Examples of the the word, deviation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deviation ), is the 6768 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It which will produce, by the addition of the two lenses, any desired chromatic, deviation , e.g. sufficient to eliminate one present in other parts of the system. If the
  2. Year is approximately 365¼ days. Without the intercalary month, this, deviation , would build up over time, and the Spring festival, for example, would no longer
  3. Does not generally suffice. In order to render spherical aberration and the, deviation ,from the sine condition small throughout the whole aperture, there is given to
  4. Freedom from spherical aberration. Both the aberration of axis points, and the, deviation ,from the sine condition, rapidly increase in most (uncorrected) systems with
  5. Of rounds increases, eventually,the expected loss will exceed the standard, deviation , many times over. From the formula, we can see the standard deviation is
  6. Rates is also governed by first principles in quantum mechanics, wherein any, deviation ,in the rate would require a change in the fundamental constants. According to
  7. Of 6,500 K. On many consumer-grade televisions, there is a very noticeable, deviation ,from this requirement. However, higher-end consumer-grade televisions can have
  8. Accuracy) from a player's firearm. * No spread is used to remove the random, deviation ,normally experienced when the player shoots. This is similar to the recoil hack
  9. His work the originally theological terms" perversion "," aberration" and ", deviation ," became part of the scientific terminology for the first time. The German
  10. By Apple, working out to 477 PPI at or 36 arc seconds per pixel. Materials The, deviation ,from parallelism between two surfaces, for instance in optical engineering, is
  11. And more than twice that of some Atlantic provinces. In 2006 the, deviation ,from the national average was the largest for any province in Canadian history.
  12. Being in essential harmony with those sources. Cultism, in short, is any major, deviation ,from orthodox Christianity relative to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian
  13. To permit a small oscillation of the eyepiece, the amount of which (i.e. the, deviation ,from the vertical) was regulated and measured by the introduction of a screw
  14. S take the set of scores: 15,20,21,36,15,25,15 to compute the standard, deviation , we first find the distance between each value and the mean. We know from above
  15. e.g. ѝ 'to her ', vs. и,'and' ), or in order to signify the dialectal, deviation ,from the standard pronunciation. In such cases, stress is signified by placing
  16. In a casino game is quantified using standard deviation s (SD). The standard, deviation ,of a simple game like Roulette can be calculated using the binomial
  17. Standard deviation , many times over. From the formula, we can see the standard, deviation ,is proportional to the square root of the number of rounds played, while the
  18. The expected loss will be 10 x 1 x 5.26 % 0.53. As you can see, standard, deviation , is many times the magnitude of the expected loss. The standard deviation for
  19. Equal to the true proportion p of agreement in the population and with standard, deviation ,σ = (p (1 − p)/n)1/2. Large sample sizes n are good because the standard
  20. E. Abbé and O. Scott. In using glasses not having proportional dispersion,the, deviation ,of a third color can be eliminated by two lenses, if an interval be allowed
  21. There are two common measures of dispersion, the range and the standard, deviation , The range is simply the highest value minus the lowest value. In our example
  22. Deviation is many times the magnitude of the expected loss. The standard, deviation ,for Pie Go poker is the lowest out of all common casinos. Many, particularly
  23. Cardiology is concerned with the normal functionality of the heart and the, deviation ,from a healthy heart. Many disorders involve the heart itself but some are
  24. PNG|Moved mean to zero File: Bindis-rescaled. PNG|Rescaled with standard, deviation ,These distributions are reflection symmetric with respect to the line k = n/2
  25. Such as levels and theodolites, are used for accurate measurement of angular, deviation , horizontal, vertical and slope distances. With computerization, electronic
  26. To additional months added to the calendar in some years to correct for its, deviation ,from the astronomical year, a function similar to that of the extra day in
  27. The amplitude of the spectrum and the spectral index which measures the slight, deviation ,from scale invariance predicted by inflation (perfect scale invariance
  28. Children). Group means for each cognitive domain were all within one standard, deviation ,of age norms, demonstrating that, as a group, they were normal. These deficits
  29. C$46,441 and more than twice that of all the Maritime provinces. In 2006,the, deviation ,from the national average was the largest for any province in Canadian history.
  30. Exactly the form predicted by theory. Moreover, there is evidence for a slight, deviation ,from scale invariance. The spectral index, ns is equal to one for a
  31. Peculiar magnetic properties. Whereas its neighbor element actinium shows no, deviation ,from Curie-Weiss para magnetism in the entire temperature range, α-Cm transforms
  32. A gambler to win in the long term. It is the high ratio of short-term standard, deviation ,to expected loss that fools gamblers into thinking that they can win. It is
  33. Ahead rather than two, Nelson insisted on a direct route to Alexandria without, deviation , On the evening of 22 June,Nelson's fleet passed the French in the darkness
  34. High value is 36 and the low is 15,so the range is 36 − 15 = 21. The standard, deviation ,is a more accurate and detailed estimate of dispersion because an outlier can
  35. The same; at maximum luminosity, MV is approximately -19.3,with a standard, deviation ,of no more than 0.3. Congregationalist polity, often known as congregationalism
  36. About doctrinal principles, yet bold in developing parameters of acceptable, deviation , These parameters were most clearly articulated in the various rubrics of the
  37. Using a theodolite or a compass. A compass is easier to use, though the, deviation ,of the Earth's magnetic field from true north, known as its magnetic
  38. Outlier value of 36 stands apart from the rest of the values). The standard, deviation ,shows the relation that set of scores has to the mean of the sample. Again let
  39. Mean is zero. The width of the distribution is proportional to the standard, deviation ,\sigma \track\sort. The value of the shifted functions at k 0 is their
  40. Whose distance from the axis is very small, less than of the third order — the, deviation ,from the sine condition and coma here fall together in one class; (3)
  41. Σ = (p (1 − p)/n)1/2. Large sample sizes n are good because the standard, deviation , as a proportion of the expected value, gets smaller, which allows a more
  42. Used to perform the computation. This is particularly bad if the standard, deviation ,is small relative to the mean. Two-pass algorithm An alternate approach, using
  43. On verbal processing speed. Again, all groups means were within one standard, deviation ,of the controls, meaning that while effects were statistically reliable, the
  44. Including verbal IQ and performance IQ, but performed at least one standard, deviation ,below age norms in at least one cognitive domain, such as complex attention (
  45. Deviations. As the size of the potential payouts increase, so does the standard, deviation , As the number of rounds increases, eventually,the expected loss will exceed
  46. And q = 20/38. For example, after 10 rounds at 1 unit per round, the standard, deviation ,will be 2 x 1 x sort (10 x 18/38 x 20/38) 3.16 units. After 10 rounds, the
  47. The F-test The F-test is used for comparisons of the components of the total, deviation , For example, in one-way, or single-factor ANOVA, statistical significance is
  48. Relationship. The first concept was used by Edemas, who regarded an angle as a, deviation ,from a straight line; the second by Carpus of Antioch, who regarded it as the
  49. Good Blackjack and Spanish 21 games have house edges below 0.5 %. Standard, deviation ,The luck factor in a casino game is quantified using standard deviation s (SD)
  50. Behind them, and are so well demonstrated to everyone's experience, that any, deviation ,from those laws necessarily flies in the face of all evidence. (Hume

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