Examples of the the word, emit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emit ), is the 7607 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Radium, which decays into radon, along with other radioactive materials that, emit ,beta and gamma rays. However, Curie also worked with shielded X-ray tubes
  2. Idea that up to 90 % of the matter in the Universe is dark matter that does not, emit ,light or interact with normal harmonic matter. In addition, the assumption that
  3. Observational evidence By their very nature, black holes do not directly, emit ,any signals other than the hypothetical Hawking radiation; since the Hawking
  4. Under special arrangements. Although most americium isotopes predominantly, emit ,alpha particles which can be blocked by thin layers of common materials, many
  5. Are absorbed by thin layers of common materials, some of its decay products, emit ,significant fractions of beta and gamma radiation, which require a more
  6. These applications exploit the property of certain isotopes of californium to, emit ,neutrons. For example, californium can be used to help start up nuclear
  7. Evaporation In 1974,Hawking showed that black holes are not entirely black but, emit ,small amounts of thermal radiation. He got this result by applying quantum
  8. Electrons are charged particles. An accelerating electric charge is known to, emit ,electromagnetic waves according to the Armor formula in classical
  9. Because, if the object at the center of the disc had a solid surface, it would, emit ,large amounts of radiation as the highly energetic gas hits the surface, an
  10. Half-life 46 minutes). Not only 225Ac itself, but also its decay products, emit ,alpha particles which kill cancer cells in the body. The major difficulty with
  11. By the nature of that absorption (or that reflectance). * Objects may, emit ,light that they generate themselves, rather than merely reflecting or
  12. Harmony of the Spheres, Pythagoras proposed that the Sun, Moon and planets all, emit ,their own unique hum based on their orbital revolution, and that the quality of
  13. Millimeter-radius gold target's nuclei, which caused the incoming electrons to, emit ,energy quanta that decayed into both matter and antimatter. Positrons were
  14. Changed or relaxed to permit more efficient compilation. The translator would, emit ,C code which could then be compiled and run well outside the APL workspace.
  15. Will need to eat more food to gain the same amount of protein. Plants also, emit ,CO2 during respiration, and so the majority of plants and algae, which use C3
  16. Black holes receive more mass from the cosmic microwave background than they, emit ,through Hawking radiation and will thus grow instead of shrink. To have a
  17. His theory of black hole radiation is correct, then black holes are expected to, emit ,a thermal spectrum of radiation, and thereby lose mass, because according to
  18. In order to identify a mate; in the case of A. nigroaenea, the females, emit ,a mixture of triclosan (C23H48),pentosan (C25H52) and heptacosane (
  19. List of light sources). * Objects may absorb light and then as a consequence, emit ,light that has different properties. They are then called fluorescent (if
  20. That is allowed in proton-rich nuclides that do not have sufficient energy to, emit ,a positron (and neutrino). These may still reach a lower energy state, by the
  21. By a camera hood. Color CRTs Color tubes use three different phosphors which, emit ,red, green,and blue light respectively. They are packed together in stripes (
  22. A combination of zoo ids that are in their male and female stages. All species, emit ,sperm into the water. Some also release ova into the water, while others
  23. The sun's neighborhood. The problem of the formula is that it is not usable to, emit ,hypothesis because it contains units that can never be verified. It has
  24. Shock. Thunder without lightning is the result of the wind being too weak to, emit ,any flame, but strong enough to produce a sound. A flash of lightning without
  25. Occurs. This leads to a" tail disconnection event ". Comets were found to, emit ,X-rays in 1996. This surprised researchers, because X-ray emission is usually
  26. Level. Those excited electrons that remain bound to their atom spontaneously, emit ,this energy as a photon, traveling in a random direction, and so drop back to
  27. The cathode, sputter cathode material that is excited in the glow discharge to, emit ,the radiation of the sputtered material, i. e., the element of interest. Most
  28. Be accounted for (conservation of energy). In a neutral atom, the system will, emit ,a photon of the difference in energy. However, if the excited atom has been
  29. Unstable nuclei that are subject to radioactive decay, causing the nucleus to, emit ,particles or electromagnetic radiation. Radioactivity can occur when the radius
  30. Be blocked by thin layers of common materials, many of the daughter products, emit ,gamma-rays and neutrons which have a long penetration depth. If consumed
  31. And viewing. Some objects not only reflect light, but also transmit light or, emit ,light themselves (see below),which contribute to the color also. And a
  32. Of hydrogen one may determine the wavelengths of light that a hydrogen atom can, emit , The energy of a photon emit ted by a hydrogen atom is given by the difference
  33. Sound-synthesis chip, the Apple II had a toggle circuit that could only, emit ,a click through a built-in speaker or a line out jack; all other sounds (
  34. Hole background. The result of his calculations is that a black hole should, emit ,particles in a perfect black body spectrum. This effect has become known as
  35. As visual magnitude. Since cooler stars, such as red giants and red dwarfs, emit ,little energy in the blue and UV regions of the spectrum their power is often
  36. And multiple native resolutions. Health concerns Ionizing radiation CRTs can, emit ,a small amount of X-ray radiation as a result of the electron beam's
  37. Sources of human-caused background radiation exposure * Coal-fired power plants, emit ,mercury, selenium,and arsenic which are harmful to human health and the
  38. From 390 nm to 750 nm),it is known as" visible light ". Most light sources, emit ,light at many wavelengths; a source's spectrum is a distribution
  39. Microscopes and various laboratory experiments. Cadmium selenite quantum dots, emit ,bright luminescence under UV excitation (He-Cd laser, for example). The color
  40. Low-pressure gases in evacuated glass tubes had shown that atoms will only, emit ,light (that is, electromagnetic radiation) at certain discrete frequencies.
  41. L and T class stars have an estimated magnitude of well over 100,since they, emit ,extremely little visible light, but are strongest in infrared. Measures of
  42. Are synchronized. This physical property is used to make lasers, which can, emit ,a coherent beam of light energy in a narrow frequency band.
  43. Temporal patterns; other neurons are quiet most of the time, but occasionally, emit ,a burst of action potentials. Axons transmit signals to other neurons, or to
  44. Black body in thermodynamics. Quantum mechanics predicts that black holes, emit ,radiation like a black body with a finite temperature. This temperature is
  45. A string. * 7 (bell, BEL, \a, ^G),which may cause the device receiving it to, emit ,a warning of some kind (usually audible). * 8 (backspace, BS,\b, ^H),used
  46. And travel along the axon at speeds of 1–100 meters per second. Some neurons, emit ,action potentials constantly, at rates of 10–100 per second, usually in
  47. To Kenyon College, May 20, 1990 Black is the color of objects that do not, emit ,or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum; they absorb all such
  48. Small critical mass for a sustained nuclear chain reaction. They predominantly, emit ,particles, and the heat released in this process can potentially produce
  49. Sound-synthesis chip, the Apple II had a toggle circuit that could only, emit ,a click through a built-in speaker or a line out jack; all other sounds (
  50. And black holes, the gas in the inner regions becomes so hot that it will, emit ,vast amounts of radiation (mainly X-rays),which may be detected by

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