Examples of the the word, rethink , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rethink ), is the 7605 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Originally been planned for a car park, freezing conditions and snow forced a, rethink ,and the screening was moved indoors, to the basement of the nearby Seven Stars
  2. 1956,many abandoned the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and began to, rethink ,its orthodox Marxism. Some joined various Trotsky groupings or the Labor
  3. They joined in the Main Uprising (AD 1651). This forced the shogunate to, rethink ,its policy. It relaxed restrictions on daimyo inheritance, resulting in fewer
  4. It would definitely be strange to go into The White Stripes again and have to, rethink ,my game," adding" But that would be the best thing about it, because it would
  5. However,Japan's 2011 Fukushima Danish nuclear disaster prompted a, rethink ,of nuclear energy policy in many countries. Following Fukushima, the
  6. Slaves the vote and take the vote away from ex-Confederates. He urged them to, rethink ,their position between the North and the South, and the reintegration of former
  7. 2010 of POSB-DBS ATM Networks (about 97,000 machines) made the government to, rethink ,the shared ATM system again as it affected the NETS system too. In 2010,in
  8. 1890. After the dramatic industrial crisis of the 1980s,Bilbao was forced to, rethink ,its very economic foundations. That is how it transformed in a successful
  9. Media, rival Li Ruihuan's resignation in 2002 prompted analysts to, rethink ,the man. The theory of Three Represents was believed by many political analysts
  10. Was rewritten by Mills and drawn up by Equerry, but when the art came back a, rethink ,was necessary. The hardware and cityscapes Equerry had drawn were far more
  11. New members of the national legislature – lobbied by planters – began to, rethink ,their decisions on colonial slavery. After Toussaint Ouverture created a
  12. Who then temporarily suspends the conversation and suggests that Mansion, rethink ,his factual/legal position. Witness coaching by the prosecution is even more
  13. Fracture" he also asserted that" if ever there was a time to regroup, rethink ,and re- strategize, it was there and then. The last thing needed was for people
  14. So-called Battle of Yeoman's Bridge — led to the organizers taking 1991 off to, rethink ,the festival. An expanded festival returned in 1992,and this proved a great
  15. Charlotte Motif said that she hoped the exhibition would cause viewers to, rethink ,their assumptions about graffiti. Terrance Lind all, an artist and executive
  16. The battle turned out to be a heavy English defeat, forcing the English to, rethink ,their naval strategy, led by Admiral Sir Henry Vane and an Admiralty Committee
  17. Status of Italian culture in that era. These experiences led Gasoline to, rethink ,his opinion about the cultural politics of Fascism and to switch gradually to a
  18. About and it all felt awful. Bits were autobiographical, but I had to completely, rethink ,it. It was an uncontrollably long and pointless novel of 200,000 words. But the
  19. Problems with canals and floods caused by hurricanes forced engineers to, rethink ,their drainage plans. In 1947,Congress formed the Central and Southern Florida
  20. Of supplies and the strong opposition of the senate, forced his legionaries to, rethink ,their allegiance. Soldiers of the II Parthia killed the usurper and
  21. Different from fiction, and difficult to drum into novel shape, so he had to, rethink ,the form. " Christensen writes that Amiss aid at the event regarding the length
  22. Was rushed and introduced without the automated features, partly because of a, rethink ,about the way the automation should be accomplished (electronic vs.
  23. Album, we find Duane in as good as voice as ever,' the ME had been told to, rethink ,its policies or die on the vine. Adding to the irony of this review, in the
  24. The notion of omnipotence is coherent, or that are supposed to force us to, rethink ,our notion of what omnipotence might be, anyway. The basic notion of being
  25. The music that he loved. Devastated, Level 42 took a year off to regroup and, rethink , To cover the gap and to fulfil the band's contract with Polymer Records
  26. Doing so would be seen as a public admission that he was being forced to ", rethink ,the Cultural Revolution ", which Zhou had privately opposed. Mao worried that
  27. Is imperative that nation states change the training of their armed forces and, rethink ,their weapon procurement programs. The book's significance is attested to by
  28. Had hit $600 million by 1981. This state of affairs made politicians want to, rethink ,their strategy for the federal department. It resulted in two years of public
  29. And loan crisis Japanese asset price bubble),corporations began to seriously, rethink ,their approach to marketing, and began to target the youth demographic, as
  30. With the Symphonic Ode (1929) and Short Symphony (1933) caused him to, rethink ,the paradigm of composing orchestral music for a select group, as it was a
  31. Chose not to publish, perhaps for this reason, but continued to revise and, rethink ,the book for twenty years. During his wandering life in Germany, France and
  32. Detailed background on technology and contemporary political issues. " Major, rethink ,on format after the events of September the eleventh," Phil says, about a
  33. Man who leads a promiscuous lifestyle until several life reversals make him, rethink ,his purposes and goals in life. Alfie frequently breaks the fourth wall by
  34. Expelled from the party. Mao had wanted to use this period as a time to, rethink ,his successor. Mao's wife Jiang Qing, meanwhile,had formed an informal
  35. Layoff and Johnson (1999) fruitfully employ the cognitive approach to, rethink ,a good deal of the philosophy of mind, epistemology,metaphysics, and the
  36. An interview," The ravers were among my biggest readers ... I wish they would, rethink ,all this techno stuff — they didn’t get that part of my writing. " Criticism In
  37. Support among Pacific Island states with the opposition calling for a, rethink ,of foreign aid. " It is expected that more countries in the future will join
  38. Work of Robert Redfield. In the 1960s,anthropologists and historians began to, rethink ,the role of peasant revolt in world history and in their own disciplines.
  39. In how it combines meditations on violence and friendship with an effort to ", rethink ,the nature of an English poem ". These ostensible translations of ancient
  40. And molecular biology and interest in evolutionary ecology forced a fundamental, rethink , It is an interesting fact that the methods of the field naturalists who led
  41. The Braves. The group hoped to spur enough support in order to make the Braves, rethink ,their plans before it was too late to stop the construction process in Gwinnett
  42. Soviet Union gaining possession of atomic weapons in 1949,SAC was forced to, rethink ,its nuclear strategy and plans. Under orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  43. But the casualty counts alarmed the military establishment, and forced many to, rethink ,their views of colonial military capability. King George's attitude toward the
  44. Resembles asteroid materials. " These new results have forced scientists to, rethink ,the nature of comets and their distinction from asteroids. In April 2011
  45. And the renewal of violence on the part of the Arabs caused the Ir gun to, rethink ,its official policy. Increase in operations 14 November 1937 was a watershed in
  46. Decline of segments of the handicrafts market forced fair trade supporters to, rethink ,their business model and their goals. Moreover, fair trade supporters during
  47. Attack on Miller and The Corsair, and also explained that this attack made him, rethink ,his strategy of indirect communication. On February 27, 1846 Kierkegaard
  48. Was rewritten by Mills and drawn up by Equerry, but when the art came back a, rethink ,was necessary. The hardware and cityscapes Equerry had drawn were far more
  49. In June dramatically weakened the Southern regime and encouraged Kim Losing to, rethink ,an invasion plan against the South. Korean War After Korea was divided by the
  50. Instructors at the college level are required (in some instances by law) to, rethink ,methods of facilitating universal access in their classrooms. Universal access

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