Examples of the the word, freight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( freight ), is the 6763 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Modified into derivatives (A300-600ST Beluga Super Transporter). The largest, freight ,operator of the A300 is FedEx Express, which,as of June 2010,had 71 A300/310
  2. Has a large and diverse transport network. Roads are the primary carriers of, freight ,and passenger traffic. The road system totaled 1.98 million km (1.23 million
  3. Being freight weight multiplied by distance carried. 87 million tonnes of, freight ,was lifted in the 2002–3 period, against 138 million tonnes in 1986–7,a
  4. Based on total freight tonne-kilometres flown. BA World Cargo has global, freight ,opportunities through the British Airways flight routes. In addition to the
  5. Is used for transport, with the major port on the lake being Bujumbura. Most, freight ,is transported down waterways. Airports Burundi possesses eight airports, of
  6. A series of measures that would make services more attractive to passengers and, freight ,operators, thus recovering traffic lost to the roads. Important areas included:
  7. Airways World Cargo, the world's twelfth-largest cargo airline based on total, freight ,tonne-kilometres flown. BA World Cargo has global freight opportunities through
  8. Rock, Malvern, Arkadelphia,and Texarkana. About two dozen railroads carry, freight ,in the state. Public transit and community transport services for the elderly
  9. Rail. Types of freight carried include intermodal — in essence containerized, freight ,— and coal, metals,oil, and construction material. Freight services have been
  10. Of these have grown thanks to the major selling-off of locomotives by the large, freight ,operators, especially EWS. Unlike other major players in the privatized railway
  11. Are in service. Roads have overtaken the railroads as the chief mode of, freight ,transportation. Long-term plans call for upgrading higher-quality roads and
  12. Goods by rail Hauling supplies from Asia and Tesco. Morrison's also use rail, freight , as do M&S and many more retailers. By the year 2015 rail-borne intermodal
  13. A 2000–1 base. Statistics on freight are specified in terms of the weight of, freight ,lifted, and the net tonne kilometer, being freight weight multiplied by
  14. Are also several smaller independent operators including Men dip Rail. Types of, freight ,carried include intermodal — in essence containerized freight — and coal
  15. Fines Standard Oil of Indiana a record $29.4 million for illegal rebating to, freight ,carriers; the conviction and fine are later reversed on appeal. *1913 – A major
  16. A World Cargo center at Heathrow in the late 1990s. As an advanced automated, freight ,handling center, it can handle unusual and premium cargo, and fresh produce, of
  17. In terms of the weight of freight lifted, and the net tonne kilometer, being, freight , weight multiplied by distance carried. 87 million tonnes of freight was lifted
  18. For an 80 % increase in rail freight measured from a 2000–1 base. Statistics on, freight ,are specified in terms of the weight of freight lifted, and the net tonne
  19. The city, in Romulus. Willow Run Airport east of the city near Ypsilanti serves, freight , corporate, and general aviation clients. Railroads The city was a major rail
  20. Located at Hard Motors across from the airport.; Train The BNSF Railway conveys, freight ,and grain through Aberdeen. Popular attractions
  21. Routes including between London, Warrington and Scotland. 1995+ the amount of, freight ,carried on the railways has increased sharply. The railways have become more
  22. Private sector operators (originally there were 25 franchises) and the, freight ,services sold outright (six companies were set up, but five of these were sold
  23. Share for surface freight transport in the UK. A symbolic loss to the rail, freight ,industry in Great Britain was the custom of the Royal Mail, which from 2004
  24. General aviation clients. Railroads The city was a major rail hub, notably for, freight ,traffic between Toledo and ports north of Chicago, Illinois,from 1878 to 1982;
  25. As a railroad town, and it still serves as a major rail junction, with several, freight ,lines belonging to Norfolk Southern and CSX intersecting below street level in
  26. Infrared, which manages the rail network and SNCB itself, which manages the, freight ,and passenger services. Both companies are held by a third company, named SNCB
  27. Of which it handles over 80,000 tons per year. BA World Cargo also handles, freight ,at London's Gatwick and Started airports, and,through its partner British
  28. Locomotion in 1968,in favor of diesel and electric power. Passengers replaced, freight ,as the main source of business, and one third of the network was closed by the
  29. Of 37 %. 18.7 billion net tonne kilometers (11.4 billion net ton miles) of, freight ,movement were recorded in 2002–3,against 16.6 billion (10.1 billion) in
  30. Intermodal traffic is scheduled to double, and by 2030 the whole of rail, freight ,is expected to double. High-speed rail High-speed rail (above 125 mph) was
  31. 16.6 billion (10.1 billion) in 1986–7,an increase of 13 %. As of 2011,rail, freight ,occupies an 11.5 % market share for surface freight transport in the UK. A
  32. Cargo, the Canal is now used primarily for pleasure craft and some light local, freight , and in Buffalo it bypasses the swift upper reach of the Niagara River. A
  33. And lowering speeds, highways carried a progressively larger share of, freight , ** Turkey — via Stalingrad - Capsule. Currently, being electrified.
  34. A Bachelor of Science degree. In his twenties, Bachchan gave up a job as, freight ,broker for the shipping firm, Bird and Co., based in Calcutta now known as
  35. Of 13 %. As of 2011,rail freight occupies an 11.5 % market share for surface, freight ,transport in the UK. A symbolic loss to the rail freight industry in Great
  36. Tour passenger service, played a vital role in Alaska's development, moving, freight , into Alaska while transporting natural resources southward (i.e., coal from
  37. Rail was sold either directly to the new operators, as in the case of the, freight ,companies, or to the three Roscoe (Rolling Stock Operating Companies) which
  38. BR following the opening of the Beitbridge-Bulawayo line, after which annual BR, freight ,tonnage fell from 1.1 m per annum to about 150,000. Zimbabwe's economic
  39. An airline provides air transport services for traveling passengers and/or, freight , Airlines lease or own their aircraft with which to supply these services and
  40. Rolling Stock Operating Companies) which lease or hire stock to passenger and, freight ,train operators. Leasing is relatively commonplace in transport, since it
  41. Are centrally produced for the network. Freight services There are four main, freight ,operating companies in the UK, the largest of which is DB Checker (formerly
  42. Known as Capital Eurorail on March 22, 2010. The system was built on existing, freight ,rail lines and will serve downtown Austin, East Austin, North Central Austin
  43. Provide - Burgas railway. In the mid-2000s,railways remained a major mode of, freight ,transportation, but with increasing problems with the maintenance of the
  44. For Transport's Transport Ten Year Plan calls for an 80 % increase in rail, freight ,measured from a 2000–1 base. Statistics on freight are specified in terms of
  45. United States, around Cape Horn or overseas from Asia. Nearly all travel and, freight ,to and from the region occurred via the Pacific Ocean, primarily through the
  46. Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway companies operate railway, freight ,across the province. Health care As with all Canadian provinces, Alberta
  47. Stock, owned by HSBC. * Porter brook - leases some 3,500 locomotives, trains and, freight ,wagons; owned by a consortium including Deutsche Bank, Lloyds TSB (who
  48. Towards Doris. Instability in Côte d'Ivoire in 2003 forced a rerouting of rail, freight ,from the Abidjan corridor to ports in Togo, Benin,and Ghana via the road
  49. Strathclyde. The station closed to passenger traffic in 1951,and the remaining, freight ,services ceased in 1959. The above industries have since died out, and
  50. Aviation compared with road and railroad transport used to be a minor mode of, freight ,movement, and only 860,000 passengers used Bulgarian airlines in 2001. One

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