Examples of the the word, scam , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scam ), is the 6767 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It is simply a means for the con artist to further lure the victim into the, scam , Fake websites Though 419 scam s are often perpetrated by e-mail alone, some
  2. That a moot point. The 6502 was so cheap that many people believed it was a, scam ,when MOS first showed it at a 1975 trade show. They were not aware of MOS's
  3. S trust and confidence in the validity of the scheme. The use of checks in a, scam ,hinges on a US law (and common practice in other countries) concerning
  4. This type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (also called the 419 fraud, Nigerian, scam , Nigerian bank scam , or Nigerian money offer). The Spanish Prisoner, the black
  5. Latin preposition meaning" for ", *Confidence trick, also known as con, scam , or flimflam *Con (TV series),a television show about confidence trickery
  6. In Nigeria in an advance fee fraud, and suggests that Whitacre's losses in the, scam ,may have been the initial reason behind his embezzlement activity at ADM.
  7. Bank scam , or Nigerian money offer). The Spanish Prisoner, the black money, scam ,as well as Russian/Ukrainian scam (also widespread, though far less popular
  8. The third season's" Mrs. Rocco P. Coltrane ", in which he is subject to a, scam ,marriage) revealed his middle name,'Paris '. Rocco also had a soft spot for
  9. The cost of sending scam letters by using the Internet. In the 2000s,the 419, scam , has spurred imitations from other locations in Africa, Philippines,Malaysia
  10. Of realizing a significantly larger gain. Among the variations on this type of, scam ,are the Nigerian Letter (also called the 419 fraud, Nigerian scam , Nigerian
  11. The Spanish Prisoner, the black money scam as well as Russian/Ukrainian, scam ,(also widespread, though far less popular than the former). The so-called
  12. By the Swedes as confirmation that Fear was truly a fertility god and not a, scam , Finally, Gunnar had to flee back to Norway with his young bride and had her
  13. Advance-fee fraud is similar to a much older scam known as the Spanish Prisoner, scam ,in which the trickster tells the victim that a rich prisoner promised to share
  14. Slang for business),kite (slang for apron),matchlock (slang for, scam ,), mamona (money),Mengele (slang for oddments and also for homeless people)
  15. In West Africa with warnings cited include Nigeria, Spain,Implementation This, scam ,usually begins with a letter or e-mail a US soldier who has stumbled upon a
  16. Funds,2.1 % Online theft In 2007 Order was the subject of an online phishing, scam , The amount of money involved was" between seven and eight million SEK ". The
  17. Made appearances, mostly to torment Carla with a new custody battle or legal, scam ,that grew out of their divorce. Carla's eight children, four of whom were "
  18. Embezzlement, identity theft, and securities fraud (" pump and dump ", scam ,). Some organized crime groups defraud national, state,or local governments by
  19. Kickbox God, a 20-page book written entirely by John Updike as a money-making, scam , *The main character in the Eminem film 8 Mile (2002) is nicknamed" Rabbit "
  20. As NFL commissioner, Layden had once conducted an investigation into a betting, scam , without advising the owners, which did not reveal any conspiracy. Bell
  21. Became an Internet meme. In some cases, this type of troll has been used as a, scam , most notably on Facebook, where fake Facebook Gold Account upgrade ads have
  22. Necessary to the operating system by claiming it is a virus. It could also be a, scam ,that convinces users to send money or personal information. Phishing attacks
  23. Swindle in the United States in the 1890s. A British fraudster ran the same, scam ,in England in the early 1900s. Fritz Haber (the German inventor of the Haber
  24. Contains many businesses that provide false documents used in scam s; after a, scam ,involving a forged signature of Nigerian President Olsen Obeisance in summer
  25. Of supervised release or probation in an Internet $1 million" Nigerian check, scam , " She conspired to commit bank, wire and mail fraud, against US citizens
  26. 419 fraud" back to 1992. The advance-fee fraud is similar to a much older, scam ,known as the Spanish Prisoner scam in which the trickster tells the victim that
  27. Sinker" ( to be fooled beyond merely" taking the bait" ), and the internet, scam ,of Phishing in which a third party will duplicate a website where the user
  28. Of the word: affinity include: Commerce and law * Affinity fraud, a type of, scam ,targeting a specific demographic * Affinity analysis, a market research and
  29. However, may allow the first player to discover it the chance to pull a ", scam ," and modify the rules to win the game. Complicating this process is the fact
  30. Named after Section 419 of the Nigerian Penal Code) along with the" Nigerian, scam ,", a form of confidence trick practiced by individuals and criminal syndicates.
  31. To give the scam credibility. Though phishing is a secondary interest of most, scam ,operations, as the object of the scam mer is to deceive the victim into sending
  32. Appearing on talk shows and doing interviews in Australia during the 1980s. The, scam ,was successful, the lookalike being far enough from America to avoid detection
  33. The Nigerian Letter (also called the 419 fraud, Nigerian scam , Nigerian bank, scam , or Nigerian money offer). The Spanish Prisoner, the black money scam as well
  34. Victim in exchange for money to bribe prison guards. An older version of this, scam ,existed by the end of 18th century, and is called" the Letter From Jerusalem "
  35. Doubles as the firm's main headquarters. A group of Cleveland teenagers try to, scam ,their way into a Kiss concert in Detroit Rock City (1999),and several keys
  36. For phishing. Others represent fictional companies or institutions to give the, scam ,credibility. Though phishing is a secondary interest of most scam operations
  37. Joe Carr let managers and owners know that anyone involved in a betting, scam ,would be permanently banned from the NFL. As NFL commissioner, Layden had once
  38. Access to e-mail-harvesting software significantly lowered the cost of sending, scam ,letters by using the Internet. In the 2000s,the 419 scam has spurred
  39. Economy declined. Several unemployed university students first used this, scam ,as a means of manipulating business visitors interested in shady deals in the
  40. Cannot appeal an acquittal: *If the earlier trial is proven to be a fraud or, scam , double jeopardy will not prohibit a new trial. In the case of Harry Alemán an
  41. And irreversible. Otherwise, the victim, once they become aware of the, scam , can successfully retrieve their money and/or alert officials who can track the
  42. For skimming more than 5.3 million Norwegian kroner in a similar credit card, scam , In mathematics, the Laplace transform is a widely used integral transform.
  43. A suspect played by Robin Williams, who employs the strip search prank call, scam , identifying himself as" Detective Milgram ". He later reenacts a version of
  44. Is superior to the scam mer and even though the victim" knows" the email is a, scam ,will still think he or she can outwit the" stupid" scam mer if there is any
  45. Population. Scammers in the early-to-mid 1990s targeted companies, sending, scam , messages via letter, fax,or Telex. The spread of e-mail and easy access to
  46. The coin to exit through the reject chute into the payout tray. This particular, scam ,has become obsolete due to improvements in newer slot machines. Modern slot
  47. The relay operator may not warn victims, even when they suspect the call is a, scam , MCI said that about one percent of their IP Relay calls in 2004 were scam s.
  48. Is promised a large share, typically ten to forty percent, if they assist the, scam ,character in retrieving the money. Whilst the vast majority of recipients do
  49. Although similar to older scam s such as the Spanish Prisoner, the modern 419, scam , originated in the early 1980s as the oil-based Nigerian economy declined.
  50. Lottery scam s, inheritance scam s, etc., and can be used in almost any, scam ,when a" payment" to the victim is required to gain, regain or further

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