Examples of the the word, checking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( checking ), is the 6765 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This can involve capturing the checking piece; interposing a piece between the, checking ,piece and the king (which is possible only if the attacking piece is a queen
  2. As a pointer. ) In order for this to work, the implementation provided no type, checking , The Hungarian notation was developed to help programmers avoid inadvertent
  3. Correctly for empty arrays, because it attempts to access an element before, checking ,to see if min > max. Note 4: After exiting the loop, the value of mid-does not
  4. As chosen by a human administrator. At this point, NBP provided a system for, checking ,that no other machine had already registered the same name. Then later, when a
  5. Inference steps using rules of inference. Other techniques would include model, checking , which is equivalent to brute-force enumeration of many possible states (
  6. Electronic design automation (EDA) include formal equivalence checking , model, checking , formal verification of pipeline microprocessors, automatic test pattern
  7. Their functional meanings. In addition to removing parsing and some error, checking ,from the main execution path, such compilation also streamlines the repeated
  8. Certain features, such as run-time type checking or array subscript boundary, checking , or to instruct the compiler to insert object code in lieu of a function call (
  9. Overflow occurs when data written to a buffer, due to insufficient bounds, checking , corrupts data values in memory addresses adjacent to the allocated buffer.
  10. Overflows also exist for C. Many other programming languages provide runtime, checking ,and in some cases even compile-time checking which might send a warning or
  11. Record in single-entry bookkeeping is the cash book, which is similar to a, checking ,(check) account register but allocates the income and expenses to various
  12. Headers and footers, footnotes,templates, multiple views, page columns, spell, checking , and grammar checking . Starting with version 2.8.0,Abi Word includes a
  13. Of the syntax could be better. " Some specific problems worth noting are: * Not, checking ,number and types of arguments prior to C99 when the function declaration has an
  14. And digital archiving. Grammar checking The Abi Word project includes a grammar, checking ,plugin using Link Grammar. Abi Word had grammar checking before any other open
  15. The cabinets headed by Burns Ghazi in 1908 and Muhammad SA'id in 1910 and in, checking ,the power of the Nationalist Party. The appointment of Kitchener to succeed
  16. Types, although compilers typically provide options for various levels of, checking , Some other programming languages address these problems by using more
  17. Programs are recognized. Errors are reported, if any, in a useful way. Type, checking ,is also performed by collecting type information. The frontend then generates
  18. Machines (with octets as the native data type) that did not use parity, checking ,typically set the eighth bit to 0. The code itself was patterned so that most
  19. Because their specification does not require compilers to perform as much, checking ,as other languages. Use of a static code analysis tool can help detect some
  20. Of Ada include: strong typing, modularity mechanisms (packages),run-time, checking , parallel processing (tasks, synchronous Message passing, protected objects
  21. Under direct attack (that is, not in check). This can involve capturing the, checking ,piece; interposing a piece between the checking piece and the king (which is
  22. Which centralize and automatically perform buffer management, including bounds, checking , can reduce the occurrence and impact of buffer overflows. The two main
  23. Phase was a relatively uneventful part of the flight, except for the crew, checking ,that the spacecraft was in working order and that they were on course. During
  24. The symbol table. This phase performs semantic checks such as type checking (, checking ,for type errors),or object binding (associating variable and function
  25. Him to retire to Bohemia, but he was soon recalled to undertake the task of, checking ,Moreau's advance on Vienna. The result of the Battle of Hohenlinden had
  26. Of bank credit generated by private financial institutions and held within, checking ,accounts greatly exceeds the value of physical paper bills and metallic coins
  27. The built-in buffer type) is within the boundaries of that array. Bounds, checking ,can prevent buffer overflows. Technical description A buffer overflow occurs
  28. In case communication was lost with the Earth. Andes was placed in charge of, checking ,that the spacecraft was in working order. There was speculation that they might
  29. Test for an empty span is more complex also, as compared to the simplicity of, checking ,that the value of p is zero. Nevertheless, the inclusive bound form is found in
  30. And builds the symbol table. This phase performs semantic checks such as type, checking ,( checking for type errors),or object binding (associating variable and
  31. Concerns with respect to interoperability and digital archiving. Grammar, checking ,The Abi Word project includes a grammar checking plugin using Link Grammar.
  32. Ally with the Romans. The combined armies reached Orléans ahead of Attila, thus, checking , and turning back the Finnish advance. Genius gave chase and caught the Huns at
  33. Is in P as it can be solved by first performing this replacement and then, checking ,the falsifiability of the resulting Horn formula. XOR-satisfiability Another
  34. To result in unintended behavior or run-time errors. Automated source code, checking ,and auditing are beneficial in any language, and for C many such tools exist
  35. Albanian national awakening By the 1870s,the Sublime Porte's reforms aimed at, checking ,the Ottoman Empire's disintegration had clearly failed. The image of the "
  36. Problems in electronic design automation (EDA) include formal equivalence, checking , model checking , formal verification of pipeline microprocessors, automatic
  37. Of compiler dramas would be to disable certain features, such as run-time type, checking ,or array subscript boundary checking , or to instruct the compiler to insert
  38. Determination of X Window System capabilities is typically performed by, checking ,for the existence of the DISPLAY variable. Applejack is a proprietary suite of
  39. Includes a grammar checking plugin using Link Grammar. Abi Word had grammar, checking ,before any other open source word processor, although a grammar checker was
  40. Against the underlying array size, although the compiler may provide bounds, checking ,as an option. Array bounds violations are therefore possible and rather common
  41. Languages provide runtime checking and in some cases even compile-time, checking ,which might send a warning or raise an exception when C or C++ would overwrite
  42. Condition. Often where a language provides enough type information to do bounds, checking ,an option is provided to enable or disable it. Static code analysis can remove
  43. To brute force). There are hybrid theorem proving systems which use model, checking ,as an inference rule. There are also programs which were written to prove a
  44. Method was adopted" so that each contributor might function as a kind of foil, checking ,the dominance of any one person’s point-of-view. " In addition to the actual
  45. Overflow protection is used to detect the most common buffer overflows by, checking ,that the stack has not been altered when a function returns. If it has been
  46. OAT): Also known as operational readiness testing, this refers to the, checking ,done to a system to ensure that processes and procedures are in place to allow
  47. And D. The Java and. NET Framework byte code environments also require bounds, checking ,on all arrays. Nearly every interpreted language will protect against buffer
  48. Animation, which better allows for division of labor, pose to pose approach and, checking ,of drawings before they are shot – practices favored by the anime industry.
  49. Footnotes, templates,multiple views, page columns, spell checking , and grammar, checking , Starting with version 2.8.0,Abi Word includes a collaboration plugin that
  50. Record eight bits in one position, it also allowed for a parity bit for error, checking ,if desired. Eight-bit machines (with octets as the native data type) that did

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