Examples of the the word, underneath , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underneath ), is the 6758 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Neil Finn said," When we lost Paul it was like someone pulled the rug out from, underneath ,everything, a terrible jolt out of the dark blue. He was the best drummer I had
  2. This was also intended as a commentary on the state of Weimar Germany;, underneath ,that facade of prosperity and happiness, lay corruption and savagery. Under
  3. Cell cortex, the region proximal to the cell surface,i.e. directly, underneath ,the cell membrane Anatomy * Cortex (anatomy),the outermost or superficial
  4. Animation which was re-used over dozens of episodes, to reveal his costume, underneath ,while uttering his famed line" This is a job for Superman! " As a dramatic
  5. Advantage, employing a bob-and-weave defense by bending at the waist to slip, underneath ,or to the sides of incoming punches. Unlike blocking, causing an opponent to
  6. Instruction from the skip. Sweeping is done for two reasons: to reduce friction, underneath ,the stone, and to decrease the amount of curl. The stones curl more as they
  7. Furthermore, in mathematics, the letter alpha is used to denote the area, underneath ,a normal curve in statistics to denote significance level when proving null and
  8. Sticker that says 'Damned ', thus completing the LP title when read, underneath ,the band's name. * Elvis Costello - Armed Forces; with an extended back panel
  9. Office market, offering connections to the high-speed fiber networks that run, underneath ,downtown streets in several" high-tech offices" focused on the Euclid Avenue
  10. Dip more steeply after they pass the net. * When playing a net shot, slicing, underneath , the shuttlecock may cause it to turn over itself (tumble) several times as it
  11. While fretting a sustained" F" ( on the third fret of the" D" string), underneath , an F major chord being played by a piano player, a bassist might hold down the
  12. Of calculus was built on earlier concepts of instantaneous motion and area, underneath ,curves. Applications of differential calculus include computations involving
  13. One of which contains the American consulate. A parking garage can be found, underneath ,the square, as well as a supermarket. He Museumplein is covered almost
  14. Volcanism is a result of subduction of the Nazca Plate and Antarctic Plate, underneath ,the South American Plate. The belt is subdivided into four main volcanic zones
  15. In a regular comic, ASCII art is used, with the text or dialog usually placed, underneath , During the 1990s,graphical browsing and variable-width fonts became
  16. The film is a Chinese proverb that refers to the hidden mysteries and qualities, underneath ,a person. Finally, there is Sullen. Although she lives the life of a warrior
  17. Also go to the pituitary gland, a tiny gland attached to the brain directly, underneath ,the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland secretes hormones into the bloodstream
  18. One and which holds the material to be heated or cooked, and sometimes a base, underneath , Under the outer container of the Annmarie (or built into its base) is a
  19. Displaying a letter B framed by the word Ravens overhead and a cross cottony, underneath , The US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a jury verdict that the logo
  20. Action where the non-planted leg is extended fully, and the planted leg is bent, underneath ,the dancer for support (hop onto left, leaving out the step; hop onto right
  21. Belt, abalone iron, and abalone gauge. Alternatively, the rock picker can feel, underneath ,rocks at low tides for abalone. Abalone are mostly taken in depths from a few
  22. In the UK, or a wheel truck, or simply truck in North America, is a structure, underneath ,a train to which axles (and, hence,wheels) are attached through bearings. In
  23. And Partialize that primitive ants were likely to have been predators, underneath ,the surface of the soil. Termites, though sometimes called white ants, are not
  24. Audience),runs down the street and rips open his shirt to reveal his costume, underneath , He quickly enters a revolving door, spinning through it at incredible speed
  25. Fur to enable perspiration, the need to protect the newly exposed pale skin, underneath ,this body hair was crucial (see in light of Rogers and others.,2004 and
  26. Rendered écorché (statue of a man with skin removed to reveal the muscles, underneath ,) which was exhibited at the Romanian Athena in 1903. Though just an
  27. And Middle Eastern version of the alphabet—in particular, the fa had a dot, underneath ,and AF a single dot above in the Maghreb, and the order of the letters was
  28. Grypus) and the Baltic ringed seal (Pusey hospital Bosnia) that both feed, underneath ,and breed on the ice. Of these two seals, only the Baltic ringed seal suffers
  29. Video game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Minerva appears in an ancient vault, underneath ,the Colosseum at the end of the game. She explains the origin of mankind within
  30. S body can be various shades of bluish-grey dorsally and somewhat lighter, underneath , There are at least three distinct. Blue whales were abundant in nearly all the
  31. Begin and end on either the unison, octave,or fifth, unless the added part is, underneath , in which case begin and end only on unison or octave. #Use no unions except
  32. Reddish-brown fur on the upper part of their body that turns yellowish-brown, underneath , Adult capybaras grow to in length, stand tall at the withers and typically
  33. In baseball, and many players make use of brush back pitches, or pitches aimed, underneath ,the chin, commonly referred to as 'chin music ', to keep players away from the
  34. Lanes (in a temporary configuration) on December 20, 2003. A tunnel, underneath ,Everett Circle connecting eastbound Sorrow Drive to I-93 North and the Robin
  35. Bellerophon missed his intended anchor near Franklin and instead found his ship, underneath ,the main battery of the French flagship, while Captain George Blagdon Westcott
  36. Accomplished, because the physical responses to" Directing" often occur, underneath ,one's ability to perceive. As freedom of expression or movement is the
  37. Each is offset a small amount along the length of the body so that each half is, underneath ,two strings. The pickups are reverse-wound with reversed magnetic polarity to
  38. Red and blue, more often as the series progresses (more commonly a blue shirt, underneath ,a red jacket, reflecting Superman's uniform and cape colors). He is going
  39. Road and rail traffic. Bridges are subject to unplanned uses as well. The areas, underneath ,some bridges have become makeshift shelters and homes to homeless people, and
  40. Boiling equipment The simplest boil kettles are direct-fired, with a burner, underneath , These can produce a vigorous and favorable boil, but are also apt to scorch
  41. The CD artwork are two-headed arrows wrapped back pointing at each other, and, underneath , the CD are two worm-like creatures face to face forming a circle. * The
  42. Center and Bruckner Boulevard. Shops are also concentrated on streets aligned, underneath ,elevated railroad lines, including Westchester Avenue, White Plains Road
  43. And then always adding two adjacent numbers and writing the sum directly, underneath , This method allows the quick calculation of binomial coefficients without the
  44. Not worthy of a declaration of war. Instead, those capable of fighting, underneath ,the nuclear umbrella (supranational terrorists, corporate mercenaries, ethnic
  45. Being raised upon a constructed base, and it is known that a kitchen is, underneath , A well-known legend attached to the site concerns a wealthy hunter, Childe
  46. Span of London Bridge (as part of Bridge ward) but only half of the river, underneath ,it, a feature which is unique in British local administration. The boundaries
  47. Comics, television,and movies. Transitions Clark wears his Superman costume, underneath ,his street clothes, allowing easy changes between the two personae — and the
  48. And is designed to be quickly detached and reattached. Other designs hold bolts, underneath ,the crossbow parallel to the stock, sometimes on either side of the crossbow. A
  49. The disk now sat, had to be moved to an awkward location in a cramped niche, underneath ,the keyboard. The 1040ST was the first personal computer shipped with a base
  50. Also referred to as" J pickups ", are wider eight-pole pickups that lie, underneath ,all four strings. J pickups are typically single-coil designs, although there

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