Examples of the the word, contraction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contraction ), is the 7595 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Second ". 3 Titan has" 2" ( Blaze 2006). 4 is probably a, contraction ,of -/ABU/-. 5 The /y/- of" 3" " may also reflect the same root
  2. With for the. *: This reading would be =" the god" ( an older form, without, contraction , ),by older spelling practice without for. Unicode has a code point
  3. A contraction is a reduction of size by the drawing together of the parts. A, contraction ,of a word is made by omitting certain letters or syllables and bringing
  4. Formed the American League to take advantage of the National League's 1900, contraction , from twelve teams to eight. Johnson and fellow owners raided the senior circuit
  5. In loose parlance. An abbreviation is a shortening by any method; a, contraction ,is a reduction of size by the drawing together of the parts. A contraction of a
  6. Up to 1.5 million bats take up residence inside the bridge's expansion and, contraction ,zones as well as in long horizontal grooves running the length of the bridge's
  7. By omitting certain portions from the interior or by cutting off a part. A, contraction ,is an abbreviation, but an abbreviation is not necessarily a contraction .
  8. From French, se is derived from French c'est (), which is the normal French, contraction ,of CE (that) and the copula est (third-person singular of the present
  9. Of Jesus and the New Testament. Etymology The term Allah is derived from a, contraction ,of the Arabic definite article all-" the" and" deity, god " to meaning" the
  10. To maintain an edge. The word battleship was coined around 1794 and is a, contraction ,of the phrase line-of-battle ship, the dominant wooden warship during the Age
  11. Movements of the proteins action and myosin ultimately are responsible for the, contraction ,of skeletal muscle. One property many proteins have is that they specifically
  12. Or with hydrogen peroxide as UO4·2H2O. As in lanthanides (see lanthanide, contraction ,), the ionic radius of actinides monotonically decreases with atomic number (
  13. The last letter of the complete word. This kind of abbreviation is known as a, contraction ,in the UK. The use of full stops/periods after most abbreviations can also be
  14. Anti in Finland, Kvass in Russia and Ukraine, and Souza in Sudan. A bit (a, contraction ,of binary digit) is the basic unit of information in computing and
  15. Including bracket notation. Blue is a color Also in the French, bleau is a, contraction ,of Belleau or belle EAU, meaning " beautiful water" ( see Fontainebleau). In
  16. 4\text) f (4) \Pr (K 4) 0.25^4 (1-0.25)^ \approx 0.004 Biostatistics (a, contraction ,of biology and statistics; sometimes referred to as biometry or biometrics) is
  17. These were discovered by Carl D. Anderson in 1932 and named positrons (a, contraction ,of" positive electrons" ). Although Dirac did not himself use the term
  18. Of the leading edge and adhesion at the cell body and rear, and cytoskeleton, contraction ,to pull the cell forward. Each step is driven by physical forces generated by
  19. And currently runs under Linux. APEX-generated code uses loop fusion and array, contraction , special-case algorithms not generally available to interpreters (e.g.
  20. Not fully codified and rely on the judgment of the transcriber. Thus, when the, contraction ,rules permit the same word in more than one way, preference is given to" the
  21. After an order is received from a customer. Digital format The term e-book is a, contraction ,of" electronic book "; it refers to a digital version of a conventional print
  22. Cost for upkeep and storage and contributing to clutter. In mathematics,a, contraction ,mapping, or contraction , on a metric space (M, d ) is a function f from M to
  23. From each other. The term came to denote the season in 16th century England,a, contraction ,of Middle English expressions like" fall of the leaf" and" fall of the year
  24. For high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in wavelength and, contraction ,of 6s orbitals relative to 5d orbitals (by comparison to corresponding s and d
  25. Continuous function, the constant k is no longer necessarily less than 1). A, contraction ,mapping has at most one fixed point. Moreover, the Banach fixed point theorem
  26. A contraction is an abbreviation, but an abbreviation is not necessarily a, contraction , However, normally acronyms are regarded as a subgroup of abbreviations (e.g.
  27. Her professional surname for writing would be Rand, possibly as a Cyrillic, contraction ,of her birth surname, and she adopted the first name AYN, either from a Finnish
  28. Production of immune bodies (antibodies) and wrote that the word antigen is a, contraction ,of" Antisomatogen = Immunkörperbildner ". The Oxford English Dictionary
  29. Fibrillation is fibrillation of the ventricles of the heart. Rhythmic, contraction ,is necessary for efficient movement of blood and fibrillation disrupts this
  30. Cessation (to cease)of normal systemic circulation due to failure in proper, contraction ,of the heart. There are several conditions that can cause cardiac arrest.;
  31. However, is limited by Force-velocity relationship, and even at the optimal, contraction ,speed for power production, total work done by the muscle will be less than
  32. Soccer. In AME," football" means American football (although" soccer ",a, contraction ,of" association (football) ", the standard AME term, is also of British
  33. One fixed point. Moreover, the Banach fixed point theorem states that every, contraction ,mapping on a nonempty complete metric space has a unique fixed point, and that
  34. Or process" applies the appropriate shorthand by substitution rather than by, contraction , Since the shorthand for kilometer (in Greek) is" km" in both languages and
  35. Rules permit the same word in more than one way, preference is given to" the, contraction ,that more nearly approximates correct pronunciation. "
  36. In B. B was greatly influenced by BCPL, and its name is most likely to be a, contraction ,of BCPL. However, it is possible that its name may be based on On, an earlier
  37. The ongoing civil war, overpopulation,and soil erosion have contributed to the, contraction ,of the subsistence economy by 25 % in recent years. Large numbers of internally
  38. Storage and contributing to clutter. In mathematics, a contraction mapping, or, contraction , on a metric space (M, d ) is a function f from M to itself, with the property
  39. The electrical. The electrical part of the heart is centered on the periodic, contraction ,(squeezing) of the muscle cells that is caused by the cardiac pacemaker
  40. Of either translation," km" is a symbol as it is a substitution rather than a, contraction , In the International System of Units (SI) manual the word" symbol" is used
  41. Uses, such as some exocytosis, especially neurotransmitter release, and muscle, contraction , In the electrical conduction system of the heart, calcium replaces sodium as
  42. S Blue Line People Austin is a given name and surname, an English language, contraction ,of Augustine. It may refer to: Surname *Chase Austin (born 1989),American
  43. Of the domain, this theorem uses the fact that the function in question is a, contraction , First proofs At the dawn of the 20th century, the interest in analysis sites
  44. Such that d' ( f (x),f (y))\LEQ k\, d (x, y ) for all x and y in M. Every, contraction ,mapping is Lipschitz continuous and hence uniformly continuous (for a
  45. Suggesting that there were 'ice ages ', associated with pulses of expansion and, contraction ,of a south polar ice cap. Climate While the Cambrian period was, on the whole
  46. Fixed point. This concept is very useful for iterated function systems where, contraction ,mappings are often used. Banach's fixed point theorem is also applied in
  47. In the Cornish" bod" ( meaning a dwelling; the later word is" beaus" ) and a, contraction ,of" renege" ( monks). It may however refer to an earlier monastic settlement
  48. Lemaitre and Holman proposed that a universe undergoing a number of cycles of, contraction ,and expansion could come into thermal equilibrium. Their models failed, however
  49. In normal print and can hinder the learning process of Grade 2 Braille. The, contraction ,rules take into account the linguistic structure of the word; thus
  50. The myocardium becomes ischemic, there can be impairment in the relaxation and, contraction ,of the myocardium. If the blood flow to the tissue is improved, myocardial

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