the player loses the bet. The expected profit from such a bet
- Non-zero-sum games to describe the strategy which maximizes one's own minimum, payoff , In non-zero-sum games, this is not generally the same as minimizing the
- Payoff of UV. The name minimal arises because each player minimizes the maximum, payoff ,possible for the other—since the game is zero-sum, he also maximizes his own
- In a two player game, it is a strategy pair. Let E (S, T ) represent the, payoff ,for playing strategy S against strategy T. The strategy pair (S, S ) is a Nash
- The minimal theorem of game theory stating the existence of a unique, payoff ,when all players play optimally can be formulated and proven using vector
- Then. If the identities of the players can be changed without changing the, payoff ,to the strategies, then a game is symmetric. Many of the commonly studied 2×2
- Discover this. Poirot even sent Miss Barnaby two hundred pounds as a final, payoff ,before her dog kidnapping campaign came to an end. In The Murder of Roger
- Second condition means that although strategy T is neutral with respect to the, payoff ,against strategy S, the population of players who continue to play strategy S
- Maximization Often preferences are described by their utility function or, payoff ,function. This is an ordinal number an individual assigns over the available
- Would need to improve for industrialized countries to realize the large, payoff ,in reducing over-illumination. Glare can be categorized into different
- The accuracy of the program in recognizing patterns or classifying objects; the, payoff ,that a game-playing program produces; the compliance of a structure with
- Minimax solutions. Suppose each player has three choices and consider the, payoff ,matrix for A displayed at right. Assume the payoff matrix for B is the same
- The city. However, he is not above selling out his employers if it means a big, payoff , a fact which Edison Carter takes advantage of on several occasions while
- Possible for player 1 is V, and (b) Given player 1's strategy, the best, payoff ,possible for player 2 is UV. Equivalently, Player 1's strategy guarantees him
- For the other—since the game is zero-sum, he also maximizes his own minimum, payoff , This theorem was established by John von Neumann, who is quoted as saying" As
- Once a week a police officer would collect envelopes of cash as a, payoff ,; the Stonewall Inn had no liquor license. It had no running water behind the
- Him as ruler of Poland and paid the enormous sum of 200,000 guldens in gold as, payoff ,(" apology" ). Dancing later remained loyal to the Kingdom during wars with
- Expenses, and Baker kept $3.4 million in bonuses for himself. A $279,000, payoff , for the silence of Jessica Hahn, a staff secretary at the church, was paid with
- Together in a pool; taxes and the" house-take" or" via" are removed, and, payoff , odds are calculated by sharing the pool among all winning bets. In some
- Study games that last for infinitely many moves, with the winner (or other, payoff ,) not known until after all those moves are completed. The focus of attention
- Of first player when only he changes his strategy to T is higher than his, payoff ,in case that both of players change their strategies to T. This formulation
- For player 2 is UV. Equivalently, Player 1's strategy guarantees him a, payoff ,of V regardless of Player 2's strategy, and similarly Player 2 can guarantee
- Effective automatic payout mechanism. Three bells in a row produced the biggest, payoff , ten nickels. Liberty Bell was a huge success and spawned a thriving mechanical
- They will join the sanctioning group, seeing that sanctions secure a better, payoff , And there is the very intriguing paper" The Coevolution of Parochial Altruism
- Externalities of coalition formation. In the partition function form the, payoff ,of a coalition depends not only on its members, but also on the way the rest of
- 1980,as an index. They designated September 29, 1990,10 years hence, as the, payoff ,date. If the inflation-adjusted prices of the various metals rose in the
- Sold it to Astounding for significantly more than the contest's first-prize, payoff , He was quickly acknowledged as a leader of the new movement toward" social "
- Pay some of these bets at different payout ratios than those listed below. The, payoff ,odds listed are the most common throughout North American casinos.: Note: "
- A reward for holding shares that Woodruff had given to Scott and Thomson, as a, payoff , Reinvesting his returns in such inside investments in railroad-related
- Of underlying forms and ordered rules that is consistent with the data; and the, payoff ,is that seemingly complex patterns are often reduced to simplicity.
- Choices and consider the payoff matrix for A displayed at right. Assume the, payoff ,matrix for B is the same matrix with the signs reversed (i.e. if the choices
- Breakthrough opportunities and is very tolerant of technical failure if the, payoff ,from success will be great enough. * Orientation to revolutionary breakthroughs
- It is important that the player bets in multiples that will allow a correct, payoff ,in complete dollars. Normally, payoff s will be rounded down to the nearest
- Married Tammy Fay Baker. On March 19, 1987,following the revelation of a, payoff ,to Jessica Hahn to keep secret her allegation that Baker and another minister
- Come bet does and the odds bet is returned (along with the come bet and its, payoff ,). The player can tell the dealer that they want their odds working, such that
- To construct the first clanking replicator would have an arbitrarily large, payoff ,with no additional labor cost, with future returns discounted by their present
- To another strategy T and the second players keeps his strategy S. *AND* The, payoff ,of first player when only he changes his strategy to T is higher than his
- Definition but not the second. In words, this definition looks like this: The, payoff ,of the first player when both players play strategy S is higher than (or equal
- Pavlov looks at its own prior move as well as the other player's move. If the, payoff ,was R or P (see" Prisoner's Dilemma ", above ) it cooperates; if S or T it
- Of Player 2's strategy, and similarly Player 2 can guarantee himself a, payoff ,of UV. The name minimal arises because each player minimizes the maximum payoff
- Solution. In the solution, players play a mixed strategy. Example A game's, payoff ,matrix is a convenient representation. Consider for example the two-player
- Player when both players play strategy S is higher than (or equal to) the, payoff ,of the first player when he changes to another strategy T and the second
- Strategy for each player, such that (a) Given player 2's strategy, the best, payoff ,possible for player 1 is V, and (b) Given player 1's strategy, the best
- In question; its description as" war" is hyperbole – some form of treaty or, payoff ,is likely, with Pompey as chief negotiator. This was standard practice, but
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