Examples of the the word, dispense , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dispense ), is the 7601 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Typically the tonic and dominant in an ABA form). Then, many modern fugues, dispense ,with traditional tonal harmonic scaffolding altogether, and either use serial (
  2. Enzymes to work at the 4.5 pH they require. Lysosomes fuse with vacuoles and, dispense ,their enzymes into the vacuoles, digesting their contents. They are created by
  3. Of the shift to digital libraries can be seen in Cushing Academy’s decision to, dispense ,with its library of printed books — more than 20,000 volumes in all — and
  4. children's books. Literature for young children who do not yet know kanji may, dispense ,with it altogether and instead use hiragana combined with spaces. History The
  5. Robot RX is another healthcare robotics product that helps pharmacies, dispense ,thousands of medications daily with little or no errors. The robot can be ten
  6. Flavourings of mint and cream Serving Many restaurants have dispense rs that, dispense ,hot or warm sweet tea, and customers pour it over a full cup of ice to make
  7. Two halves of the poem ... So bold, indeed,that Coleridge for once was able to, dispense ,with any language out of the past. It was his own poem, a manifesto. To read it
  8. Convinced by addresses from Dissenters that he had their support and so could, dispense ,with relying on Tories and Anglicans. James instituted a wholesale purge of
  9. Or MLLT). Many systems use so-called discriminative training techniques that, dispense ,with a purely statistical approach to HMM parameter estimation and instead
  10. From the English courts of the common law a ruling which affirmed his power to, dispense ,with Acts of Parliament. He dismissed judges who disagreed with him on this
  11. S" ancient rights and liberties" by declaring: * the pretended power to, dispense ,with Acts of Parliament is illegal; * the commission for ecclesiastical causes
  12. In an area with which they are very familiar, some researchers have opted to, dispense ,with ranks all together, instead using clade names without Linnaeus ranks. The
  13. Word German and instead use Human; also with my best knowledge and will I would, dispense ,with passages like John 3:16. On the other hand, I have chosen one thing or
  14. Family environment),or some who advocate gender equality, would, dispense , with the distinction altogether. There does exist in Filipino an equivalent
  15. In Roman Catholicism the canonical minimum age is twenty-five. Bishops may, dispense ,with this rule and ordain men up to one year younger. Dispensations of more
  16. A device for pumping beer, originally manually operated and typically used to, dispense ,beer from a cask or container in a pub's basement or cellar. It was invented
  17. Must be friends of the same sex, and not too far apart in age. Some dialects, dispense ,with the familiar forms entirely. Note, however,that the formal second person
  18. Coffee beans, use a roaster to roast them, and then use a brewer to brew and, dispense ,a fresh cup of coffee. In performing this labor, these workers add value to the
  19. To a certain degree, after which it cannot ensure further progress. It cannot, dispense ,with the need for the grace of a Perfect Master. " The experience of Kundalini
  20. Circumstances or the person. The ruler, alone,would possess the authority to, dispense ,with rewards and punishments. Ministers were only to be rewarded if their words
  21. A special year, in which sheep mated in the spring. Rodgers early decided to, dispense ,with an overture, feeling that the music was hard to hear over the banging of
  22. Centers of force into matter as centers of will to power. Nietzsche wanted to, dispense ,with the atomistic theory of matter, a theory which he viewed as a relic of the
  23. I cannot forgive Descartes; in all his philosophy, Descartes did his best to, dispense ,with God. But Descartes could not avoid prodding God to set the world in motion
  24. And new urgency. Most men are pushed into the artist's role. The artist cannot, dispense ,with the principle of 'nobleness' or 'interplay' because this type of
  25. But हैं" are ". Some writers and typesetters, dispense ,with the" moon" stroke altogether, using only the dot in all situations. *
  26. CO2 / nitrogen blends are used to allow a higher operating pressure in complex, dispense ,systems. Nitrogen is used under high pressure when dispensing dry stouts (such
  27. By one or more axioms, but this can be misleading. Formal theories cannot, dispense ,with primitive notions, under pain of infinite regress. Alfred Tarsi explained
  28. Predicate symbols, in sufficiently expressive theories. One can in principle, dispense ,entirely with functions of parity greater than 2 and predicates of parity greater
  29. Year of his exile, he was recalled to Rome by Augustus, who found he could not, dispense ,with his services. However, if one places the events in the context of the
  30. Controversy owes to the way in which loosely-connected thinkers tended to, dispense ,with theories claiming to have discovered absolute truths about the world.
  31. Creatures. The sacrifice of the altar, being Christ's own actions, convey and, dispense ,divine grace from Christ to the members of the Mystical Body. The numerous
  32. Sheet of paper or other surface. They are noticeably distinct from pens, which, dispense , liquid or gel ink that stain the light color of the paper. Most pencil cores
  33. In the background, during the rest of the song, it is possible to hear the cast, dispense ,cough medicine, then call for a doctor, the arrival of the doctor and his
  34. As introducing non-character forces (for example, a flood),but other systems, dispense ,with this figure and distribute this function among all players. Since this
  35. The realist tradition. He opened up the possibility of theater and fiction that, dispense ,with conventional plot and the unities of time and place in order to focus on
  36. The normal minimum age is thirty (Can. 9 of Neocaesarea) but a bishop may, dispense ,with this if needed. In neither tradition may priests marry after ordination.
  37. The power to command greater media coverage and influence events as well as, dispense ,government grants. One reporter noted" nearly all incumbents raise far more (
  38. Voice, speaking a broad Hessian dialect. His powerful memory enabled him to, dispense ,with the manuscript on which most German professors relied, and he spoke
  39. Steel, and eventually the face of the moldboard grew strong enough to, dispense ,with the Coulter. Single-sided sloughing The first moldboard plows could
  40. The state of Oregon passed a law requiring a prescription for pharmacies to, dispense ,any cold remedy containing pseudoephedrine. Likewise, the states of Alabama
  41. British Columbia. Furthermore, BC notaries exercise far greater power, able to, dispense ,legal advice and draft public instruments including: **
  42. In isolated instances across the United States, pharmacists have refused to, dispense ,emergency contraception even when presented with a legal prescription. In 2010
  43. State Pharmacy Board decided that pharmacists do have a right to refuse to, dispense ,emergency contraception. In addition,Walmart, the nation's fifth-largest
  44. Living cardinals lost the right to participate in a conclave. ) Since Popes can, dispense ,from church laws, they have sometimes brought the number of cardinals under the
  45. His ability to ensure the loyalty of voters through jobs he could create and, dispense ,on city-related projects. Tweed was convicted for stealing an amount estimated
  46. Item that the player didn't choose at the outset of play. Some IF works, dispense ,with second-person narrative entirely, opting for a first-person perspective (
  47. A dwarf on the way home, for the marital cooking pot ... The Dwarfs, as I say, dispense ,with cooking pots and eat and drink their human prey fresh cut on the
  48. Special tax on all persons who produce, import,manufacture, compound,deal in, dispense , sell, distribute,or give away opium or coca leaves, their salts, derivatives
  49. 16th century) * Talus, an " Iron Man" who mechanically helps Arthegall, dispense ,justice in The Faerie Queen the epic poem by Edmund Spenser published in 1590.
  50. Released. The container is made of flexible plastic which can be squeezed to, dispense ,the product. When first launched, the " Mar mite" logo was replaced by the

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