Examples of the the word, earl , in a Sentence Context

The word ( earl ), is the 6760 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. St. Olav,Norway's king to all eternity. --St. Hallward. --St. Magnus, earl ,of the Orkney islands. --St. Epstein, archbishop of Idahos. --St. Throwing
  2. Men-at-arms) that were there with the prince: the earl of Warwick,the, earl ,of Suffolk, the earl of Salisbury, the earl of Oxford, the lord Reynold Cob ham
  3. Routed by the Welsh. This failure underscored Ealdred's need for a strong, earl ,in the area to protect against raids. Normally, the bishop of Hereford would
  4. Introduced the term earl (from Old Norse, jarl) to the British Isles. Thus,", earl ," and" earl dom" were taken as equivalent to the continental use of" count "
  5. Brought the term with them. But the Vikings had already introduced the term, earl ,(from Old Norse, jarl) to the British Isles. Thus," earl " and" earl dom "
  6. Hungary after the devastating Mongol invasion *Bigger Earl, Swedish statesman, earl , and founder of Stockholm *Bonaventure, Franciscan theologian, bishop,and
  7. Of Bayeux, but confine the earl of Kent ': Do was both bishop of Bayeux, and, earl , of Kent. Also, while there are complaints of contemporaries regarding William
  8. The arrangement, apparently having entertained the idea of her marrying the, earl ,of Jutland instead. Oxford's rank, however,trumped all else. The wedding was
  9. Born 1726) * April 19 – Thomas Brudenell-Bruce,1st Earl of Pillsbury, English, earl , ( born 1729) * May 5 – Abdullah I Al-Shabab, Kuwait ruler (born 1740) * May 6
  10. He was forceful in overcoming the consequences. In 1095,Robert de Mowbray,the, earl ,of Northumbria, refused to attend the Curia Aegis, the thrice-annual court
  11. That Albion Hill's narrow ridge hindered him from joining the battle. The, earl ,would have had to either go through his allies or execute a wide flanking
  12. England. The Percy's were loyal Lancastrians, but Edward IV eventually won the, earl ,'s allegiance. Northumberland had been captured and imprisoned by the Yorkists
  13. Sidney will follow them shortly to take possession of Flushing, ... and the, earl ,of Leicester will then follow as chief of the expedition. " On 21 October
  14. Date. Anne's great-grandparents included a Lord Mayor of London, a duke,an, earl , two aristocratic ladies, and a knight. One of them, Geoffrey Boleyn, had been
  15. Friendly fire from the Lancastrian main force and retreated from the field. The, earl ,fled abroad and continued his fight against the Yorkists, raiding shipping and
  16. Harold became king, reuniting the earl dom of Wessex with the crown. No new, earl ,was appointed before the ensuing Norman Conquest of England, and as the Norman
  17. Universities, and these men set out to rule India. Lord Canning (created, earl ,in 1859),appointed Governor-General of India in 1856,became known as "
  18. His capital of Paris for the first time. * April 16 – Ferdinando Stanley, earl ,of Derby is found murdered. At the time of his death, he was, after his mother
  19. Used. * November 13 – Dutch troops commanded by Prince Willem III and Raymundo, earl ,Montecuccoli conquer Bonn. Date unknown * Jean-Baptiste Lully writes his first
  20. The quarter vacated by the Britons was then apparently adapted as" the, earl ,'s Bush ", and was still named Irlesberi in the 12th century. In 1136, earl y in
  21. Erik Several, King of Sweden since 970 (b. c. 945) * Aaron Sigurdsson, earl ,(and de facto ruler) of Norway * Al-Mansur in Bulletin, second ruler of the
  22. Lords and knights (men-at-arms) that were there with the prince: the, earl ,of Warwick, the earl of Suffolk, the earl of Salisbury, the earl of Oxford, the
  23. With the king's banner in his hands: also the lord Reynold Cob ham slew the, earl ,of Dam martin. Then there was a great press to take the king, and such as knew
  24. That" five or six thousand English soldiers have arrived in Flanders with the, earl ,of Oxford and Colonel Norris, and it is said that Sir Philip Sidney will follow
  25. Salton,26 October 1707 His only surviving son, William,succeeded him as 2nd, earl , of Aberdeen. He died on 20 April 1720,having amassed a large fortune. George
