Examples of the the word, reuse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reuse ), is the 6772 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Programming languages were not invented until the benefits of being able to, reuse ,software on different kinds of CPUs started to become significantly greater
  2. That defined Maya numerals. Because of this place-value concept, the ability to, reuse ,the same digits for different values contributed to simpler and more efficient
  3. Dividend End division loop >>>± End skip loop; zero former divisor and, reuse ,space for a flag >--- ↔ ++±< Zero that flag unless quotient was 2 or 3; zero
  4. Be more memory efficient than the bigger programs; as they become bigger, they, reuse , more previously-defined code. For such reasons FORTH was chosen to deliver
  5. Products such as hybrid locomotives, desalination and water, reuse ,solutions, and photovoltaic cells. The company" plans to build the largest
  6. Of the cost. In addition, hard drives can be returned to distributors for, reuse , With several hundred movies distributed every year, the industry could save
  7. Of memory called the heap; these blocks persist until subsequently freed for, reuse ,by calling the library function free These three approaches are appropriate in
  8. Are still regarded as typical of the autistic spectrum of disorders. Kanner's, reuse ,of autism led to decades of confused terminology like infantile schizophrenia
  9. Achaemenid's architecture - Active fire protection – Adam style – Adaptive, reuse ,– Adobe – Anton – Asylum – Aedicula – Array – Aerospace architecture – AGA
  10. Of software (section 3 of the license). This feature is useful for direct, reuse ,of LGPLed code in Pled libraries and applications, or if one wants to create a
  11. Organisms which recycle detritus, returning it to the environment for, reuse ,in the food chain. Examples of detritivores include earthworms, woodlice and
  12. Film was shot on location in Monastic, Tunisia,which allowed the production to, reuse ,sets from Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth (1977). Many locals were
  13. Associated disposal, recycling,and replacement, less the value of scrap and, reuse ,of components. Bridges employing only compression are relatively inefficient
  14. Are metaphorically derived from cannibalism and originally referred to the, reuse ,of military parts. In manufacturing, it can refer to reuse of salvageable parts
  15. Unix. Music The titles in the series feature a variety of music, but frequently, reuse ,themes. Most of the games open with a piece called" Prelude ", which has
  16. Where the rising gases create suction which pulls air through the system. The, reuse ,of heated air yields savings in fuel cost. As with the rail process above, the
  17. To the same server for every request-response transaction, while HTTP/1.1 can, reuse ,a connection multiple times, to download, for instance, images for a just
  18. RCR would have priority over other teams if and when the time came to, reuse ,the number. RCR and the Earnhardt estate do own the rights to various black and
  19. Layout, and/or style. The label of formula fiction is assigned because of the, reuse ,of plot, plot devices and stock characters. Genres like high fantasy, Westerns
  20. Estimate that the cost to replace business logic is about five times that of, reuse , and that's not counting the risks involved in wholesale replacement. Ideally
  21. Tracking station; the abandoned Eon Field had at one time been proposed for, reuse ,by the Japanese for their now-canceled HOPE-X space shuttle project. Christmas
  22. Material. The resulting organic monomers are then returned to the cytosol for, reuse , The last function of a lysosome is to digest the cell itself through autolysis
  23. Cycle where they are added back to the surface. In this way they are cycled for, reuse , enabling the cell to make fresh attachments at its leading front. It is not
  24. Disadvantages of possibly altering the pH and requiring spotless before, reuse , Polystyrene packing peanuts Polystyrene packing peanuts are inexpensive
  25. And conserving water. Use reduction is cost-effective. Grey water systems, reuse ,drained wash water to flush toilets or to water lawns and gardens. Grey water
  26. Games, a title Norton would drop at Halliwell's suggestion but would later, reuse , The play is a wild parody of detective fiction, adding the blackest farce and
  27. Over time and between economists, the ambiguous term" free" facilitating, reuse , To illustrate the ambiguity: classical economists such as Adam Smith believed
  28. Out that among evolving systems, only those that can manage to obtain and then, reuse ,stable subassemblies (modules) are likely to be able to search through the
  29. An original film score composed but directed composer Max Steiner to simply, reuse ,music from other films. Cooper thought the film deserved an original score and
  30. To the path delay of the strongest signal. Frequency reuse is the ability to, reuse ,the same radio channel frequency at other cell sites within a cellular system.
  31. Developed or ad hoc code - in the final output. In addition, efficient class, reuse ,means that many bugs need to be fixed in only one place when problems are
  32. Buildings. In addition to the new buildings, the campus included the adaptive, reuse ,of several existing structures, including a 1930s era Post Office that is on
  33. Free (programming),a function that releases dynamically allocated memory for, reuse ,* Free format, a file format which can be used without restrictions * Free
  34. Of its subclasses. This factoring of commonality is one mechanism for providing, reuse , Thus, extending a super class by modifying the existing class is also likely to
  35. In 1995,a limited company with charitable status which exists to restore and, reuse ,buildings of architectural or historic interest at risk in Wayside. Between
  36. Was able to crack the one-time pads of the Soviet Union due to their improper, reuse ,of key material. Pseudorandom number generation Pseudorandom number generators
  37. Primer pockets are usually discarded, after crushing the case to prevent its, reuse ,) *Add a measured amount of powder (critical step; incorrect powder charges
  38. Station can provide up to 120 channels in the DECT spectrum before frequency, reuse , Each time slot can be assigned to a different channel in order to exploit
  39. Referred to the reuse of military parts. In manufacturing, it can refer to, reuse ,of salvageable parts. In marketing, it may refer to the loss of a product's
  40. Genre fiction. The label of genre fiction is typically assigned because of the, reuse ,of settings, content,layout, and/or style. The label of formula fiction is
  41. Have been proposed as a means to facilitate interoperability and data, reuse ,among GIS applications and also to enable new analysis mechanisms. Ontologies
  42. Plots of his films for novels, write novelizations of his own screenplays, or, reuse , elements from his novels in scripts. His first novel, Black Lace Drag was
  43. A single correlation tuned to the path delay of the strongest signal. Frequency, reuse ,is the ability to reuse the same radio channel frequency at other cell sites
  44. First seven lines of the second stanza. There is a heavy use of assonance,the, reuse ,of vowel sounds, and a reliance on alliteration, repetition of the first sound
  45. Before free () has been called, then that memory cannot be recovered for later, reuse ,and is essentially lost to the program, a phenomenon known as a memory leak.
  46. 1949 expedition to Dakar. Thanks to this rescue, the French Navy was able to, reuse ,the sphere of the bathyscaphe to construct the FNRS-3. The adventures of this
  47. And" Khan ", and employ alliteration with the name" Kublai Khan" and the, reuse ,of" d" sounds in" Xanadu" and" did ". To pull the line together, the " i "
  48. Areas, Common Kestrels will often nest on buildings, and generally they often, reuse ,the old nests of corvids if are available. The diminutive subspecies active
  49. A sustainable living option. It also operates an office supply collection and, reuse ,program, as well as a sustainability education program during new student
  50. Is prevalent substandard hygiene in the use of injection equipment, such as the, reuse ,of needles in Third World countries. Health care workers such as nurses

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