Examples of the the word, endowment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endowment ), is the 6773 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The board in 1968,Warren Buffett has played a visible role in growing the, endowment ,at Grinned, where he serves as a life trustee. A campaign is currently under
  2. Work, and with this object, he secured within three days an additional research, endowment ,of one hundred thousand dollars. Through the National Research Council, Hale
  3. Is independently managed by its own faculty, board of trustees, and college, endowment ,and has its own separate admissions process. Students at Harvey Mud dare
  4. Year tenure in December 2004 and is the first woman to hold the post. MIT's, endowment ,and other financial assets are managed through a subsidiary MIT Investment
  5. Also relied on agricultural inputs for its base. Utilizing Paraguay's rich, endowment ,of hardwood trees, the wood subsector represented about 15 percent of all
  6. Cell powered vehicles. A unique aspect to Ohio State's multi-billion dollar, endowment ,is the Student Investment Management Program. Upper class finance students
  7. Management Company (MITIC). Valued at $8.0 billion in 2009,MIT's, endowment ,is the sixth-largest among American colleges and universities. MIT is" a
  8. As well as tuition and fees and the hiring of faculty members. With an, endowment ,of US$14.4 billion, Princeton University is among the wealthiest universities
  9. Pays for the satellite down link. United in Charity, a general, unrestricted, endowment , fund,was introduced at the 2004 Supreme Council meeting to support and ensure
  10. Change. President Papayas oversaw Drexel's largest expansion ever,the, endowment ,increased +471 % to $540M,and total enrollment increased +102 % to 18,466. The
  11. Bell was becoming increasingly affluent, he used his prize money to create, endowment ,funds (the 'Volta Fund' ) and institutions in and around the United States
  12. As of 2007 and the largest devoted to biological and medical research, with an, endowment ,of US$16.3 billion as of June 2007. Nixon's scandal Shortly before the 1960
  13. Two weeks. At the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1541 the priory's, endowment ,went towards the foundation of a free grammar school, King Henry VIII Grammar
  14. And promotions, and coordinates curriculum. Caltech's $1.55 billion, endowment ,is governed by a permanent Trustee committee and administered by an Investment
  15. Of Casting, Maine during the War of 1812,investing GBP£7000 as the initial, endowment ,and GBP£3000 reserved for the actual construction of the college. The college
  16. And conservatism of an institution of higher learning that has virtually no, endowment ,and at which faculty salaries are" sacrificial. " Religion Creed The BYU creed
  17. Of capital and labor profit in real terms from an increase in the capital, endowment , This model is ideal for particular industries. This model is ideal for
  18. Was divided and Ansgar lost the abbey of Turnout, which had been given as an, endowment ,for his work. Then in 845 the Danes unexpectedly sacked Hamburg, destroying all
  19. To become the permanent home of the Honors College, and will add support to its, endowment , As of May 2010,pending official confirmation of the New York State Board of
  20. Medal winners. On a per-student basis, Princeton has the largest university, endowment ,in the world. History New Light Presbyterians founded the College of New Jersey
  21. Public universities and 27th among all American universities. In June 2006,the, endowment ,passed the $2 billion mark. In recent decades, and in response to continually
  22. And bas-relief of Notaries II of Parthia and Sheikh Ali khan Angeles text, endowment ,In the first image, Herakles with curly hair and a beard rests on the lion skin
  23. Endowment in the United States, the university has the greatest per-student, endowment ,in the world (over US$2 million for undergraduates). Such a significant
  24. State was among the first group of public universities to raise a $1 billion, endowment ,when it passed the $1 billion mark in 1999. At year’s end 2005,Ohio State’s
  25. Financial and investment policies, authorize the budget, supervise the, endowment , direct the management of the University’s real estate and other assets, and
  26. To both unique living plants and animals and also to its own special fossil, endowment , Birds such as the crested and almost flightless AGU (French, Cagou)
  27. The wealthiest universities in the world. Ranked in 2010 as the third largest, endowment ,in the United States, the university has the greatest per-student endowment in
  28. MIT managed $718.2 million in research expenditures and an $8.0 billion, endowment ,in 2009. Noted alumni in non-scientific fields include author Hugh Lofting
  29. Or which may be borrowed against. Some policies, such as annuities and, endowment ,policies, are financial instruments to accumulate or liquidate wealth when it
  30. Annual gifts, fund-raising,and an increase in spending from the university’s, endowment ,have allowed Columbia to extend generous financial aid packages to qualifying
  31. Eight plus several other schools for purposes of alumni associations, or, endowment , comparisons. In his book Untangling the Ivy League, Zawel writes," The
  32. Been constructed at place where he breathed his last. Maharajah Transit Singh's, endowment ,saw the construction of a beautiful Gurudwara at Handed around 1835 AD. The
  33. Left side of the top outer frame of the relief. Sheikh Ali khan Angeles text, endowment ,: According to this text, written in Sloth calligraphy, Sheikh Ali khan Angeles
  34. Certain features are innate to an organism and are determined by its genetic, endowment , The empiricist view, on the other hand, emphasizes that certain abilities are
  35. Prize for Distinguished Public Service In the mid-1990s,Enron established an, endowment ,for the Enron Prize for Distinguished Public Service, awarded by Rice
  36. Of cooperating bodies and seek outside funds to augment the initial $3 million, endowment ,from the Authority. The International Seabed Authority Endowment Fund promotes
  37. These include the fact that most trade is between countries with similar factor, endowment ,and productivity levels, and the large amount of multinational production (i.
  38. Operating and capital budgets, supervises the investment of the University's, endowment ,and oversees campus real estate and long-range physical planning. The trustees
  39. When it passed the $1 billion mark in 1999. At year’s end 2005,Ohio State’s, endowment ,stood at $1.73 billion, ranking it seventh among public universities and 27th
  40. Performance, which takes into account total research, federal research, endowment ,assets, annual giving, National Academy members, faculty awards, doctorates
  41. World. MIT managed $718.2 million in research expenditures and an $8.0 billion, endowment ,in 2009. Sponsor 33 sports, most teams of which compete in the NCAA Division
  42. Honour religion. The article also establishes freedom of religion, prohibits, endowment , of any religion, prohibits the state from religious discrimination, and
  43. From Brown's $2.2 billion to Harvard's $27.4 billion, the largest financial, endowment ,of any academic institution in the world. Members History Year founded: Note:
  44. Sum of money to Oxford for the founding of the Radcliffe Library,an, endowment ,which, Samuel Garth quipped, was “ about as logical as if a eunuch should found
  45. Once Washington Academy),which was renamed due to Washington's large, endowment ,in 1796. Washington College in Chesterton, Maryland (established by Maryland
  46. Investing Group (SWIG),actively invests over $100,000 of Grinned College's, endowment ,in the stock market. The group's mission is to provide interested students
  47. Society, London The Francis Crick Lecture was established in 2003 following an, endowment ,by his former colleague, Sydney Brenner, joint winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize
  48. And the American Relief Administration, and pledged $50,000 as an, endowment , Scholars were sent to Europe to collect pamphlets, society publications
  49. Sale of the area to a developer or developers would be given to Drexel as an, endowment ,for construction of the campus. Drexel is not the first university courted for
  50. Under way to create more transparency and social responsibility in the, endowment ,'s investments. Notable alumni Many former students at Grinned College have

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