Examples of the the word, approximate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( approximate ), is the 6761 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By showing that this symmetry, originally thought to be perfect, was only, approximate , Particle-antiparticle pairs can annihilate each other, producing photons;
  2. Integral and the Berlin series diverge. " He also noted that the search for an, approximate ,solution is no more efficient:" the more we seek to obtain precise
  3. Problems, heuristic algorithms do not try to find an optimal solution, but an, approximate ,solution where the time or resources are limited. They are not practical to
  4. Event resulting in two significantly different outcomes. Theory Recurrence,the, approximate ,return of a system towards its initial conditions, together with sensitive
  5. Lay. This technique is known as the method of exhaustion, and he employed it to, approximate ,the value of pi. He did this by drawing a larger polygon outside a circle and a
  6. Is, indeed,furrowed by old water-channels. The following table gives the, approximate ,altitudes of the chief mountains and lakes of the continent: Hydrology From the
  7. Became The Comets, Haley released several singles with other groups. Dates are, approximate ,due to lack of documentation. As Bill Haley and the Four Aces of Western Swing
  8. They cancel out, leaving a dimensionless quantity. Formulas for the, approximate ,conversion between SEER and EER or COP are available from the Pacific Gas and
  9. Prepared for the launch of Apollo 8. With an electroscope, they measured the, approximate ,energy of static discharges caused by a test crew dressed in nylon flight
  10. Not so much in the Swedish policy, so his descriptions of Burka remain, approximate ,at best. Bridgehead of Christian missionaries This is how it all started in 829
  11. In which each shell corresponds to a Bohr orbit. This model is even more, approximate ,than the model of hydrogen, because it treats the electrons in each shell as
  12. As for mortuary offerings until 100. South Asia Timeline: Dates are, approximate , consult particular article for details Images = width:800 height:50
  13. Plates. By 1926,South African astronomer William Stephen Fin sen calculated the, approximate ,orbit elements close to those now accepted for this system. All future
  14. Local numbers. Information is presented in the following form: Area code: ANA, approximate ,geographic region United States Disclaimer: This list is primarily for historic
  15. Philosophical school of humanism, the latter mainly as laïcité-vrijzinnig (an, approximate ,translation would be secularists or free thinkers) or practicing Humanism as a
  16. Which it includes may be different, so the equivalence between systems is only, approximate ,in some cases. Phylogeny From the Dahlgren system of 1985 onwards, studies
  17. 1564 – William Shakespeare, English writer and actor (d. 1616) (traditional, approximate ,birthdate in Julian calendar based on April 26 baptism) *1598 – Marten Tromp
  18. triangular, and the sectors can be rearranged to form and, approximate ,parallelogram. The height of this parallelogram is, and the width is half the
  19. S song" Black Tambourine" is made up entirely of ASCII characters that, approximate ,the original footage. Other text-based art There are a variety of other types
  20. For quickly, or quickly-quickly, compare with vite-vite in French, that has the, approximate ,meaning to 'fast-fast' in English). Repetition emphasizes the repeated word
  21. Prices have approximate ly tripled. (approx. 285 %) In summary: All numbers, approximate ,and rounded The number of international students studying in Adelaide has
  22. A crosshair on the head-up display (HUD) is shifted by the pilot to set the, approximate ,target while the missile will then automatically recognize and lock on to the
  23. Circle is, or:: (circle). Though the dissection used in this formula is only, approximate , the error becomes smaller and smaller as the circle is partitioned into more
  24. And the Book of Revelation. The Bible is the best-selling book in history with, approximate ,sales estimates ranging from 2.5 billion to 6 billion. Etymology The English
  25. Athens was awarded the first modern Olympic Games. In 1896,the city had an, approximate ,population of 123,000 Some of the finest sporting venues in the world were
  26. Milne had, in his own words," said goodbye to all that in 70,000 words" ( the, approximate ,length of his four principal children's books),he had no intention of
  27. About the size and composition of the various ethnic groups are unavailable. An, approximate ,distribution of the nation's total ethnic groups is shown in the chart below:
  28. Across a frontier of some 4,000 miles. East Asia Timeline: Dates are, approximate , consult particular article for details Images = width:800 height:60
  29. The foundations for astronomy and mathematics. Near East Timeline: Dates are, approximate , consult particular article for details Images = width:800 height:115
  30. Of n people repeatedly and truly randomly, the proportions would follow an, approximate ,normal distribution with mean equal to the true proportion p of agreement in
  31. Electrons strongly repel each other, the effective charge description is very, approximate ,; the effective charge Z doesn't usually come out to be an integer. But Moseley
  32. Guesses are made more accurate through the use of heuristics. * Exact or, approximate ,: While many algorithms reach an exact solution, approximation algorithms seek
  33. Of revenue was established. The university employs many local Antiguans and the, approximate ,1000 students consume a large amount of the goods and services. Demographics
  34. Of a baby's gestation, and four Nepohualtzintzin (364) completed a cycle and, approximate ,a year (1 1/4 days short). It is worth mentioning that the Nepohualtzintzin
  35. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage says," The list contains (in, approximate ,historical order from 1789 to 1939) such terms as Columbian, Columbard
  36. Investigations were carried out to discover whether this was an accurate or an, approximate ,solar alignment. Several new aspects of the site were discovered. In the first
  37. Digital presses doing quantities below 250. These numbers are of course only, approximate ,and will vary from supplier to supplier, and from book to book depending on its
  38. Are nearly the same over a considerable range of temperatures and justifies the, approximate ,empirical Principle of Thomsen and Bert helot, which states that the equilibrium
  39. And The Gambia. Alphabet and literature It uses seven vowels and (the letters, approximate ,their equivalents). Writing was introduced during the French occupation and
  40. Circle is partitioned into more and more sectors. The limit of the areas of the, approximate ,parallelograms is exactly, which is the area of the circle. This argument is
  41. 40 year-round or permanent, and 30 summer-only) in Antarctica, with an, approximate ,population of 4000 in summer and 1000 in winter. Transport in Antarctica has
  42. Anguish, and ‘ manor ’, meaning relaxed or loose, which would contextually, approximate ,to an excessive relaxing of the mind or soul (Angst and Manners 2001). There
  43. Specimens of allegory are to be found in the following works, arranged in, approximate ,chronological order: * Ambrosia Lorgnette –" Good Government in the City "
  44. Model. She'll model of the atom Bohr extended the model of Hydrogen to give an, approximate ,model for heavier atoms. This gave a physical picture which reproduced many
  45. Warp the frequency response of any discrete-time linear system (for example to, approximate ,the non-linear frequency resolution of the human auditory system) and are
  46. All treatments have exactly the same effect, the F-test's p-values closely, approximate ,the permutation test's p-values: The approximation is particularly close when
  47. The correct location and use the correct hand motion, but may be able only to, approximate ,the hand shape, for example, using one finger instead of three in signing water
  48. Increase could be explained by the DGP model. Examples The distances are, approximate ,mean distances. It has to be taken into consideration that the distances
  49. Figures (1,142 Earth radii and 1,150 Earth radii),and so Ptolemy's, approximate ,Earth-Sun distance survived through the 16th century. Johannes Kepler was the
  50. Countries (35 kg per capita). Knowing the per capita stocks and their, approximate ,lifespans is important for planning recycling. Recovery of the metal via

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