Examples of the the word, spacecraft , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spacecraft ), is the 7594 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Moon, out of contact with Earth. The burn occurred exactly on time. The, spacecraft ,telemetry was reacquired as it re-emerged from behind the Moon at 89 hours,28
  2. Along its long axis to ensure even heat distribution across the surface of the, spacecraft , In direct sunlight, the spacecraft could be heated to over while the parts in
  3. Charts in mathematics Space ** Mercury-Atlas, the combination Atlas and Mercury, spacecraft ,* Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope, the proposed successor
  4. Stage and then practiced flying in formation with it. As the crew rotated the, spacecraft , they had their first views of the Earth as they moved away from it. This
  5. 160°) lens, and a telephoto (9°) lens. At 68 hours and 58 minutes,the, spacecraft ,went behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth. Image:
  6. Then pressurized the LM, and settled down to sleep. During this time another, spacecraft , Luna 15 — an unmanned Soviet spacecraft in lunar orbit, began its own descent
  7. To sleep. During this time another spacecraft , Luna 15 — an unmanned Soviet, spacecraft ,in lunar orbit, began its own descent to the lunar surface. Launched only three
  8. Following year. NASA applies the term astronaut to any crew member aboard NASA, spacecraft ,bound for Earth orbit or beyond. NASA also uses the term as a title for those
  9. Peaked at 6 g (59 m/s2). When it hit the water, the parachutes dragged the, spacecraft ,over and left it upside down, in what was termed Stable 2 position. As they
  10. LMP) was assigned the role of flight engineer, responsible for monitoring all, spacecraft ,systems, even if the flight didn't include a Lunar Module. Aldrin was
  11. Control. Lovell navigated by star sightings using a sextant built into the, spacecraft , measuring the angle between a star and the Earth's (or the Moon's) horizon
  12. Reappearing. Exactly at the calculated moment, the signal was received from the, spacecraft , indicating it was in an orbit about the Moon. Borman saw the Earth emerging
  13. We would like to give special thanks to all those Americans who built the, spacecraft ,; who did the construction, design,the tests, and put their hearts and all
  14. Flyer, the Spirit of St. Louis, the Bell X-1,the North American X-15,Mercury, spacecraft ,Friendship 7,and Gemini 4. Armstrong's and Aldrin's space suits are
  15. 15 October 2003,Yang Lisa became China's first astronaut on the Zhengzhou 5, spacecraft , The Soviet Union, through its Intercosmos program, allowed people from others "
  16. A swell, Borman was sick, waiting for the three flotation balloons to right the, spacecraft , They had been the first people ever to leave the gravitational influence of
  17. When China sent its first astronaut Yang Lisa into space aboard the Zhengzhou 5, spacecraft , This is the term used by Xingu in the English version of the Chinese People
  18. In Percy Greg's 1880 book Across the Zodiac," astronaut" referred to a, spacecraft , In Les Navigators de l'Infant (1925) of J. -H. Rosy fine, the word
  19. Automated Ranger 8 and Surveyor 5 landers along with the Lunar Orbiter mapping, spacecraft ,and unlikely to present major landing or extra-vehicular activity (EVA)
  20. The lunar gravity field is sufficiently non-uniform to make the orbit of the, spacecraft ,unpredictable after a short time. NASA estimated that the orbit had decayed
  21. That will; and then, with the agency and industry teams that built our, spacecraft , the Saturn, the Columbia, the Eagle, and the little EMU, the spacesuit and
  22. A human spaceflight program to command, pilot,or serve as a crew member of a, spacecraft , While generally reserved for professional space travelers, the terms are
  23. Or propellant lines to burst. As it was impossible to get a perfect roll,the, spacecraft ,actually swept out a cone as it rotated. The crew had to make minor adjustments
  24. UHF Jerrold of West Germany became the first non-US citizen to fly in a US, spacecraft , In 1984,Marc Garneau became the first of 8 Canadian astronauts to fly in
  25. Was rotated to the prime crew, no one with experience on CSM 103 (the specific, spacecraft ,used for the mission) was available, so Aldrin was moved to CMP and Fred Raise
