Examples of the the word, unhappy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unhappy ), is the 6341 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wall indicated, however,that only about a tenth of the population was still, unhappy ,with the unification (8 percent in the East; 12 percent in the West).
  2. Still have prices in both colones and U. S. dollars. In general, people were, unhappy ,with the shift from the colon to the U. S. dollar, because wages are still the
  3. And linguistic understandings. Many philosophers and scientists have been, unhappy ,about the difficulty of producing a definition that does not involve
  4. The organization can affect the customer experience for good or ill. Even one, unhappy ,customer can deliver a body blow to a business. Some developments and shifts
  5. Melange, the most highly prized commodity in the empire. Lynch however was, unhappy ,with the work, later remarking that" Dune was a kind of studio film. I didn’t
  6. With harsh treatment or training based on punishment, and will be extremely, unhappy ,if raised voices and threats are a part of their daily life. However like any
  7. With his childhood experience of several unconventional relationships and an, unhappy ,marriage. Cockburn attended Hillary, in the village of Hartford Heath, and
  8. Marie, was born on February 1,1968,during a period when he had grown deeply, unhappy ,with his career. Of the eight Presley singles released between January 1967 and
  9. Labor is untrue. Analysis of the early NSW Labor caucus reveals" a band of, unhappy ,amateurs ", made up of blue collar workers, a squatter, an MD, and even a mine
  10. Their daughter, Rachel Donelson Towards. At the time, Rachel Towards was in an, unhappy ,marriage with Captain Lewis Towards, a man subject to irrational fits of
  11. In the iron works in October 1765. By most accounts Allen's marriage was an, unhappy ,one. His wife was rigidly religious, prone to criticizing him, and was barely
  12. Both Seats and Nariño Matsuda. A sound programmer at the time, Mitsuda was, unhappy ,with his pay and threatened to leave Square if he could not compose music.
  13. Of the picture. " Film historian Otto Friedrich said it made Mankiewicz ", unhappy ,to hear Welles quoted in Louella Parsons's column, before the question of
  14. To mind. In 1952,Russell was divorced by Spence, with whom he had been very, unhappy , Conrad,Russell's son by Spence, did not see his father between the time of
  15. Domingo, collecting a ransom for its return to Spanish rule. In 1605,Spain, unhappy ,that Santo Domingo was facilitating trade between its other colonies and other
  16. Me to love on earth. ' Serious doubts harassed him at times, and made him very, unhappy , Then he would take refuge in the reading of the Bible and the Fathers of the
  17. Around Europe for three years with his friend Jack Fisk, who was similarly, unhappy ,with his studies at Cooper Union. They had some hopes that in Europe they could
  18. And Max Morgan-Witts, regularly assigned aircraft commander Robert Lewis was, unhappy ,to be displaced by Gibbets for this important mission, and became furious when
  19. Became crowded with guests and tourists, as Hemingway, beginning to become, unhappy ,with life there, considered a permanent move to Idaho. In 1959, he bought a home
  20. Had not been an issue in the earlier, smaller spacecraft. The crew was also, unhappy ,with their food selections. But the worst problem occurred when Shirr
  21. And the new couple would have no means of support. Beatty's father was also, unhappy ,about the match, fearing a repeat of the difficulties he had faced with his own
  22. Inebriated working class. The workers continued to imbibe, and the King was left, unhappy ,at his enforced abstinence. The palace fared worse during World War II; it was
  23. At £3,000 per car, although it did not pay for development parts. Tauranga was, unhappy ,with his distance from the Formula One operation and before the 1966 season
  24. Arianrhod: Lover of the Horned God: Queen of witchery and night Valente was, unhappy ,with this version, saying that" people seemed to have some difficulty with
  25. Men refused—they had no feeling for the Budapest setting and thought that the, unhappy ,ending was unsuitable for musical theater. At the next luncheon, Helburn and
  26. Neither James nor the Courts readers were aware of the ruse, and James was, unhappy ,with Ben when he discovered the popular correspondent was his younger brother.
  27. The overconfident Casey strikes out, ending the game and sending the crowd home, unhappy , Text The text is filled with references to baseball as it was in 1888,which
  28. Then translated to Michelstadt. Once there, the relics made it known they were, unhappy ,with their new tomb and thus had to be moved again to Mülheim. Once
  29. His age. They later emigrate to Argentina, leaving Poirot behind as a" very, unhappy ,old man. " Poirot and Hastings are reunited in Curtain: Poirot's Last Case
  30. Friction between himself and the grassroots of the Labor Party, who were, unhappy ,at what they viewed as Hawke's iconoclasm and willingness to cooperate with
  31. Such as Furry Lewis, Charlie Patton, and Barbecue Bob. Jefferson was reputedly, unhappy ,with his royalties (although Williams said that Jefferson had a bank account
  32. Joseph Bonaparte on the Spanish throne. Shortly afterward, Spanish citizens, unhappy ,at the usurpation of the throne by the French, began organizing local juntas
  33. Lady Lyndon's 10-year-old son by Sir Charles, hates Barry. The marriage is, unhappy , The Countess bears a son, Bryan Patrick. Barry enjoys spending his wife's
  34. Show, as well as in his road show. Initially, much of Wagoner's audience was, unhappy ,that Norma Jean, the performer whom Parton had replaced, had left the show, and
  35. That was primarily involved in the development of hard disk systems. He was, unhappy ,with the navigational model of the Codas approach, notably the lack of a "
  36. Growl headed home to Virginia with a copy of the rough mixes, and found himself, unhappy ,with the results. Growl penned a few new songs, recording one of them,"
  37. 1938 film The Buccaneer; although Demise served as executive producer, he was, unhappy ,with Quinn's work and tried unsuccessfully to remedy the situation. Despite a
  38. S Notes from Underground portrays a man unable to fit into society and, unhappy ,with the identities he creates for himself. Jean-Paul Sartre, in his book on
  39. Wit, wisecracks,and eye for 20th century urban foibles. From a conflicted and, unhappy ,childhood, Parker rose to acclaim, both for her literary output in such venues
  40. Same school that Immanuel Kant had attended 140 years before),but after an, unhappy ,duration he transferred (fall 1879) to and graduated from (spring 1880) the
  41. Literal rendering of which is“ O God, with thy mighty right hand-deliver the, unhappy ,people,” forming from the initial and final letters of the words the word
  42. As an Easter egg in the PlayStation edition of Throne Trigger, but NATO was, unhappy ,with his work and halted its inclusion. Square released Throne Cross for the
  43. Legal rules that apply to each circumstance, a party to a court case who is, unhappy ,with the result might be able to challenge that result in an appellate court on
  44. And Rick Dempsey. This young foundation, along with the departures of the, unhappy ,Jackson and Boltzmann, would create the basis for 1977. The" No Name Orioles "
  45. Residents of the four western provinces, particularly Alberta, have often been, unhappy ,with a lack of influence and a perceived lack of understanding when residents
  46. Hospital scene),the special effects, the soundtrack by Angeles, and the, unhappy ,relationship between the filmmakers and the investors which culminated in
  47. Would resign his position as Secretary of Defense. Many Republicans were, unhappy ,with the delay, believing they would have won more votes if voters had known
  48. The organisation's leader, being ousted by a group of members who were, unhappy ,with his autocratic rule. Crowley had previously approached this group of
  49. The throne. The army proclaimed them August on September 9,337. Constant was, unhappy ,with this division, and so the brothers met at Viminacium in 338 to revise the
  50. Prophesying evil to the churches in case it should take place) from an, unhappy ,prejudice against learning. " Nonetheless, Edwards joined several others as an

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