Examples of the the word, cant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cant ), is the 7602 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tongue with a decidedly non-collegiate definition, placing it firmly in the, cant , of the underworld. A less likely source is the Irish term Comh-Roghna, which
  2. Mountains so that they don't quarrel. Is the sea changing its position? No it, cant , be. The sea has promised it will not change its position again. It can't break
  3. Of Edward. *The multiples of ten are deg, ugain, deg AR hug ain, deugain, hanner, cant , trig ain, deg a train, pedwar again, deg a fear again, cant . Comparison
  4. It refers to a near-vertical extension of the wing tips. The upward angle (or, cant , ) of the singlet, its inward or outward angle (or toe),as well as its size
  5. Isolated) # Bogie (Turkic) # Norfolk or Norfolk or Pitcairn-Norfolk (, cant , English-Tahitian based) # Norman or Norman-French (Romance) # Born (
  6. And as his own character Corinthian Tom explains in Life in London,'A kind of, cant , phraseology is current from one end of the Metropolis to the other, and you
  7. Centers that would not be sustainable on their own tax revenues. Cities that, cant , afford to provide adequate fire and police protection or schools are not places
  8. And high purpose breathes through nearly all the stories. An utter absence of, cant , affectation, and sham distinguishes them. A surprising variety of descriptive
  9. Citizen yet managed to keep free from the shackles of civilization and the, cant , of literary cliques. He would have laughed lightly and cursed venomously in
  10. Out of Liverpool" and, having already completed their first wish, the second, cant , be far behind. This will spectacularly warp naive young minds. Good leis. " —
  11. But not commonly to jargon or slang, which are vocabulary-based forms of, cant , Class distinctions are embedded in the term, drawn between those who speak
  12. Medley wrote a prologue, and the Squire of Alsatian (1688). Alsatian was the, cant , name for the White friars area of London, then a kind of sanctuary for persons
  13. Two tight lining tracks, and a full runway for model airplanes. Even if you, cant , fly a plane,don't worry you will have lots of fun just watching others fly
  14. Argued that the apostrophe was mostly redundant. He did not use it for spelling, cant , he's, etc. in many of his writings. He did however allow I'm and it's. Hubert
  15. Various tricks and deceits of confidence-men and thieves, including thieves ', cant , These pamphlets, which Decker often updated and reissued, include The Bellman
  16. Satirical, cynical and critical posture, and belabors Victorian and Edwardian, cant , He went on to publish several works of fiction. In 1930,he published a bawdy
  17. The Revisionist theoretician Eduard Bernstein, whose slogan" Kant, not,can't," proclaimed his abandonment of Marxian 'scientific socialism' in favor of a
  18. France that the article was a hoax, identifying it as" a pastiche of Left-wing, cant , fawning references, grandiose quotations, and outright nonsense... structured
  19. Furthermore, he openly declared for Pitt and said:" Away with the, cant , of “ measures, not men ”, the idle supposition that it is the harness and not
  20. Parlay, Palare, Palarie, Palari; from Italian," to talk" ) is a form of, cant , slang used in Britain by actors, circus and fairground showmen, criminals
  21. Language is sometimes thought to be a Gaelic language, but is in fact a, cant , based on Irish and English, with a primarily English-based syntax. The Bungee
  22. Not here. Then what is it? Are mountains quarreling with each other? No, That,can't, be it. Indra had cut off the wings of mountains so that they don't quarrel. Is
  23. I can't understand the dialogue in this book because it is written in, cant , ** Non-standard: I can't swim; I have never taken lessons. *. Things or people
  24. Found in later blackface minstrelsy: Jim may be derived from" Jimmy ", an old, cant , term for a crow, which is based on a pun for the tool" crow" which today we
  25. Conversations as having first reduced corruption to a system. Such was their, cant , But he was far from governing by corruption. He governed by party attachments.
  26. New world. For better or for worse, Yuji is guided by the only thing that he, cant , trust - his emotions - as he attempts to gain control over his new life. * -
  27. Seems to have disliked hypocrisy in its many forms, and seems to be free from, cant , pedantry, or affectation of any kind. Though many of his epigrams indicate a
  28. Stability, and higher speeds. Rail fins also typically have some degree of ", cant ," that is, are tilted out toward the rail they are adjacent to. This is a
  29. Of three other poems by Villon, plus translations of two into rhyming, cant , by William Ernest Henley can be read on Anthony Weir's" Beyond-the-Pale "
  30. An increase in the size of the tail fins and a decrease in their inward, cant , A total of 6,608 B-25s were built at North American's Fairfax Airport plant
  31. Using a YAG rod laser rangefinder, crosswind sensor, a pendulum static, cant , sensor,data concerning performance and flight characteristics of each specific
  32. Of slow freight trains. Slower trains would also mean that the maximum track, cant , ( banking on curves) would be limited, so for the same maximum speed, a
  33. In the back. It retained the rear side windows of the coupe and had fixed, cant , rails above these and the door glass. This allowed an almost full convertible
  34. Mounted on high springs, the car tilted inwards on curves to counterbalance the, cant , deficiency with the induced centrifugal force. As it relied on passive
  35. Of tip, meaning " to give; to hand, pass ", which originated in the rogues ', cant , in the 17th century. This sense may have derived from the 16th-century tip
  36. Hanner can't, trigain, deg a train, pedwar again, deg a fear again, cant , Comparison table Examples Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human
  37. The poet Algernon Charles Swinburne said," More nauseous and foolish, cant , was never chattered than that which would deride the memory or depreciate the
  38. Of satire is probably The Devil's Dictionary, in which the definitions mock, cant , hypocrisy and received wisdom. Satire in Victorian England Novelists such as
  39. As part of the Intercity 250 upgrade in the 1990s would have relaxed maximum, cant , levels on curves and seen some track realignments; this scheme faltered for
  40. They travel. These include: * Banked turn, cross slope, drainage gradient, and,can't, or super elevation * Surface roughness, International Roughness Index
  41. Toilet blocks resembling small cottages in their appearance; in the English, cant , language of Polar this became a double entendre by gay men referring to sexual
  42. No it can't be. The sea has promised it will not change its position again. It, cant , break the promise. " Hangman starts looking for clues. " I see elephants and
  43. Shakes but then the very theme of it gives it an intensity that the writer, cant , sic reach every day. " For the remainder of Crane's short career—he died from
  44. Jèrriais and Darkest spoken in the Channel Islands are similar to French. A, cant , called Shelia, is a language spoken by Irish Travelers, often as a means to
  45. The origin of the word slang is uncertain. It has a connection with Thieves ', cant , and the earliest attested use (1756) refers to the vocabulary of" low or
  46. The dialogue in this book because it is written in can't. ** Non-standard: I, cant , swim; I have never taken lessons. *. Things or people that go together well are
  47. Of Britain based on archives and other original sources, free of both the, cant , of medieval historians and the clumsiness of Tudor chroniclers such as Stow.
  48. H- A dead climbing boy, suffocated in a fall of soot that accumulated at the, cant , of the flue. The climbing boys, and sometimes girls, were technically called
  49. Tilts on the same side that a vehicle leans to on a road. The term camber or, cant , refers to the way in which a road slopes from its center. Usually on a right
  50. As well as other languages and argots spoken by travelling people, such as, cant , and back slang. Henry Mayhew gave a verbatim account of Polar as part of an

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