Examples of the the word, selfish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( selfish ), is the 7598 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. How Quanta had" her track severed" ( that is, made extinct) due to Man's, selfish ,actions. One is also mentioned in the film Jurassic Park. The animal can be
  2. So that" Something Terrible" is more" about Colin's redemption from, selfish ,capitalist, rather than Cindy's abuse. " Although the series is sometimes
  3. Former members have alleged being coerced to" share" and subsequently cast as, selfish ,or unloving when they did not. These views have been redressed in 2010
  4. Cameron has been labeled by one collaborator, author Orson Scott Card, as, selfish , and cruel. When asked about working with Cameron on the novelization of The
  5. Governmental policies, of an insufficient sense of social justice, of a, selfish ,accumulation of material goods, and finally of a culpable failure to undertake
  6. Of its host (i.e.,a meme is a useful, beneficial idea),or may be ", selfish ,", in which case it could be considered a" virus of the mind ". Mohandas
  7. Toward oneself too in order to share compassion toward others. This ", selfish ," enjoyment of God's blessings but only in order to empower oneself to assist
  8. As justifiable if it lets them preserve their own local uniqueness. This seems, selfish ,to some. However, such groups tend not to" burn out" and to sustain for long
  9. The struggle documented in Confessions: that proper love exercises a denial of, selfish ,pleasure and the subjugation of corporeal desire to God. To the pious virgins
  10. Creative, imaginative,energetic, curious,intelligent, hypocritical, selfish , rude, and ill-tempered six-year-old, whose last name is never mentioned in the
  11. Have found a part of the brain that behaves differently for altruistic and, selfish ,people. The researchers invited 45 volunteers to play a computer game and also
  12. Own favor. So, the decision-in-ignorance models fairness, because it excludes, selfish ,bias. Rails argues that each of us would reject the utilitarian theory of
  13. The interim one within the time limit of 2 years. However, incooperative and ", selfish ," behavior of the political parties has been cited as the major cause behind
  14. This move alone made him nearly unstoppable. Despite media criticism as a ", selfish ," player early in his career,Jordan's 5.3 assists per game and combined this
  15. In public. Like his earlier raids,Raynald's expedition is usually seen as, selfish ,and ultimately fatal for Jerusalem, but it was actually shrewd strategy, meant
  16. Introns represent mobile genetic elements and may be regarded as examples of, selfish ,DNA. The biological origins of introns are obscure. After the initial discovery
  17. Accusing the administration of" ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation, and, selfish , avarice ". While awaiting trial, Lyon commenced publication of Lyon's
  18. She further claimed that" horrors which no man would dare consider for his own, selfish ,sake are perpetrated with a clear conscience by altruists who justify
  19. It would be impossible for him to bear to understand how he appears to her, as, selfish , hypocritical and more concerned with public reputation than with actual
  20. Undimmed by human tears.: America! America!: God shed His grace on thee, : 'Til, selfish ,gain no longer stain, : The banner of the free.: And crown thy good with
  21. Their own communities" who are prostituting our spiritual ways for their own, selfish ,gain, with no regard for the spiritual well-being of the people as a whole. "
  22. Piety, restraint,meekness, and submission; evil seen as worldly, cruel, selfish , wealthy, and aggressive. Nietzsche sees slave-morality born out of the
  23. Teachings of the Buddha," evil" means" harmful" and refers to 1) the three, selfish ,emotions—desire, hate and delusion; and 2) to their expression in physical and
  24. Into an art form, as evinced by this observation from 1846:: To be stupid, and, selfish , and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness; though if
  25. Of men and Yi. *Legalism, which maintained that human nature was incorrigibly, selfish ,; accordingly, the only way to preserve the social order was to impose
  26. Best understood not as moral categories of good and evil but as selfless versus, selfish ,orientations, either of which used rightly can serve God's will. In contrast
  27. They describe the negative liberty-centric view endorsed by capitalists as ", selfish ,freedom ". According to
  28. Experiment suggested, was not a superior moral faculty that suppresses basic, selfish ,urges but rather was basic to the brain, hard-wired and pleasurable. Another
  29. Be useful to treat deception as separate phenomenon. Aims Predatory The purely, selfish ,kinds of coercion are a form of predatory behavior by the coercing party
  30. The attention? Why didn't you call the other lads back? I think that was very, selfish ,of you ". Lennon called the accusations of jealousy a" myth ", and claimed
  31. The right conditions. Essentially Singer claims that although humans possess, selfish , competitive tendencies naturally, they have a substantial capacity for
  32. Implicit contrast is suggested between this and conditions of soul dominated by, selfish ,and egoistic desires. Finally, the phrase" the Kingdom of God" is used
  33. Sexual love. It is an obstacle on the path to enlightenment, since it is, selfish , Karina is compassion and mercy, which reduces the suffering of others. It is
  34. Blameless. Anyone who attempted to use the Law of Love to justify any unloving, selfish ,or hurtful behavior is responsible before God for it. " According to Eileen
  35. Days in his palace gardens. He saw his Tetrarchies system implode, torn by the, selfish ,ambitions of his successors. He heard of Maximian's third claim to the throne
  36. Consensus at the moment is that introns arose within the eukaryote lineage as, selfish ,elements. Early studies of genomic DNA sequences from a wide range of organisms
  37. His rehearsal time at the expense of Elgar's. Lady Elgar wrote," that brutal, selfish ,ill-mannered bounder ... that brute Coates went on rehearsing. " The critic of
  38. Moreover considers the desires of the will to entail suffering: because these, selfish ,desires create constant conflict in the world. The business of biological life
  39. He can beat up the better and nobody should deny him this, not even the ", selfish ," Roman victims themselves: *In Asterix in Britain, he dismisses the claim that
  40. Then to be sacrificed to it. He is, of course, sharply aware that men have, selfish ,and sectional interests which will lead them to try to oppress others. It is
  41. And in others, a tendency towards base or animal behavior and a tendency to be, selfish ,). In Judaism all human beings are believed to have free will and can choose
  42. Book A Clergyman's Daughter. At the same time he found the church to be a ", selfish ,... church of the landed gentry" with its establishment" out of touch" with
  43. To reciprocate kindness, he is more likely not to harm others or become too, selfish , In this way, he reduces the chances of retaliation by members of his tribe
  44. In the early years of the Civil War, Rhett is called a" scoundrel" for his ", selfish ,gains" profiteering as a blockader. Literary scholars have identified
  45. Naturally tend to be self-interested. He further argues that the evidence that, selfish ,tendencies are natural must not be taken as evidence that selfish ness is right.
  46. Funakoshi interpreted the" Kara" of Karate to mean" to purge oneself of, selfish ,and evil thoughts. For only with a clear mind and conscience can the
  47. Claim that wage labor is necessary because people are by" nature" lazy and, selfish , They point out that even the so-called" idle rich" sometimes find useful
  48. Most wholesome and needed reaction against the abuses of absolutism and of a, selfish , often corrupt, bureaucracy. That the wishes and thoughts of the people should
  49. Found himself in an inferior position. Chess professional" You have to be very, selfish ,sometimes ", said Polar in speaking of the life of professional chess player. "
  50. Republic). His father, Hermann Kafka (1852–1931),was described as a" huge, selfish , overbearing businessman" and by Kafka himself as" a true Kafka in strength

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