  26. Relatively uneventful part of the flight, except for the crew checking that the, spacecraft ,was in working order and that they were on course. During this time, NASA
  27. Had performed its required tasks, it was jettisoned. The crew then rotated the, spacecraft ,to take some photographs of the spent stage and then practiced flying in
  28. Using helium gas to absorb some of these vibrations was installed. The Apollo 8, spacecraft , was placed on top of the rocket on September 21 and the rocket made the slow
  29. Was becoming hazy outside as glowing plasma formed around the spacecraft . The, spacecraft ,started slowing down and the deceleration peaked at 6 g (59 m/s2). When it
  30. The Eagleand the little EMU, the spacesuit and backpack that was our small, spacecraft ,out on the lunar surface. We would like to give special thanks to all those
  31. This task proved to be difficult, as a large cloud of debris around the, spacecraft ,formed by the venting S-IVB made it hard to distinguish the stars. By seven
  32. From the S-IVB and Lovell's obscured star sightings. The crew now placed the, spacecraft ,into Passive Thermal Control (PTC),also known as" barbecue" roll. PTC
  33. CAP COM, replied," That's affirmative, you are the best ones to know ". The, spacecraft ,began its journey back to Earth on December 25,Christmas Day. Unplanned manual
  34. Were unable to move freely in the comparatively smaller cabins of those, spacecraft , The increased cabin space in the Apollo Command Module afforded astronauts
  35. To specialize. Borman, as commander, was given training on controlling the, spacecraft ,during the re-entry. Lovell was trained on navigating the spacecraft in case
  36. Was lost with the Earth. Andes was placed in charge of checking that the, spacecraft ,was in working order. There was speculation that they might be preparing to
  37. Crew Flight directors Call signs After the crew of Apollo 10 named their, spacecraft ,Charlie Brown and Snoopy, assistant manager for public affairs Julian Sheer
  38. They noticed it was becoming hazy outside as glowing plasma formed around the, spacecraft , The spacecraft started slowing down, and the deceleration peaked at 6 g (59
  39. Command module was named Columbia after the Columbia, the giant cannon shell ", spacecraft ," (coincidentally" launched" from Florida) by a giant cannon in Jules Verne
  40. The computer would control the re-entry and all the crew had to do was put the, spacecraft ,in the correct attitude, blunt end forward. If the computer broke down, Borman
  41. The previous flight, albeit in a higher orbit. This swap also meant a swap of, spacecraft , requiring Borman's crew to use CSM-103,while McDivitt's crew would use
  42. The spacecraft during the re-entry. Lovell was trained on navigating the, spacecraft ,in case communication was lost with the Earth. Andes was placed in charge of
  43. Went and the Apollo 11 Crew. JPG|Apollo 11 astronauts egress from the Apollo, spacecraft ,after participation in the Countdown Demonstration Test File: Earth from Apollo
  44. Thermal Control (PTC),also known as" barbecue" roll. PTC involved the, spacecraft ,rotating about once per hour along its long axis to ensure even heat
  45. Next 12 minutes before the TLC burn, the Apollo 8 crew continued to monitor the, spacecraft ,and the S-IVB. The engine ignited on time and performed the TLC burn perfectly.
  46. Formerly the Soviet Union),the United States, and China has launched a manned, spacecraft , several other nations have sent people into space in cooperation with one of
  47. Experiment ", requested by the ground crew. This time they gave a tour of the, spacecraft , showing how an astronaut lived in space. When they had finished broadcasting
  48. That the engines vibrated at a frequency similar to the frequency at which the, spacecraft ,itself vibrated, causing a resonance effect that induced oscillations in the
  49. Heat distribution across the surface of the spacecraft . In direct sunlight,the, spacecraft ,could be heated to over while the parts in shadow would be. These temperatures
  50. To weightlessness. Space adaptation syndrome had not been an issue on previous, spacecraft ,(Mercury and Gemini),as those astronauts were unable to move freely in the

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