Examples of the the word, parcel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( parcel ), is the 6776 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Divided as such, and the phrase" the back 40" would refer to the 40 acre, parcel ,to the back of the farm. Most of the US Midwest is on square mile grids for
  2. Was 60 years older than them. Jacob then arrived in She chem, where he bought a, parcel ,of land, now identified as Joseph's Tomb. In She chem,Jacob's daughter Dinah
  3. Then the same amount of energy available at room temperature. Mixing a hot, parcel ,of a fluid with a cold one produces a parcel of intermediate temperature, in
  4. Events, a set of simultaneous equations for the total activity of each, parcel ,of tissue along many Loss can be solved by a number of techniques, and,thus, a
  5. Fluid. When the pressure applied on a parcel of air decreases, the air in the, parcel ,is allowed to expand; as the volume increases, the temperature falls and
  6. Of the Imperial Court (まむたのみやけ) * constructed a Yoko no bank (horizontal, parcel , Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi). Consorts and Children Empress (first): Princess IRA (
  7. Styles were assimilated into an architectural vernacular that became part and, parcel ,of the training of every architect, designer,builder, carpenter,mason and
  8. Of the thermal wind relation. The balance of forces on an atmospheric, parcel ,in the vertical direction is primarily between the pressure gradient and the
  9. Are generally required for boundary surveys (to establish the boundaries of a, parcel ,using its legal description) and subdivision plans (a plot or map based on a
  10. Now Malaysia) gains its independence from the United Kingdom. *1958 – A, parcel ,bomb sent by NGO Dish NHS, younger brother and chief adviser of South
  11. On a survey of a parcel of land, with boundary lines drawn inside the larger, parcel ,to indicate the creation of new boundary lines and roads),both of which are
  12. A common prefix and postfix in local place- and street names. A" hove" was a, parcel ,of land that might be given in leasehold to private persons such as farmers by
  13. Access to the Atlantic via the Paraguay River. In 1992,Peru gave Bolivia a, parcel ,of land on the Pacific coast. In 2010 this was expanded into a 99-year lease
  14. As an article (C. Stockhausen 1978). In 1961,Stockhausen acquired a, parcel ,of land in the vicinity of Burden, a village east of Cologne, near Erich
  15. In" castle" and" rascal" rhymes with" hassle" rather than non-rhotic ", parcel ,". Also, some may use a short" a" vowel in" bat" for words like" grasp "
  16. Generally focuses on the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere. The idea of air, parcel ,is used to define the smallest element of the atmosphere, while ignoring the
  17. Configuration of screen objects like buttons, fields and menus, are part and, parcel ,with the ability to add programmed functionality to those objects. When
  18. And the recently opened Mexican town International Welcome Center. A 2009, parcel , survey found 93 % of the city's occupied housing to be in good condition, with
  19. Were providing service over of railroad. When the post office began handling, parcel ,post in 1913,terminal Railway Post Office operations were established in major
  20. John wind flowing downhill. When a parcel of air descends, the pressure on the, parcel ,increases. Due to this increase in pressure, the parcel 's volume decreases and
  21. Description) and subdivision plans (a plot or map based on a survey of a, parcel ,of land, with boundary lines drawn inside the larger parcel to indicate the
  22. Be described as an adiabatically cooling fluid. When the pressure applied on a, parcel ,of air decreases, the air in the parcel is allowed to expand; as the volume
  23. The pressure on the parcel increases. Due to this increase in pressure,the, parcel ,'s volume decreases and its temperature increases, thus increasing the internal
  24. Similar competition has helped in manufacturing, energy,transportation, and, parcel , postal (UPS, FedEx vs. USPS) sectors of government that have been socialized
  25. Around the country from escalating into violence, the government promised to, parcel ,out land belonging to the National Corporation for Investment (Corporación
  26. For example, in a catalytic wind or John wind flowing downhill. When a, parcel ,of air descends, the pressure on the parcel increases. Due to this increase in
  27. Left. An iconic event in the Berkeley Sixties scene was a conflict over a, parcel ,of University property south of the contiguous campus site that came to be
  28. Is as the thigh of its mother,' i.e., the fetus is deemed to be part and, parcel ,of the pregnant woman's body. " The Babylonian Talmud Yeast 69b states that:
  29. The rule of Nguyen Khan, killing 70 ethnic Vietnamese soldiers. *1972 – A, parcel ,bomb sent to Israeli Embassy in London kills one diplomat. *1973 – King Carl
  30. Ethics to science, and argues in favor of making education in ethics part and, parcel ,of scientific training. Media perspectives The mass media face a number of
  31. Means employed become, through individual habit and social practice, part and, parcel ,of the final purpose ...." Nevertheless, she viewed the state as essentially
  32. At the Louvre Image: Louvres-antiquites-egyptiennes-img 2711. JPG|Grant of a, parcel ,of land by an individual to a temple. Dated to the first year of Amass II, on
  33. To DP. The Bernoulli principle states that the sum total of energy within a, parcel ,of fluid remains constant as long as no energy is added or removed. It is a
  34. Because of the social structure of the country: ownership of even a small, parcel ,of farmland created a motivation to fight against the Reds. Moreover, the
  35. The Brewer-Dobson circulation moves very slowly. The time needed to lift an air, parcel ,from the tropical tropopause near is about 4–5 months (about per day). Even
  36. Was deep; in March 1952,during the ongoing reparations negotiations,a, parcel ,bomb addressed to Konrad Adenauer, the sitting West German Chancellor, was
  37. Ignoring the discrete molecular and chemical nature of the atmosphere. An air, parcel ,is defined as a point in the fluid continuum of the atmosphere. The fundamental
  38. Club attempted a hostile take-over North Melbourne by purchasing a large, parcel ,of shares formerly owned by Bob An sett. The Blues acquired 20 per cent of the
  39. Then the sum of pressure energy and speed energy for any particular, parcel ,of air must be constant. Consequently, an increase in speed must be accompanied
  40. Took place at 9 am on September 2,2011. The park will be created on a 5.2-acre, parcel , located in Third Ward between Church and Mint Streets and Martin Luther King
  41. Personal needs or deep spiritual enlightenment. Ritual invocation was part and, parcel ,of the Vedic religion and as such permeated their sacred texts. Indeed, the
  42. Of Exam in Derbyshire. The plague allegedly arrived with a merchant carrying a, parcel ,of cloth sent from London, although this is a disputed fact. The villagers
  43. Was apprehended by police. Later the same month Under was the recipient of a, parcel ,bomb that was detonated by the Toronto Police Service's bomb squad. Accused of
  44. A 99-year lease allowing the development of a port and naval station on a land, parcel ,south of Peru's port of Ill. However, since no ports yet exist on this land
  45. At room temperature. Mixing a hot parcel of a fluid with a cold one produces a, parcel ,of intermediate temperature, in which the overall increase in entropy
  46. Was made available for training. The line became available for the Christmas, parcel ,post in 1927 and letters were carried from February 1928. In 1954 plans
  47. As Rabbi Abraham Ariel Truman, reincarnation is recognized as being part and, parcel ,of Jewish tradition. Rabbi Truman explains that it is through oral tradition
  48. Incompressibility is expressed by saying that the density \rho of a fluid, parcel ,does not change as it moves in the flow field, i. e., : \franc = 0 \, where
  49. Character, which is to be attributed to each and every isolated energy, parcel ,". In 1925,Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascal Jordan constructed such a
  50. Police during World War II, and was notorious for prisoner torture. The small, parcel ,of land made a tall tower necessary, and Pei had usually shied away from such

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