Examples of the the word, underestimate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underestimate ), is the 7588 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Atmosphere compared to the levels in 1859. This prediction has proved to be an, underestimate , The actual increase by 2000 was about 29 %. Some scientists, such as David
  2. Estimates for Hard population are difficult to obtain and may significantly, underestimate ,the true number of Hardin, due to their reluctance to participate in surveys
  3. Systems to fail well is more important. The designer of a system should not, underestimate ,the capabilities of an attacker; technology may make it possible in the future
  4. The 1/e2 width usually does not yield a meaningful value and can grossly, underestimate ,the inherent width of the beam. For multimodal distributions, the D4σ width is
  5. New cards, it might be a good idea to just by one card. Other players may then, underestimate ,such a hand, believing the player has two pairs or lacks a card for a straight
  6. The series at order OK always produces an overestimate for even k and an, underestimate ,for odd k. This results in a direct construction of left and right sets of the
  7. May mean that the population figures derived from the 2001 census are now an, underestimate , The East of England Regional Assembly estimated that 16,000 eastern Europeans
  8. France, and Austria–Hungary's war with Serbia. The war caused many nations to, underestimate ,Russian military capabilities in World War I. In the absence of Russian
  9. In the general population, and experts have stated that it is important to not, underestimate ,a person with CP's capabilities and to give them every opportunity to learn.
  10. Believing it to be the native name. (Bonnell was also the first of many to, underestimate ,the height of the Valley walls; one San Francisco newspaper demanded of him
  11. And stated that" If these commentators can so badly misunderstand and, underestimate ,an utterly unguarded English-speaking 83-year-old man with an extensive public
  12. Lookout. E. M. Forster would later write in contrition:" How we all used to, underestimate ,her ". Keynes built up a substantial collection of fine art, including works
  13. Were likely to be upwards of 100,000 ZX81 users (which turned out to be an, underestimate ,by over 400,000 – an indication of how the ZX81's success exceeded even
  14. Predatory, have been shown to eat pollen -- but this is thought to be a severe, underestimate ,as the feeding habits are only known for 1000 species). Similarly, Ladybird
  15. Including the Amsterdam Compiler Kit, Amoeba,Globe, and MINI. Quotes * Never, underestimate ,the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
  16. Of the number of existing lines of code written in the language—which may, underestimate ,languages not often found in public searches * counts of language references (
  17. The failures and hubris of his Imperial Army counterparts, who persistently, underestimate ,the cunning and ferocity of their Allied opponents in the Pacific Theatre of
  18. August 2007),which are more accurate than the censuses themselves, known to, underestimate ,the population of London. Wider population Greater London is not exactly
  19. Kant wrote his greatest works relatively late in life, there is a tendency to, underestimate ,the value of his earlier works. Recent Kant scholarship has devoted more
  20. Statistics. Because of hidden unemployment, official statistics often, underestimate ,unemployment rates. Long-term unemployment This is normally defined, for
  21. To appear more foreign or vain than he really is in an effort to make people, underestimate ,him. He admits as much::" It is true that I can speak the exact, the idiomatic
  22. Petits poi): Scabbard in the garbage: trapped in the garden: Underestimate:, underestimate ,: Under stab: understand: Understood: understood: Upside-dadle: upside down:
  23. With previous victories against the Sudanese Marxists, led the Italians to, underestimate ,the difficulties to overcome in a campaign against Menelik. At this point
  24. That," when philosophers claim that zombies are conceivable, they invariably, underestimate ,the task of conception (or imagination),and end up imagining something that
  25. In the Rose Bowl and the loss taught Vince a lesson he would never forget—never, underestimate ,your opponent. Early career On June 16, 1937,Vince graduated from Fordham
  26. 7/9 for the expected value of our sample variance computation is a substantial, underestimate ,of the true population variance, which we computed as 14/9,because our sample
  27. Rates (perhaps due to government policies),people would be assumed to always, underestimate ,inflation. This may be regarded as unrealistic - surely rational individuals
  28. Square root of a non-negative real number a then \script style a/x\, will be an, underestimate ,and so the average of these two numbers may reasonably be expected to provide a
  29. Stressed the shock value of the panders and Study attacks, they have tended to, underestimate ,the punishing effect of German artillery on Polish units. Mobile and available
  30. Lomborg consistently misuses, misrepresents or misinterprets data to greatly, underestimate ,rates of species extinction, ignore evidence that billions of people lack
  31. Wimsey sometimes affects a slightly silly behavior, so that people, underestimate ,him. Among Lord Peter's hobbies, apart from criminology, is collecting
  32. At a meeting in May 1936,Jones told Baldwin that it was" a mistake to, underestimate ,on Ribbentrop's influence and write him down as an ass because he does not
  33. An additional 2,000 cases of bladder cancer alone. This represents a clear, underestimate ,of the overall impact, since it does not include lung or skin cancer, and
  34. Groups. More recent research into the Pygmy subspecies suggests this may be an, underestimate , Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic, numbering
  35. The adopted population would request their records. The projection is known to, underestimate ,the true search rate, however,since many adopters of the era have access to
  36. Of IPCC reports Some critics have contended that the IPCC reports tend to, underestimate ,dangers, understate risks, and report only the" lowest common denominator "
  37. As officially evicted between 1849 and 1854. Donnelly considered this to be an, underestimate , and if the figures were to include the number pressured into" voluntary "
  38. Is the most reliable measure of pain, with health care professionals tending to, underestimate ,severity. A definition of pain widely employed in nursing, emphasizing its
  39. Roman scouts estimated 10,000 Gothic troops; but Minus dismissed this as an, underestimate , Course of battle On the morning of August 9,Valets decamped from Adrianople
  40. Is expected of him); the" satirization of foreign kings" ( who consistently, underestimate ,Israel and Yahweh); the concept of the" flawed agent" ( judges who are not
  41. Of Chinese descent in Indonesia is almost 1 %, although this may likely be an, underestimate , The former colonial power, the Netherlands, left an impressive vocabulary.
  42. Haiti, according to local observers. " Officials in the government frequently, underestimate ,the extent of human trafficking problems. Literature Despite the island's
  43. 2010 international religious freedom report, official statistics are alleged to, underestimate ,the non-Buddhist population. Independent researchers put the Muslim population
  44. To recently diagnosed children. Because of inadequate data, these numbers may, underestimate ,ASD's true prevalence. PDD-NOS's prevalence has been estimated at 3.7 per
  45. Position of women at the time, and its multi-layered plot. It is easy today to, underestimate ,the extent to which the novel challenged existing social and legal structures.
  46. A television program whether he wanted to be the Hitler of Mumbai. " Do not, underestimate ,me," he is reported to have retorted. 'I am (the Hitler) of the whole of
  47. This may lead to an optimistic result, meaning that the analysis may actually, underestimate ,the true worst case. In some situations it may be necessary to use a
  48. Older adults are diagnosed with anxiety disorder, a figure that is probably an, underestimate ,due to the tendency of adults to minimize psychiatric problems or to focus on
  49. Who have always been free ... There appears to be an innate human tendency to, underestimate ,the capacity of those who do not belong to" our" group. Those who do not
  50. Surplus between the price paid, and subjective value received, and can therefore, underestimate ,aggregate utility. Simon Kuznets in his very first report to the US Congress in

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