Examples of the the word, amusing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( amusing ), is the 7597 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- At Carrawburgh. Accounts of the cruelty of the emperor Commodes describes his, amusing ,himself by enacting Mithra initiation ordeals in homicidal form. By the later
- Sometimes includes puns on false friends, which are considered particularly, amusing ,if one of the two words is obscene; when an obscene meaning is produced in
- Usually party to ethically questionable practices and occasionally finds them, amusing , In A Hole In The Heart (part 2),to placate a director from charity
- Critical of France's dubbing of The Simpsons, which they often do not find, amusing , The French-language Telethon network once aired the Quebec Simpsons dub, as
- In an ordered universe, in which events not only tended towards a happy or ", amusing ," ending, but an ending influenced by a Providential will that orders all
- Worked as an editor for Adventure, writing filler paragraphs (brief facts or, amusing ,anecdotes designed to fill small gaps in page layout),advertising copy and a
- Pied Piper and thought Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll was ", amusing ,but disturbing ". He liked stories about" Red Indians" and the fantasy works
- Trouble with the Post Office under the Comstock Laws, but found the typo itself, amusing , and mentioned it repeatedly; thus, Jacobs ' typo became the self-identified
- Points raised by the previous speaker. Like the previous speech this should be, amusing ,but not offensive. Quite often the speakers giving this toast and the previous
- As an uncivilized cannibal in Book IX of the Odyssey, and this episode gives an, amusing ,contrast to that characterization. Polyphemus is shown doing all the things
- And helped him interview a lot of furniture at various shops ... It was rather, amusing ,: he is terribly fastidious, and we led the showman a frightful dance
- Finished his autobiography. Miscellaneous Richard Hinckley Allen tells of an, amusing ,reference made by Bottler in his book Hubris: Cardin believ'd great states
- Comes to have the quality of an old Flemish picture, humanity lively and, amusing ,and loveable in the foreground and nature magnificent beyond. " James Grey
- Novel that has survived in its entirety. It is an imaginative, irreverent,and, amusing ,work that relates the ludicrous adventures of one Lucius, who experiments with
- That Jack Nicholson and I are lovers, may they continue to do so. I find it, amusing , " Final years and death Brando's notoriety, his troubled family life, and his
- Ingredients, must improvise with the contents of his inventory, leading to, amusing ,puns. In Monkey Island 2,at two points of the game, Guybrush has to create a
- Draug-types. But, though the drug usually presages death, there is an, amusing ,account in Nord-Norge of a Portending who managed to outwit him: The
- Of the Trojan War, the " Quarrel of Odysseus and Achilles "; the second is the, amusing ,tale of a love affair between two Olympian gods, Ares and Aphrodite. Finally
- Of quasi-autobiographical short stories known as the" Gus Elder Stories,", amusing ,tales of country life that Peter Ruler,Derleth's last editor, said were" ...
- Ranging, and generally covers the male speaker's view on women. It is normally, amusing ,but should never be offensive, particularly bearing in mind that it will be
- Of Aurelius himself. Another belief held by the group that Gardner found, amusing ,was that a lamp hanging from one of the ceilings was the disguised holy grail
- Etc.),dogs lacking intelligence, live blogging, the television series 24,and, amusing ,government studies. He labels various posts on his blog with long acronyms
- Of England Louis established a cordial relation with the Plantagenet King. An, amusing ,anecdote is about Henry III's attending the French Parliament, as Duke of
- Named after a woman Pain had read about in the newspaper, thinking it would be, amusing ,if she were to discover she had her own TV show. " Baron On Took's Flying
- One reviewer commenting that the film was" not Brooks at his best, but still, amusing ,". His best-received film, Lost in America (1985),featured Brooks and Julie
- Diabetics auditor in 1950,later said:" He was very impressive, dedicated and, amusing , The man had tremendous charisma; you just wanted to hear every word he had to
- Race. In French, it means any kind of sports director.; advertisement: an, amusing ,diversion; entertainment; dossier: a file containing detailed information about
- It describes Potter’s maturing artistic and intellectual interests, her often, amusing ,insights on the places she visited, and her unusual ability to observe nature
- Of time. Forms of entertainment Animation Some people find animation to be, amusing , Similarly, some people find cartoons to be entertaining. Cinema and theater
- Who was now earl of Northumbria. William of Amesbury says that Alfred, by ", amusing ,the simplicity of King Edward and alleging the custom of his predecessors, had
- With the“ great commotion ”, and wrote in a letter:“ Never have I had such an, amusing ,time—it’s incredible that something as innocent as painting should have created
- Script, I could have some fun with it, then retain any of the fun that sounded, amusing , " Mullin's 1976 memoir of these early days of experimental recording agrees
- Authorities. **The Rolling Stones (1952). Mars has a major role in the rather, amusing ,and carefree adventures of a space-roving family. **Payne of Mars (1962).
- His river crossing at Porto in 1809. *" Beau Douro "; Wellington found this, amusing ,when hearing it used by a Colonel of the Cold stream Guards. The name was used
- Provides the etymology of the Sanskrit words Sakha and Gurkha: It is perhaps, amusing ,to note the etymology of the words Sakha (pleasure, comfort,bliss) and
- Used in production). Some Acme modules are deliberately implemented in, amusing ,ways. This includes Acme: :Bleach, one of the first modules in the Acme::
- Time sabotaging all others arrest attempts. Additionally, there were many, amusing ,card combinations such as arresting Judge Death for selling old comics, as the
- Anything worthwhile to keep him alive, he finds defending terrorists somehow, amusing , " Vonnegut's son, Mark,responded to the article by writing an editorial to
- That echoes the crash of a large wave against the side of a ship. One final, amusing ,example that comments on the importance Roman poets placed on their verse rules
- Pursuit, he took action, sitting in parliament, moving with his stirring, and, amusing , speeches the inner policies of the British Empire. The key point that Ricardo
- While his own" Literary and Other Notes" where themselves popular and, amusing , The initial vigor and excitement he brought to the job began to fade as
- The subject of Love and Aristophanes explains his notion of it in terms of an, amusing ,allegory, a device he often uses in his plays. He is represented as suffering
- Gibberish," and quoted linguist Noam Chomsky's opinion that Lacey was an ", amusing ,and perfectly self-conscious charlatan ". Dylan Evans, formerly a Acadian
- Considers injury or death caused by mental defect to be tragic, rather than, amusing , and routinely disqualifies such entries). After much discussion, there also
- A moment or line of dialogue that the show's writers found to be particularly, amusing , The tradition started with the second-season episode featuring Rocket Attack
- Most points arresting perks. Whilst it is a reasonably simple game it is quite, amusing ,especially when players spend time sabotaging all others arrest attempts.
- One in the movie that he could not" understand" – a remark that Brooks found, amusing , as the movie's antihero was a psychotic loner. Brooks directed his first
- If a story is found to be untrue, it is disqualified, but particularly, amusing ,ones are placed in the urban legend section of the archives. Despite this
- In his plays. He tells the other guests that he is quite happy to be thought, amusing ,but he is wary of appearing ridiculous. This fear of being ridiculed is
- Weblog readers often comment on jokes they find particularly original and, amusing , Internet forum humor Internet forum humor somewhat differs from general
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