Examples of the the word, confrontation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( confrontation ), is the 6777 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His troops, approached Abraham because of a dispute that resulted in a violent, confrontation ,at a well. Abraham then reproached Abimelech due to his Philistine servant's
  2. Action that figured in Japanese pre-war planning. The last battleship, confrontation ,in history was the Battle of Auriga Strait, on October 25, 1944,in which the
  3. Little confrontation and low risk of arrest),and" red" ( involving direct, confrontation ,) zones was introduced. In Quebec City, municipal officials built a 3 meter (
  4. US use of military means, such as in the Vietnam War. This Soviet-American, confrontation ,was synchronous with the Afro-Indian War, dating from the US's military
  5. Next few hours. It was a hope, not an expectation. The expectation was military, confrontation ,by Tuesday, and possibly tomorrow ..." At 8:05 pm EDT, the letter drafted
  6. The Saga Inca Tupac Yaqui and his army. The result of the bloody three-day, confrontation ,known as the Battle of the Male was that the Inca conquest of the territories
  7. Stance against high-profile intervention in Africa. Hoping to avoid a, confrontation ,with Libya, another important client state in the region, President Mitterrand
  8. In Cuba or Caribbean Crisis (Russ: Kарибский кризис) in the USSR) was a, confrontation ,among the Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States in October 1962,during the
  9. Games. In 2010,Nikolai was charged with five misdemeanors resulting from a, confrontation ,with his mother, Sun. Barry accompanied him to San Mateo County Superior Court.
  10. Drawing lessons from this failure, Massoud decided to avoid conventional, confrontation ,with larger and better armed government troops and to instead wage a guerrilla
  11. Back-channel communications initiated a proposal to resolve the crisis. The, confrontation ,ended on October 28, 1962,when President John F. Kennedy and United Nations
  12. Hope that the Kremlin would agree to their demands, and expected a military, confrontation , On the Soviet side, Premier Nikita Khrushchev wrote in a letter to Kennedy
  13. Possessions in Normandy he had lost. The Battle of Action was the decisive, confrontation ,of the Final War of the Roman Republic. It was fought between the forces of
  14. Who was lodging with Emily Bishop. Jed tried to blackmail Tony, leading to a, confrontation ,on Christmas Eve in Underworld when Tony strangled Jed in a fit of rage, just
  15. World War II by British Empire and Ethiopian patriot forces. Significance" The, confrontation ,between Italy and Ethiopia at Ada was a fundamental turning point in Ethiopian
  16. The Hell's Angels attacked the front line of a smaller scale protest, where a, confrontation ,between police and demonstrators was brewing. The Hell's Angels came in on
  17. Horse" and Acre was subsequently flooded by Brazilians which ultimately led to, confrontation ,and fear of war with Brazil. In the late 19th century, an increase in the world
  18. Mane down the middle line of the neck and back, which is raised during a, confrontation ,to make the aardwolf's size appear bigger. It is 55–80 cm (22–31 in) long
  19. The King to plead his case, but found the King unwilling to go into an open, confrontation ,with a powerful magnate. In addition to the loss of the estate, his first wife
  20. Desire separation from the rest of Malaysia. Borneo was the main site of the, confrontation ,between Indonesia and Malaysia between 1962 and about 1969,as well as the
  21. Certain Tjenmutetj. Herodotus describes how Amass II would eventually cause a, confrontation ,with the Persian armies. According to Herodotus, Amasis, was asked by Cambyses
  22. Of the comic plot that can seem bewildering to modern audiences. The major, confrontation ,(ago) between the 'good' and 'bad' characters in a play is often resolved
  23. Conflict between Arianism and Trinitarian beliefs was the first major doctrinal, confrontation ,in the Church after the legalization of Christianity by the Roman Emperors
  24. The Chechen National Guard and Islamist militants, such as the July 1998, confrontation , in Queries. Second Chechen War In August 1999,the Islamic International
  25. A bond that cannot be broken and that the shadow cannot now avoid a final, confrontation , GED follows the shadow south, but he is now unwelcome at every island he lands
  26. Is relieved to discover that it is only Sandy's jealous ex-boyfriend. A, confrontation ,is averted when the group finds a naked and distressed Dorothy on Jeffrey's
  27. Green" ( permitted)," yellow" ( not officially permitted but with little, confrontation ,and low risk of arrest),and" red" ( involving direct confrontation ) zones
  28. Tigris. After a time he had withdrawn to Antioch to regroup and prepare for a, confrontation ,with Shakur II. However, the campaigns of the previous year had inflicted heavy
  29. Lineage. The funeral leads to the introduction of the hero, Beowulf and his, confrontation ,with the first monster, Grendel. This passage begins by describing Scold’s
  30. Give their lives such as the crew of Draft or Minibar ships in the final, confrontation ,with the Shadows to save the Army of Light's leaders, some Centauri staying
  31. Perfected by Philip II through rigorous training, At Issue in 333 BC, his first, confrontation ,with Darius, he used the same deployment, and again the phalanx at the center
  32. Brian Anderson and Cubs first baseman John Mary got involved in a separate, confrontation , although it was later determined that Mary was attempting to be a peacemaker.
