Examples of the the word, skull , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The teeth became shorter, more narrow, and more curved toward the back of the, skull , All the teeth had saw-like edges. They were shed easily, and were replaced
  2. Estimates of the body mass of adult Apatosaurus species range from to. The, skull ,was small in comparison with the size of the animal. The jaws were lined with
  3. Of damage to specific brain areas. Even though it is protected by the, skull ,and meninges, surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the
  4. In this context, Stefano Gaspar and Wilfred Meighen see in Cunimund's, skull ,cup the sign of nomadic cultural influences on the Lombards: by drinking from
  5. Within the brain tissue. The infection may also be introduced through a, skull ,fracture following a head trauma or surgical procedures. Brain abscess is
  6. Gets drunk and orders his wife Rosamond to drink from his cup, made from the, skull ,of his father-in-law Unsound after he had slain him in 567 and married
  7. America, in which there were 44 teeth and no horn-like excrescences on the long, skull , while the femur had a third trochanter. The canines were somewhat elongated
  8. The tooth row is well-suited to such an attack, and that articulations in the, skull ,cited by their detractors as problematic actually helped protect the palate and
  9. Have one. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the, skull ,and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing,balance, taste
  10. Him on 25 August and on 4 January. His relics, now consisting of only his, skull , are venerated in the Church of St. Titus, Heraklion,Crete to which it was
  11. To be more accurate),but was composed of" the biggest, thickest,strongest, skull ,bones, lower jaws and tooth crowns from three different quarries ", primarily
  12. Lesion will result in relapse. In cases of trauma, for example in compound, skull ,fractures where fragments of bone are pushed into the substance of the brain
  13. Noticeably from Allosaurus in functional anatomy by having a taller, narrower, skull , with large, broad teeth. Paleo biology Life history The wealth of Allosaurus
  14. About prehistoric life. Allosaurus was a large bipedal predator. Its, skull ,was large and equipped with dozens of large, sharp teeth. It averaged in length
  15. Tries to avoid using the word" fire" to describe the character's fiery, skull , In the comic, minor characters like Earl, Billy Bob, Clark Cobb, and Mistress
  16. A female, died in 1627 in the Doctorow Forest, Poland from natural causes. The, skull ,was later looted by the Swedish Army during the Swedish invasion of Poland (
  17. By Marsh in 1879. It is known from six partial skeletons, including part of a, skull , which have been found in the United States, in Colorado, Oklahoma,Utah, and
  18. The third (middle) digit longer than the rest. Skull and teeth The massive, skull ,of Albertosaurus, perched on a short, S-shaped neck, was approximately 1 meter
  19. Primarily those of Camarasaurus, the only other sauropod for which good, skull ,material was known at the time. This method of reconstructing incomplete
  20. By a system of connective tissue membranes called meninges that separate the, skull ,from the brain. Blood vessels enter the central nervous system through holes in
  21. AMH 5767),may have measured 12.1 meters in length (40 ft). Skull The, skull ,and teeth of Allosaurus were modestly proportioned for a theropod of its size.
  22. Mithra's. * A 1999 archaeological dig in Peterborough, England,uncovered the, skull ,of an aurochs. The front part of the skull had been removed but the horns
  23. In 1996. Recent work has followed a" one species" interpretation, A study of, skull ,elements from the Cleveland Lloyd site found wide variation between individuals
  24. 740s in the royal palace of Minimum in the hands of king Rat chis. The use of, skull ,cups has been noticed among nomadic peoples, and in particular among the
  25. To halt bleeding in his brain and relieve pressure that had built up on his, skull , Following the operation, Sharon was returned to hospital's neurological
  26. enemy's skull Albion was taking his vital strength. As for the offering of the, skull ,to Rosamond, that may have been a ritual request of complete submission of the
  27. And feeding * A quick growth and movement of the eyes to higher up the, skull ,and the formation of eyelids. * Formation of skin glands, thickening of the
  28. Of plate was that a lance rest could be fitted to the breastplate. The small, skull ,cap evolved into a bigger true helmet, the bassinet, as it was lengthened
  29. 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One, skull ,has been drilled with several holes. Paul Chapman, the Westminster Coroner
  30. Peterborough, England,uncovered the skull of an aurochs. The front part of the, skull ,had been removed, but the horns remained attached. The supposition is that the
  31. Gregory S. Paul gives a length of 845 millimeters (33.3 in) for a, skull ,belonging to an individual he estimates at 7.9 meters long (26 ft). Each
  32. One of the best known aspects unavailable in any other source is that of the, skull ,cup. In Paul the events that lead to Alboin's downfall unfold in Verona.
  33. Conscious of the risk of disbelief. For this reason he insists that he saw the, skull ,cup personally during the 740s in the royal palace of Minimum in the hands of
  34. Aurochs, a female, died in 1627 in the Doctorow Forest, Poland,and her, skull ,is now the property of the Livrustkammaren (" Royal Armory" ) museum in
  35. For the genus and two partial skeletons have been found, including part of a, skull , Apatosaurus excels us (originally Brontosaurus) was named by Marsh in 1879.
  36. Hatchet. Description Allosaurus was a typical large theropod, having a massive, skull ,on a short neck, a long tail and reduced forelimbs. Allosaurus fragile, the
  37. Electric fields that they generate can be large enough to detect outside the, skull , using an electroencephalography (EEG) apparatus. EEG recordings, along with
  38. Is an advantage for describing bones usually found fused. Growth, skull ,construction, hunting methods, the brain, and the possibility of gregarious
  39. As Marsh believed it should, as well as a composite model of what he felt the, skull ,of this massive creature might look like. This was not a delicate
  40. Of nomadic cultural influences on the Lombards: by drinking from his enemy's, skull ,Albion was taking his vital strength. As for the offering of the skull to
  41. Hypoplasia, patent ducts arterioles, and incomplete ossification of the, skull , Contraindications and precautions The ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in
  42. Then becoming ambush hunters of large prey upon adulthood. Conversely,the, skull ,bones appear to have generally grown isometrically,increasing without
  43. Called pneumatic cavities) which connect with the respiratory system. The, skull ,bones in adults are fused and do not show cranial sutures. The orbits are large
  44. Distorted characters, a polarized world, and debilitating damage to the, skull ,or brain. Perhaps the most significant" Lynching" trademark in the film is
  45. This massive creature might look like. This was not a delicate Diplodocus-style, skull ,(which would later turn out to be more accurate),but was composed of" the
  46. Balances and causes the brain tissue to move across structures within the, skull ,(brain herniation). Ring enhancement may also be observed in cerebral
  47. Recordings of brain activity can be made using electrodes, either glued to the, skull ,as in EEG studies, or implanted inside the brains of animals for extracellular
  48. Of communism, in that he draws up the principles of the revolution. His, skull ,being put on revered public display also recalls Lenin, whose embalmed body was
  49. 1 meter (3.3 ft) long in the largest adults. Wide openings in the, skull ,(fenestrated) reduced the weight of the head while also providing space for
  50. Of fully grown sauropods, unless it hunted in packs, as it had a modestly sized, skull ,and relatively small teeth, and was greatly outweighed by contemporaneous

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