Examples of the the word, poultry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( poultry ), is the 6774 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Comparing 2010 to 2011. Agriculture Delaware's agricultural output consists of, poultry , nursery stock, soybeans,dairy products and corn. Its industrial outputs
  2. Use of antibiotics in European feed,except two antibiotics in, poultry ,feeds, became effective in 2006. In Scandinavia, there is evidence that the ban
  3. Fighting for social and sexual supremacy is the so-called pecking order among, poultry , A pecking order is established every time a group of poultry co-lives for a
  4. Such as cinnamon, plantains,prunes and pineapple are often found in meat and, poultry ,dishes. The Diocese of Chiapas comprises almost the entire state, and centered
  5. Infections in humans. The final decision to ban fluoroquinolones from use in, poultry ,production was not made until five years later because of challenges from the
  6. The plant. The plant is toxic to animals including all classes of livestock and, poultry , as well as felines and canines. Digitalis poisoning can cause heart block and
  7. The main types of farming in the area are beef, dairy,sheep, pigs and some, poultry , Most of the agricultural land is used as grassland for grazing and silage or
  8. And tons of eggs were produced worldwide. Chickens account for much of human, poultry ,consumption, though turkeys, ducks,and geese are also relatively common. Many
  9. Act of 2009 proposes to ban the use of Roxanne in industrial swine and, poultry ,production. Medical use During the 18th,19th,and 20th centuries, a number of
  10. Of small shipments for all kinds of businesses such products as cream, butter, poultry , and eggs were handled along with fresh flowers, fish and other seafoods some
  11. Eulogy Gómez Granular gave impetus to the raising of livestock and, poultry ,by establishing the Cooperative Orellana S. A. (Core). During the last
  12. Across the country into the present day. Staple foods Meat Pork, beef,and, poultry ,are the main varieties of meat consumed in Germany, with pork being the most
  13. Major dietary sources of cholesterol include cheese, egg yolks, beef,pork, poultry , and shrimp. The amount of cholesterol present in plant-based food sources is
  14. On imports of feed grain from the United States. In 2001,203,000 tons of, poultry ,meat were produced, along with 71,000 tons of beef and 420,000 tons of milk.
  15. According to the U. S. Census Bureau. The state's agriculture outputs are, poultry ,and eggs, soybeans,sorghum, cattle,cotton, rice,hogs, and milk. Its
  16. Humans. Economic importance Domesticated birds raised for meat and eggs, called, poultry , are the largest source of animal protein eaten by humans; in 2003,tons of
  17. But once-common preparations such as turkey or duck comfit (preserved in, poultry ,fat, with spices) are now seen even by Acadians as quaint rarities. Game (and
  18. And herbs, grains and bread, wine,fish, and various meats, including, poultry , rabbit and pork. Also, important are olives, cheese,eggplant, courgette,and
  19. Sauce, it is served with almost everything, including lamb, beef,camel, and, poultry , Fish couscous is Tunisian specialty, it can be also made with octopus in hot
  20. Grapes, fruit,vegetables, tea,tobacco * livestock products: beef, mutton, poultry , milk, eggs; Industrial production growth rate – 12 % (2008 est. );
  21. Pike, trout,or salmon),seafood, game meats (venison, boar,or rabbit), poultry , game birds, veal,and pork livers. Pork fatback is often used for the fat
  22. About one-half of Gabon’s consumption demand. Typical annual production of, poultry ,amounts to 3,600 tons. Fishing While there have been recent improvements in the
  23. Significantly. The most important types of livestock are cattle, sheep, poultry , pigs, and buffaloes, and the main dairy products are yogurt, cow and sheep
  24. Not going to be cooked, should be thrown away if they have touched raw meat, poultry , seafood or eggs. All cut, peeled,or cooked fruits and vegetables should be
  25. Pineapples, tomatoes,beans, pawpaws,bananas, yams,taro, coffee,pigs, poultry ,; Exports:: $5.222 million (2005); Exports - commodities:: Copra, papayas
  26. Combine subsistence agriculture with the raising of cattle, sheep,goats, and, poultry , Jordanian region The humid Jordanian zone includes the southern prefectures of
  27. Pushed up the price of grains consumed by humans as well as used to feed, poultry ,and dairy cows and other cattle, causing higher prices of wheat (up 58 %)
  28. Of a mystery, but the most likely cause seems to be that the birds succumbed to, poultry ,disease, as suggested by the rapid disappearance of the last, small,but
  29. For growing crystals of silicon and germanium. Argon is an asphyxia in the, poultry ,industry, either for mass culling following disease outbreaks, or as a means of
  30. Popular. The average person in Germany will consume up to meat in a year. Among, poultry , chicken is most common, although duck, goose,and turkey are also enjoyed.