  26. 2nd Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth's favorite. By 1591,he acted as the, earl ,'s confidential adviser. In 1592,he was commissioned to write a tract in
  27. Against the king in 1051 came as a blow to Alfred, who was a supporter of the, earl ,and his family. Alfred was present at the royal council at London that
  28. Retorted that 'you will not seize the bishop of Bayeux, but confine the, earl ,of Kent ': Do was both bishop of Bayeux, and earl of Kent. Also, while there
  29. Journeying with him was Testing, another son of Earl Godwin, who was now, earl ,of Northumbria. William of Amesbury says that Alfred, by " amusing the
  30. Dialect. Charter of Cut This is a proclamation from King Cut the Great to his, earl ,Cornell the Tall and the English people written in AD 1020. Unlike the
  31. 14 December, when deprivation forced them to surrender. In April 1267,the, earl ,of Gloucester who had been central both to the royal victory at Eve sham and to
  32. But Godwin survived and pledged his loyalty to Cut. By 1018 he was an, earl , probably of eastern Wessex, and then by around 1020 of all Wessex. Between
  33. To his wife, Henrietta Maria; he bestowed the stewardship on Robert Carey, earl ,of Monmouth, and gave it to Carey's sons, Henry and Thomas, after their father
  34. Faced an army led by Prince Edward (the later King Edward I) and the powerful, earl ,of Gloucester, who had recently defected to the royalist side, at the Battle of
  35. The title Earl of Wessex had not been in use for over 900 years. The last, earl , King Harold Robinson, was famously killed at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
  36. And the following year deprived him of his monopolies. In February 1601,the, earl ,tried to raise a rebellion in London. He intended to seize the queen but few
  37. Scholars surmise it derives from jar (Old Norse for" earth" ) or Earl (, earl ,), or perhaps a personal name, Geirr (" Geirr's Island" ). History Jersey
  38. Little cure of Castle ton in Derbyshire. By the influence of William Russell, earl ,of Bedford, he was appointed one of the king's itinerant preachers in
  39. The author of a note, which was left next to Northumberland's body, blamed the, earl ,for Richard's death. Legacy Contemporary accounts of the Battle of Bosworth
  40. Obscurity in Ireland. In a pedigree in the Book of Raglan a Harold Robinson, earl ,of Wessex and Cornwall, is listed as a male line descendant of the Dukes of
  41. Himself, and shortly afterwards married Gotha, the sister of the Danish, earl , UHF, who was married to Cnut's sister, Estrid. Height of power: support of
  42. Prince: the earl of Warwick, the earl of Suffolk, the earl of Salisbury,the, earl ,of Oxford, the lord Reynold Cob ham, the lord Spencer, the lord James Audrey
  43. Were many who thought themselves smarter.: But he finished PM, : CH and OM, : An, earl ,and a Knight of the Garter.: :Source: Jones, B., Barry Jones' Dictionary of
  44. The first English house of the Clinic order was that of Lewis, founded by the, earl ,of Warren, c. AD 1077. Of this only a few fragments of the domestic buildings
  45. To a giant rat. His crime was one of a few mentioned things (when a visiting, earl ,expressed an interest in meeting the only person to beat the king at croquet
  46. That were there with the prince: the earl of Warwick, the earl of Suffolk,the, earl ,of Salisbury, the earl of Oxford, the lord Reynold Cob ham, the lord Spencer
  47. Over Northumberland for the position. According to Carpenter, although the, earl ,was amply compensated he despaired of any possibility of advancement under
  48. Foot & Wilson (1970),p. 332). E.g. had Earl Basis drama“ listen, earl , to Kasia’s blood (=poetry) ” (Binary skálaglamm: Wellesley 1). Sometimes
  49. Anne St Leger, as co-heiresses. In Ireland the great-great-grandson of the 3rd, earl , Sir Piers Butler, contested the will and claimed the Earldom himself. He was
  50. Crown, helping to defend northern England and maintain its peace. Initially the, earl ,had issues with Richard III as Edward groomed his brother to be the leading

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