Examples of the the word, daylight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( daylight ), is the 7606 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A more youthful appearance. In contrast, a single light source, such as harsh, daylight , can serve to highlight any texture or interesting features. When drawing an
  2. In some locations, occasionally plus or minus an hour when changing from or to, daylight ,saving time. The word day may also refer to a day of the week or to a calendar
  3. Overlord German vehicle crews showed reluctance to move en masse during, daylight , Indeed, the final German blitzkrieg operation in the west, Operation Weight am
  4. Shorter. Above the Arctic Circle, an extreme case is reached where there is no, daylight ,at all for part of the year—a polar night. In the Southern Hemisphere the
  5. Is preparing and strongly posted, and whose posts have not been reconnoitred by, daylight ,". Lewin Bentham Bowling gives this alternative account: A few weeks later
  6. Garcia is geographically situated. Local time is GMT + 6 hours year-round (no, daylight ,time change). Diego Garcia is the largest land mass in the Chaos Archipelago
  7. 12th cent. Biographer) to have been seized by an invisible monster in broad, daylight ,and devoured horribly before many fright-frozen witnesses. Of his
  8. As follows: Note: D50 is scientific shorthand for a Standard illuminant: the, daylight ,spectrum at a correlated color temperature of 5,000 K. (Similar definition for
  9. Shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest, daylight ,hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. December in the Northern
  10. The rod cells (active in low light) and the cone cells (active in normal, daylight ,). Normally, there are three kinds of cones, each containing a different
  11. Are we waiting for the lamps? ") and a justifying statement (Only an inch of, daylight ,left. ) The meaning is clear and uncomplicated, the subject is drawn from
  12. Or blue light, a yellowish-orange filter will correct this. For shooting with, daylight ,film (calibrated to 5,600 K) under warmer (low color temperature) light
  13. To the offensive. In the Second Battle of Porto he crossed the Douro river in a, daylight ,coup de main, and routed Marshal Soult's French troops in Porto. With Portugal
  14. Palestinian terrorists accidentally blown up by their bombs set on Palestinian, daylight ,saving time, one hour ahead of the local time (Israel,1999) * Jumping out of
  15. Text):: :Let's drink! Why are we waiting for the lamps? Only an inch of, daylight ,left.: :Lift down the large cups, my friends, the painted ones;: :for wine was
  16. Print. Photographic film is made for specific light sources (most commonly, daylight ,film and tungsten film),and used properly, will create a neutral color print.
  17. Then to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad, daylight , 12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all
  18. Traditionally performed in the morning, but it may be performed any time during, daylight ,hours. Postponement for health reasons If the child is born prematurely or has
  19. As the white moth is as conspicuous at dusk as a colored caterpillar in the, daylight ,", Wallace wrote back to Darwin that it seemed likely that the conspicuous
  20. Zircon, topaz (blue),or tanzanite. December is the month with the shortest, daylight ,hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of
  21. Pack, or a rout. Coyotes are primarily nocturnal, but can often be seen during, daylight ,hours. Coyotes are capable of digging their own burrows, though they often
  22. Accuracy, this gave an effectively unique position. Range and Accuracy During, daylight ,ranges of around could be obtained, reducing at night to 200 to, depending on
  23. From 60 to 50 overs per innings, the current standard, because of the shorter, daylight ,hours in the Indian subcontinent compared with England's summer. Australia won
  24. Source with varied color temperatures, one way to balance the color is to use, daylight ,film and place color-correcting gel filters over each light source.
  25. Twilight during the night hours. The months of November to January have little, daylight , Fairbanks receives an average 21 hours of daylight between May 10 and August 2
  26. In broad daylight . 12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad, daylight ,before all Israel., ( 2 Samuel 12:12) and finally, that " the son born to you
  27. For unpowered aircraft, the maximum flight time is limited by available, daylight ,hours, weather conditions, and pilot endurance. Flight dynamics
  28. And the turn away, cost the British critical time and range in the last hour of, daylight , as Sheer intended, allowing him to get his heavy ships out of immediate
  29. Was primarily employed by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) in the, daylight ,precision strategic bombing campaign of World War II against German industrial
  30. Runners to the Argentine garrison on the Falkland Islands. They also performed, daylight ,maritime survey flights. One was lost during the war. Argentina also operated
  31. Force for operations in North Africa. The B-17s were primarily involved in the, daylight ,precision strategic bombing campaign against German targets ranging from U-boat
  32. East Asia as prices rose in the 1970s. This fishing industry is restricted to, daylight ,hours and calm conditions in two short seasons, from March to May and August to
  33. Ophthalmology and optometry A person may sometimes experience better vision in, daylight ,than at night because of an increased depth of field due to constriction of the
  34. May 10 and August 2 each summer, and an average of less than four hours of, daylight ,between November 18 and January 24 each winter. The interior of Alaska is
  35. Undertake annual long distance migrations, usually triggered by the length of, daylight ,as well as weather conditions. These birds are characterized by a breeding
  36. An explanation of how the spherical earth influenced the changing length of, daylight , of how the seasonal motion of the Sun and Moon influenced the changing
  37. Because of its location at the equator, Ecuador experiences little variation in, daylight ,hours during the course of a year. Both sunrise and sunset occur each day at
  38. Used to smuggle alcohol into the camps by prisoners who worked outside during, daylight , While outside, the prisoner would ingest an empty condom attached to a thin
  39. In freshwater ecology, strong photosynthetic activity by freshwater plants in, daylight ,releases gaseous oxygen into the water and at the same time produces
  40. Blue region) and V (about 555 nm, in the middle of the human visual range in, daylight ,). The V band was chosen for spectral purposes and gives magnitudes closely
  41. If a narrow range of color temperatures is considered—those encapsulating, daylight ,being the most practical case—one can approximate the Planckian locus in order
  42. Derived the name of Vedic god DAUs and the Latin Zeus, ( god) and dies (day, daylight ,). On the Tablets of Pylons a theonym δι (gamma)ια is supposed as referring
  43. To January have little daylight . Fairbanks receives an average 21 hours of, daylight ,between May 10 and August 2 each summer, and an average of less than four hours
  44. Single kind of cone. A cone monochrome can have good pattern vision at normal, daylight ,levels, but will not be able to distinguish hues. Blue cone monochrome (X
  45. Let's drink! ") and it includes a proverbial expression (" Only an inch of, daylight ,left" ) though it is possible that he coined it himself. A hymn (for. 34)
  46. AAI Qunanbaiuli, Kazakh poet (d. 1904) *1856 – William Gillett, English, daylight , saving time advocate (d. 1915) *1860 – Vishnu Narayana Backhand, Indian
  47. An" enhanced white" ( EW),which is more neutral. There is also a very cold, daylight ,white (DW). Compact fluorescent lamps are usually considered warm white
  48. The sky. It is rooted in Indo-European *d (e)y (e)w, meaning bright sky or, daylight , from which also derived the name of Vedic god DAUs and the Latin Zeus, ( god
  49. Is two hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, except when it is on its own, daylight ,saving time, from October to February. The Atlantic islands are in the
  50. Fluorescent lamps, which typically has a spectrum of a few narrow bands, while, daylight , has a continuous spectrum. The human eye cannot tell the difference between

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