  31. Operate the Bioko Island LNG plant and terminal. Animal Husbandry Cattle and, poultry ,production is rapidly reaching its pre-independence levels of self-sufficiency
  32. Pears, onions,wheat, corn,oats, peaches,garlic, asparagus,beans, beef, poultry , wool, fish and timber. Chile’s position in the Southern Hemisphere leads to an
  33. GDP. Agricultural produce includes fruit, vegetables,sugar cane, livestock and, poultry , and industries include rum distillation, construction and boat building. The
  34. Wheat, barley,potatoes, cold-climate vegetables, flowers,dairy cattle, and, poultry , Notes
  35. Rich variations and the use of bamboo shoots *Shooting style, specializing in, poultry ,and freshwater fish Staple foods Rice is major staple food for people
  36. Luggage, baggage " from her Pack," pack, bundle,pile" * was Refuge,", poultry , fowl (birds) " from late MHG deluge (e),under the influence of her
  37. Ravenna received the message from one of the eunuchs, evidently a keeper of the, poultry , that Rome had perished. And he cried out and said,'And yet it has just eaten
  38. It was a favorite is that it was inspired by Barks' own experiences in the, poultry ,business. But to earn a living in the meantime he inquired whether Western
  39. Are the largest source of animal protein eaten by humans; in 2003,tons of, poultry ,and tons of eggs were produced worldwide. Chickens account for much of human
  40. Cutting boards is highly recommended, especially after use with raw meat, poultry , or seafood. Hot water and soap followed by a rinse with an antibacterial
  41. Unemployment rate is 8.9 %. Agriculture Alabama's agricultural outputs include, poultry ,and eggs, cattle,plant nursery items, peanuts,cotton, grains such as corn and
  42. Be extremely expensive for the family in question. Cattle, sheep,goats, and, poultry , may be offered involved and then consumed. The Ashanti and Alan ethnic groups
  43. Rye, oats,corn, barley,potatoes, sugar beets, hops,fruit; pigs, cattle, poultry , horses; forest products IT and Telecommunications Households with access to
  44. FDA) announced their intention to revoke approval of fluoroquinolone use in, poultry ,production because of substantial evidence linking it to the emergence of
  45. Order among poultry . A pecking order is established every time a group of, poultry ,co-lives for a certain amount of time. In each of these groups, a chicken
  46. 1904,an Institute committee reported that Carver's reports on yields from the, poultry ,yard were exaggerated, and Washington confronted Carver about the issue. Carver
  47. Rice, manioc (tapioca),sugar, cocoa,vegetables, bananas; cattle, pigs, poultry , Exports: US$1,501 million (in 2006) Exports -
  48. Sugar. Bananas are grown mainly on the Animal husbandry Cattle, goats,pigs &, poultry ,are raised for local consumption and provided most of the requirements of
  49. Fruits and vegetables should be kept separate from raw foods like meat, poultry , and seafood, as well as utensils that have come in contact with raw foods.
  50. Hub (bus depot); demi-glace: a reduced wine-based sauce for meats and, poultry ,;: semi-dry, usually said of wine; déjà vu:" already seen ": an impression or

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