Examples of the the word, disperse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disperse ), is the 7592 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And as a result the leaderless Orthodox Jewish community quickly began to, disperse ,and shortly thereafter ceased to exist entirely. Both Rabbis Lewinsky and
  2. German Workers Party. *1932 – Great Depression: in Washington’D. C., troops, disperse , the last of the" Bonus Army" of World War I veterans. *1937 – Hangzhou
  3. The center of the town and 200 pro-treaty troops were sent from Dublin to, disperse ,them. On 3 May, the Daily was informed 18 men had been killed in the fighting in
  4. Infiltration, by the different law enforcement agencies. ETA's intention is to, disperse ,its members and reduce the impact of detentions. The leading committee is
  5. Major problems of strategic choice" since while it was necessary to widely, disperse ,troops in order to defend Loyalist areas, it was also recognized that there was
  6. A poor configuration, or slow assembly, would release enough energy to, disperse ,the critical mass quickly, and the yield would be greatly reduced, equivalent
  7. It was settled only when President Ulysses S. Grant ordered Joseph Brooks to, disperse ,his militant supporters. Following the Brooks-Baxter War, a new state
  8. Elsewhere, Anti-Treaty units were forced by lack of supplies and safe-houses to, disperse ,into smaller groups, typically of nine to ten men. Despite these successes for
  9. More than the other females and they do not seem to form social bonds. Males, disperse ,much farther from their mothers and enter into a transient phase. This phase
  10. Both parents feed the weaned pups with regurgitated food. Male pups will, disperse ,from their dens between months six and 9,while females usually remain with the
  11. Off Japan, Alaska and California, an annual round trip of. Other seabirds, disperse ,after breeding, travelling widely but having no set migration route.
  12. Which have co-evolved with these and other mammals and thus lost the ability to, disperse ,their spores through the air. Chipmunks construct expansive burrows which can
  13. An elastic network, a dough, and then washing out the starch. Starch granules, disperse ,in cold water, and the disperse d starch will be sedimented and dried. If a
  14. Eastern Arabia and Main (Oman) to Khvarvārān. These new arrivals did not, disperse ,and settle throughout the country; instead they established two new garrisons
  15. One Sunday they burst in on the gathering, armed with clubs and stones, to, disperse , the congregation permanently. In 1833,Thomas AFLD took Douglass back from Hugh
  16. Police for being unprepared for the riots and possibly using excessive force to, disperse ,the mobs, resulting in the deaths of 12 Arab Israeli, one Jewish and one
  17. Off campus. JMA sent out an emergency mass text message warning students to ", disperse ,from social events in that area immediately for safety reasons. " Police also
  18. After the suppression of the Bar Kochab revolt, Judaeans were forced to, disperse ,and many relocated to Galilee, so most remaining native speakers of Hebrew at
  19. A group of ETA prisoners, as the number of ETA prisoners makes it difficult to, disperse ,them. Gestures pro-Amnistía/Amnesia Alder Batzordeak (" Pro-Amnesty Managing
  20. It moves. Coastlines with longer shores have more room for the waves to, disperse ,their energy, while coasts with cliffs and short shore faces give little room
  21. Only silicon-based beings occur naturally and have the ability to reproduce and, disperse , When the human main character, Takeru, argues that humans also have the
  22. In the rules; unlike many other forms of football, players from both teams may, disperse ,across the whole field before the start of play. However, a typical on-field
  23. The development of weapons with increased firepower, it became necessary to, disperse ,soldiers in infantry units to make them less susceptible to high explosive and
  24. Day at Haymarket Square. Towards the end of the rally, as police moved in to, disperse ,the event and opened fire on the unarmed crowd on the plea that an unknown
  25. And their activities there are described. While the rest of the pilgrims, disperse ,throughout the town, the Pardoner seeks the affections of Kate the barmaid, but
  26. By the Soviet Union; the unique abilities of the Harrier allowed the RAF to, disperse ,their forces away from vulnerable airbases. The USMC used their Harriers
  27. Observation target. Both the US and EU instruments used a ruled grating to, disperse ,this light for spectral analysis. This light then passed through an exit slit
  28. It may go out if not moved steadily, as the CO2 from combustion does not, disperse ,as readily in microgravity, and tends to smother the flame). There are
  29. Disperse the money equally. However, a private charity board like a church would, disperse ,the monies fairly to those who are in more need than others. Later he altered
  30. Character, Takeru, argues that humans also have the ability to reproduce and, disperse , the higher existence says carbon too easily mingles with other elements and
  31. A mostly Banyamulenge unit mutinied at BAVU after its officers tried to, disperse ,the soldiers into different units spread all around the Congo. By mid 1998
  32. Arms force of 8,000 cavalrymen and 3,000 infantry on a" spoiling raid" to ", disperse ,and destroy" the 9,500 Confederates. Pleasanton's force crossed the
  33. Police fired tear gas at demonstrators who blocked the streets and refused to, disperse , Over 600 protesters were arrested and thousands were injured. Three policemen
  34. Dispersion modeling, mathematical simulation of how air pollutants, disperse ,in the ambient atmosphere *London dispersion force, an instantaneous induced
  35. And marched on the government headquarters. Security personnel attempted to, disperse ,the protestors with the use of stun grenades and live rounds, at the cost of
  36. Orange or red. Diamond also has relatively high optical dispersion (ability to, disperse ,light of different colors),which results in its characteristic luster.
  37. e)- disperse r. Other meanings A disperse r is a high-speed mixing device used to, disperse ,or dissolve pigments and other solids into a liquid. The Devonian is a geologic
  38. Mt. Kenya until 1956,when, deprived of its leadership and supplies, it had to, disperse , The state of emergency lasted until 1960. In 1963 Kenya became independent
  39. And centrifugal casting are production methods that uses centrifugal force to, disperse ,liquid metal or plastic throughout the negative space of a mold. * Centrifuges
  40. Charged with parading without a permit, or failing to obey police orders to, disperse , At least 17 reporters were in the round-up. Protestors sued in Federal Court
  41. English adjective Britten (from the verb Brendan meaning 'to break' or 'to, disperse ,'),an element also found in the terms broken rice ('kingdom' )
  42. Western Wall. Police used rubber-coated metal bullets and live ammunition to, disperse ,the demonstrators, killing 4 persons and injuring about 200. ” According to the
  43. 2–6 cm broad, splitting open when ripe to release the numerous seeds. The seeds, disperse ,freely over pastures, fields and even wasteland locations. Data belongs to
  44. Then others. Considering public charities boards such as a government will, disperse ,the money equally. However, a private charity board like a church would disperse
  45. Squirting engine oil into the spark plug orifice, in a quantity sufficient to, disperse ,across the piston crown and the circumference of the top ring land, and thereby
  46. Stones. At this point, a water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets were used to, disperse ,the rioters. Such confrontations between soldiers and youths were common
  47. Lenses) with an aperture of 229 mm. The spectrometer of AIMS used a grating to, disperse ,the light collected by the telescope. The disperse d spectrum of light was
  48. Leaves until weaning is complete at about 12 months of age. Young females, disperse ,to nearby areas at that time; young males often stay in the mother's home
  49. Too quickly, causing a predestination that would release enough energy to, disperse ,the critical mass with a minimal amount of plutonium reacted (a fizzle). A
  50. Warfare. After the fall of Cork, Liam Lynch ordered Anti-Treaty IRA units to, disperse ,and form flying columns as they had when fighting the British. They held out in

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