  33. Flood Museum. 1892: Homestead Strike The Homestead Strike was a bloody labor, confrontation ,lasting 143 days in 1892,one of the most serious in U. S. history. The
  34. Inca Yaqui (CE 1471–1493) and his army. The result of the bloody three-day, confrontation ,known as the Battle of the Male was that the Inca conquest of the territories
  35. Complex negotiations with the guerrillas, also inherited a particularly chaotic, confrontation ,against the drug lords, who were engaged in a campaign of terrorism and murder
  36. Writing (1.3-2.6) **Rich persons in Samaria & Jerusalem (6.1-7; 8.4-8) *A, confrontation ,between Amos and his listeners at Ethel (7.10-17) Amphiboles (– Amphiboles
  37. Of Hippo, who hitherto had thought poorly of Christian preachers. In the, confrontation ,with Arians, Ambrose sought to theologically refute their propositions, which
  38. Reign as king in Antonia following the death of his father, Audoin, was one of, confrontation ,and conflict between the Lombards and their main neighbors, the Genius. The
  39. Lawlessness of its eastern realms, that even the King was not able to avert the, confrontation ,with the local magnates. In the beginning of 1647 Daniel Czapliński openly
  40. That this trend may have developed simply from" an opposition to society,a, confrontation ,to all the normal stuff ". Visually, the dark themes of their music was
  41. First World War. But beginning with Communism, Russia ceased to exist and the, confrontation ,was not at all with Russia but with the Communist Soviet Union. World War II
  42. Says his teacher" kept a sharp watch" on the visitor, but mentions no open, confrontation , On 16 August 1929,Crowley married Maria de Miramar, a Nicaraguan, while in
  43. Could muster. Henry's pace through Staffordshire was slow, delaying the, confrontation ,with Richard so that he could gather more recruits to his cause. Henry had been
  44. S lack of confidence during the Bay of Pigs Invasion, that he would avoid, confrontation ,and accept the missiles as a fait accompli. And again on October 17,Soviet
  45. Mets as they both play in the National League East. Although their first major, confrontation ,occurred when the Mets swept the Braves in the 1969 National League
  46. To direct fire with radar. All but one of the American battleships in this, confrontation ,had previously been sunk by the Attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequently raised
  47. Civil Liberties Union, provide legal witnesses in case of law enforcement, confrontation , Protesters often claim that major media outlets do not properly report on them
  48. And local Serbs would continue until 1995. In the ensuing 10 years armed, confrontation , gradually all the other Republics declared independence, with Bosnia being the
  49. La Violence" ( The Violence) of the late 1940s and 1950s,a bipartisan, confrontation ,which erupted after the assassination of Liberal popular candidate Jorge
  50. Under the command of Sadashivrao Beau. Once again, Panipat was the scene of a, confrontation ,between two warring contenders for control of northern India. The Third Battle

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