Examples of the the word, charming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( charming ), is the 7608 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a reckless and dashing eccentric, but also as an extremely gifted and, charming ,young man. Although Bismarck hoped to become a diplomat, he started his
  2. The establishment. Presiding over Oxford high-tables, he is often described as, charming , but at times he could also be intimidating. In Language, Truth and Logic (
  3. Or foreign, including popular legends, sometimes melodramatic and naive, often, charming ,- all traits that can be found in the work of Herodotus himself. Modern
  4. Harrison ... he'll forgive me because now I get on with him. Now he's become, charming , But he knows a lot,that's the problem. When we worked together it was my
  5. Can be used to haunting melancholy effect or, by contrast, to create a, charming ,pastoral flavor, as in the lilting" Ran DES Caches" and works by Brahms
  6. Aeneas as ‘ ‘ auburn-haired, stocky,eloquent, courteous,prudent, pious,and, charming , ’’ There is also a brief physical description found in John Malala '
  7. Which vary from region to region. Those of Kalotaszeg in Transylvania are, charming ,products of Oriental design, sewn chiefly in a single color – red, blue,or
  8. Led in the 1990s TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman as a, charming ,and debonair philanthropist and polymath, the owner of the massive Record. He
  9. Of development as a writer, One Writer's Beginnings (1984),presented a, charming ,picture of the city in the early 20th century. The main Jackson Public Library
  10. Strange, gangly,country-boy charisma, his hard-to-define cuteness, and his, charming ,eccentricity intriguing" and simply worked the singer into the customary "
  11. Are you singing about) Sonnet by Petrarch # Mentee saga Nicoletta (While a, charming , angelic girl attracts every well born soul with her singing) madrigal by
  12. Priming the pump for the U. S. tour of Patience and selling this most, charming ,aesthete to the American public. Wilde arrived on 3 January 1882 aboard the SS
  13. To the correct code of female behavior. The novel's heroine, Scarlett O'Hara, charming ,though not beautiful, is a southern belle. For young Scarlett, the ideal
  14. And is unashamedly. He is however, like his predecessors, capable of being, charming ,when needed to deceive Mike, placate Emma or feed Brooke's ego. Supporting
  15. Valley, every cliff, to my look is beautiful. Through patriotic feeling, so, charming , is the murmur Of her brooks, rivers,to me. If the enemy oppresses my land
  16. Him in a bad light during the calculus controversy. On the other hand, he was, charming , well-mannered, and not without humor and imagination. He had many friends and
  17. Broadway Melody (1929) had a show-biz plot about two sisters competing for a, charming ,song and dance man. Advertised by MGM as the first" All-Talking, All-Singing
  18. She attracted the broadest audience with her cheery enthusiasm, distinctively, charming , warbly voice, and non-patronizing and unaffected manner. In 1972,The French
  19. Candidates. Winston Noble is described as extremely charismatic and, charming ,and" one of the nicest-looking men who ever became president," by Mrs. Bowles
  20. Started developing his lasting film persona – the wounded, stoical,cynical, charming , vulnerable, self-mocking loner with a core of honor. Bogart's disputes with
  21. Motor as" very visually handsome ", and believed that the film was" very, charming ," when" dispensing enchantment ". Despite the highlights, Holden wrote," Too
  22. By his personality. Unlike Bernini who easily adopted the mantle of the, charming ,courtier in his pursuit of important commissions, Borromini was both
  23. Of Mr Darcy's father. An officer in the militia, he is superficially, charming ,and rapidly forms an attachment with Elizabeth Bennet. He spreads tales about
  24. Maria, now sixteen, in Poland five years earlier, and fell in love with the, charming , intelligent, artistically talented young woman. Chopin finally placed the
  25. In the 19th century with the north tower. The cathedral is noted for its, charming ,cloisters. There are other details and sculptures of note, although much was
  26. With its purchase as she had always wanted to own that farm and live in that, charming ,village. Country life Fell farming Hill Top Farm in the village of Near Sacra
  27. Metal who think they are God's gift to womankind these Quasimodo seven seem, charming ,in their own way ". Motörhead's approach has not changed drastically over the
  28. Look at Carey's career, Sasha Freestones of The New Yorker said, the ", charming ," song was one of Carey's biggest accomplishments, calling it" one of the few
  29. Recitatives, and a considerable variety of neatly constructed forms in their, charming ,little arias, accompanied sometimes by the string quartet, treated with careful
  30. Think that she's a more than decent actress, especially here, where she's, charming , moving and always believable. ... There's one shot in particular, where Cruz
  31. Person born of mortal parents. It is said that her face and dark eyes were as, charming ,as Aphrodite's, and that she honored her husband like no woman before her.
  32. Funny. According to Camp’s longtime friend Milton Ca niff, Capp was “, charming ,” when he chose to be, but he added,“ He could be very difficult if he didn’t
  33. Was well known in these roles, often playing the righteous, kindhearted and, charming ,chief (Die One her green Basin directed by Josef Mach). He became an
  34. Hill and each valley, excite my regards; To the ears of her patriots how, charming ,still seems The music that flows in her streams. My country tho' crushed
  35. Petty thieves and inept con men, all ... eminently likeable, if not down right, charming ,", name Zaroff/> and by novelist Paul Austere as" laconic, withdrawn
  36. His intimate salon-style music is both romantic in character and includes, charming ,character pieces such as polkas and waltzes. He even played for the Queen of
  37. Anonymous Antonietta # SU, Su, Su, pastorelli mezzos (Come, come,come, charming ,shepherd lads) Anonymous Antonietta # IL Ball Dell ingrate (Entrance and
  38. Of topics. His aides and many in the Washington social circle described him as, charming ,and friendly, and he was a popular guest at cocktail parties. He was far less
  39. Pretty as she is diminutive; with a clear smile and dainty gestures. There is a, charming ,grace in her bearing that makes for excellent deportment. But Lady Table seems
  40. Rate),and moderately-powerful nuking and damage-over-time spells, as well as, charming ,animals to use them as pets. The range of abilities allows druids to play
  41. Humour, is " Heads We're Dancing ", about a woman who dances all night with a, charming ,stranger only to find out in the morning that he is Adolf Hitler. The Sensual
  42. About this event in his memoirs: There was also a real Dayton out there,a, charming ,Ohio city, famous as the birthplace of the Wright Brothers. Its citizens
  43. Role. After them a third girl entered, her beauty visibly unsurpassed. Her, charming , ambrosia-like complexion intimated that she represented the earlier Venus (
  44. Longhorn. He is contrasted with his friend Mr Darcy as being, kinder,more, charming ,and having more generally pleasing manners, although not being quite so clever.
  45. They also appear in the Donation of Constantine. " The doctrine behind this, charming ,story is a radical one," Norman F. Cantor observes:" The pope is supreme over
  46. To the goddess" who amuses herself on mountains with archery" imagines some, charming ,vignettes: according to Callimachus, at three years old, Artemis,while sitting
  47. The Electrons Dowager seems to have become completely captivated by the, charming ,Swedish King. After plighting his troth to Maria Eleonora, Gustav Adolph
  48. Time? " Comics historian Peter Sanderson wrote that in the 1960s,Lee, with his, charming ,personality and relentless salesmanship of the company, became one of the
  49. She began to believe her own performance. She became fond and indulgent of the, charming ,but petulant young Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex, who was Leicester's stepson
  50. Aphrodite, though not as beautiful as Hera, was effortlessly more sexual and, charming ,; thus her ability to sway Paris and her position as Goddess of Physical Love

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