Examples of the the word, intuitive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intuitive ), is the 6762 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An express grant of statutory authority, federal courts cannot create rules of, intuitive ,justice, for example, a right to contribution from co-conspirators). Post-1938
  2. To question this curriculum, advocating the early teaching of more central and, intuitive ,mathematical ideas. One notable movement in this direction was the New Math of
  3. The Age of Enlightenment. The notion of" folk genius ", or an inborn and, intuitive ,ability to do magnificent things, is a core principle of the Romantic movement.
  4. Itself, rather than on a silkscreen area. For editing text, Newton had a very, intuitive ,system for handwritten editing, such as scratching out words to be deleted
  5. Algebraic topology. Their work was an important part of the transition from, intuitive ,and geometric homology to axiomatic homology theory. Eisenberg and Mac Lane
  6. And handling it is desired that a data model is relatively simple and, intuitive , This may be in conflict with high expressive power needed to deal with certain
  7. Or non-Aristotelian logic, refers to the capacity for, and practice of, using, intuitive , inductive reasoning (compare fuzzy logic),rather than reflexive, or
  8. Calculations are simpler (an example is inertial circles),and sometimes the, intuitive ,picture coincides more closely with the rotational frame (an example is
  9. Bézier curves. Paths are not bound by the limits of rasterized images and are, intuitive ,to modify. Bézier's curves are also used in animation as a tool to control motion
  10. Is a bijection between them. In the case of finite sets, this agrees with the, intuitive ,notion of size. In the case of infinite sets, the behavior is more complex. A
  11. Thus, any popular general-purpose data model usually well balances between being, intuitive ,and relatively simple, and very detailed with high expressive power. The
  12. At a skill system. Bunnies & Burrows has the advantage of offering players an, intuitive ,grasp of relative dangers and appropriate actions not possible in game worlds
  13. Three types of knowledge – opinion, reason,intuition – and his assertion that, intuitive ,knowledge provides the greatest satisfaction of mind, lead to his proposition
  14. The derivative satisfies the property that: \LIM_ = 0,which has the, intuitive ,interpretation (see Figure 1) that the tangent line to ƒ at a gives the best
  15. Terminal screen (as would be typical for structured programming),it is more, intuitive , With classes, GUI items that are similar to windows (such as dialog boxes)
  16. Chording keyboard called, who died in 1995, but the name also reflects its, intuitive ,nature. The KOS is a 6-key keyboard with a different signs and commands
  17. Calculable by a machine, and we let" effectively calculable" refer to the, intuitive ,idea without particular identification with any one of these definitions. " (
  18. Using the hyperreal Cauchy defined continuity of a function in the following, intuitive ,terms: an infinitesimal change in the independent variable corresponds to an
  19. Then integers, and fewer rational numbers than real numbers. However, this, intuitive , analysis does not take account of the fact that all three sets are infinite. It
  20. Speed and complexity: appeals to intuition The following arguments (and the, intuitive ,interpretations of the arguments above) do not directly explain how a Chinese
  21. The development stages. A larger theme is found in that the responsiveness, intuitive ,design and overall usability of a system can influence the users’ opinions and
  22. Users can then easily and quickly browse any genomic region via the simple and, intuitive ,pan and zoom controls; furthermore, data relevant to specific loci can be
  23. By a and b) is the area of the shaded region s. To approximate that area,an, intuitive ,method would be to divide up the distance between a and b into a number of
  24. The world to their contents. Though a metaphor, it has been argued that this, intuitive ,way of understanding Hume's theory that desires are necessary for motivation "
  25. 1936–7 and 1939. Giving a formal definition of algorithms, corresponding to the, intuitive ,notion, remains a challenging problem. Why algorithms are necessary: an
  26. Can be a hindrance; more restrictive regulations seem appealing on an, intuitive ,level, but critics decry the tradeoff cost in terms of slowing access to
  27. Skills have made it a successful competitor in dog agility trials as well as an, intuitive ,therapy dog and companion. Genomic studies have pointed to the Afghan Hound as
  28. After Rutherford's paper appeared in 1911 Antonius Van den Broke made the, intuitive ,suggestion that atomic number is nuclear charge. The matter required experiment
  29. Another textbook. In spite of these,Cauchy's own research papers often used, intuitive , not rigorous, methods; thus one of his theorems was exposed to a "
  30. And expanding array of concepts in the western world. According to medical, intuitive ,and author, Caroline Mass, who described chakras in her work Anatomy of the
  31. Topology is the field of mathematics that formalizes and generalizes the, intuitive ,notion of" continuous deformation" of objects, it gives rise to many discrete
  32. Energy The shape of the water's surface can be found in a different, very, intuitive , way using the interesting idea of the potential energy associated with the
  33. Of the ancient Egyptian practice of combining the use of knotted ropes with an, intuitive ,sense of proportion and harmony. Legacy The culture and monuments of ancient
  34. In 1920 proved crucial in convincing astronomers unused to Eddington's, intuitive , exploratory style. Eddington's theory appeared in mature form in 1926 as The
  35. The more perfect and blessed we are (in reality) and that only, intuitive ,knowledge is eternal. His unique contribution to understanding the workings of
  36. Culture, rather than regional cultures. Characteristics Art tends to facilitate, intuitive ,rather than rational understanding, and is usually consciously created with
  37. By a fool and a pig. The madman had his occasional flights of fancy, he had an, intuitive ,feeling for certain things, despite his wild obscurantism. Now we are ruled
  38. Thus effective communication about things in the abstract requires an, intuitive ,or common experience between the communicator and the communication recipient.
  39. The specification of arbitrary problems, often in a reasonably natural and, intuitive ,way. On the other hand, it is still semi-decidable, and a number of sound and
  40. Mathematically equivalent, many mathematicians find the axiom of choice to be, intuitive , the well-ordering principle to be counter intuitive , and Zorn's lemma to be
  41. S work at the time. Turing's approach is considerably more accessible and, intuitive , It was also novel in its notion of a 'Universal (Turing) Machine ', the idea
  42. Although it may lead to confusion. ) The most common approach to turn this, intuitive ,idea into a precise definition uses limits, but there are other methods, such
  43. Since the center of the turbulence moves a little. The result is not, intuitive , since the original fixed point may become mobile when another fixed point
  44. Empirical concepts" ... are mere abstractions from what is known through, intuitive ,perception, and they have arisen from our arbitrarily thinking away or dropping
  45. Tend to be emotional, deep,nurturing, sympathetic,empathetic, imaginative and, intuitive , however, they can also be sentimental, sensitive,escapist and irrational.
  46. Graphics capabilities, which had necessarily been built in to create the, intuitive ,Macintosh GUI. It has been suggested that the combination of these three
  47. Believed that fractals, far from being unnatural, were in many ways more, intuitive ,and natural than the artificially smooth objects of traditional Euclidean
  48. Valid in general spaces. Compactness is not easy to describe precisely in an, intuitive ,manner; in some sense it says that the topology allows the space to be
  49. Of sets),even though as a set it may be quite large. Moreover, more, intuitive , characterizations of compactness are often dependent on additional properties
  50. A function to be" effectively calculable" ( computable)—is" a somewhat vague, intuitive ,one ". Thus, the " thesis" remains a hypothesis. Thus, the adverb-adjective "

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