Examples of the the word, ribbon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ribbon ), is the 7590 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. One Boeing 777 and one Boeing 757 are painted in standard livery with a pink, ribbon ,on the sides and on the tail, in support for the Susan G. Women for the Cure.
  2. And High, High continues that the fetter was smooth and soft as a silken, ribbon , yet strong and firm. The messenger brought the ribbon to the Æsir, and they
  3. Upgraded to print in color. This is achieved through the use of a four-colour, ribbon ,mounted on a mechanism (provided in an upgrade kit that replaces the standard
  4. For drives configured cable select. Round parallel ATA cables (as opposed to, ribbon ,cables) were eventually made available for 'case molders' for cosmetic
  5. Weapons. The medal is suspended by a bar attached to the ribbon . Ribbon *The, ribbon ,is 1 3/8 inches wide and consists of the following stripes: ##5/16 inch Scarlet
  6. Are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty. The shape of Chile is a distinctive, ribbon ,of land long and on average wide. Its climate varies, ranging from the world's
  7. Is resistance to alteration: liquid ink, such as from an ink jet head or fabric, ribbon , becomes absorbed by the paper fibers, so documents printed with liquid ink are
  8. Since a period or comma consumed the same length of non-reusable expensive, ribbon ,as did a capital letter. Widespread use of electronic communication through
  9. 16 bits at a time. The traditional cable uses 40-pin connectors attached to a, ribbon ,cable. Each cable has two or three connectors, one of which plugs into an
  10. Ribbon: MIL-R-11589/52. NON 8455-00-252-9922. #Lapel Button (metal replica of, ribbon ,bar): MIL-L-11484/4. NON 8455-00-253-0809. History of the Distinguished
  11. The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk" concerns a woman named" Missy Hawk" who keeps blue, ribbon ,hogs, while at the same time men around her magically disappear. A local
  12. Or when printed on a dot-matrix printer with a defective pin or misaligned, ribbon , Moreover, early compilers severely restricted the length of identifiers (e.
  13. Is the Akash Kayo Bridge in Japan. See simple suspension bridge, stressed, ribbon , bridge,under spanned suspension bridge, suspended-deck suspension bridge, and
  14. As well as in traditional wool, linen,and silk. Ribbon embroidery uses narrow, ribbon ,in silk or silk/organza blend ribbon , most commonly to create floral motifs.
  15. On a mechanism (provided in an upgrade kit that replaces the standard black, ribbon ,mechanism after installation) that raises and lowers the ribbon s as needed.
  16. Metal shielding. For the same reason, the Schneider CPC6128 features micro, ribbon ,type connectors instead of edge connectors. Both the grayscale keyboard and the
  17. Instead of edge connectors. Both the grayscale keyboard and the micro, ribbon ,connectors found their way up into the design of later Amstrad CPC models. In
  18. Workers died during the construction. Governor Smith's grandchildren cut the, ribbon ,on May 1,1931. Lewis Wickets Hine's photography of the construction provides
  19. Typewriters used their type ball. In either case, the letter form then struck a, ribbon ,to print the letter form. Most teleprinters operated at ten characters per
  20. Where the main story was taking place, while the headline scrolled around in a, ribbon ,; this was occasionally replaced by the BBC News logo. The titles concluded with
  21. Horizontal band across the shield * Medal bar, a thin metal bar attached to the, ribbon ,of a military decoration, civil decoration, or other medal * Bar Confederation
  22. For the name of the recipient to be engraved. The star is suspended from the, ribbon ,by a rectangular shaped metal loop with the corners rounded. The ribbon is 1
  23. And silk. Ribbon embroidery uses narrow ribbon in silk or silk/organza blend, ribbon , most commonly to create floral motifs. Surface embroidery techniques such as
  24. Golf ball" printing mechanism. In either case, the letter form then struck a, ribbon ,which was pressed against the paper, printing one character at a time. The
  25. Described were sized to cover the glans of the penis, and were held on with a, ribbon , Fallopian claimed that an experimental trial of the linen sheath demonstrated
  26. By an olive branch (on the left) and a palm branch (on the right). A blue, ribbon ,above the shield reads," Dies, Patria, Libertad" ( meaning" God, Fatherland
  27. Paper or canvas. The process is usually to lay one color at a time using a, ribbon ,that has color panels. Dye-sub printers are intended primarily for
  28. J. A. O'Neill developed a recording device that used magnetically coated, ribbon , However, this was a commercial failure. Two years later, Laurens Hammond
  29. Contact comprises a pair of points which together pierce the insulation of the, ribbon ,cable with such precision that they make a connection to the desired conductor
  30. As claims of improved computer cooling and were easier to handle; however, only, ribbon , cables are supported by the ATA specifications.; Pin 20 In the ATA standard pin
  31. And ornaments Tree trimming decorations Tinsel and several types of garland or, ribbon ,are commonly used to decorate a Christmas tree. Delicate mould-blown and
  32. Information concerning the medal:" A bronze medal of appropriate design and a, ribbon ,to be worn in lieu thereof, to be awarded by the President to any person who
  33. The ribbon by a rectangular shaped metal loop with the corners rounded. The, ribbon ,is 1 3/8 inches (35 mm) wide and consists of the following stripes: 1/32 inch
  34. Biography Origins Fichte was born in Rammed, Upper Lusatia. The son of a, ribbon ,weaver, he came of peasant stock which had lived in the region for many
  35. Formal clothing for clergy, academics and lawyers * Strap, an elongated flap or, ribbon , usually of fabric or leather Science and technology * Band (radio),a range
  36. A trophy of flags and weapons. The medal is suspended by a bar attached to the, ribbon , Ribbon *The ribbon is 1 3/8 inches wide and consists of the following stripes:
  37. Each petal containing a letter form at its tip. The letter form strikes a, ribbon ,of ink, depositing the ink on the page and thus printing a character. By
  38. Na Satire" medal, which was awarded to IRA Volunteers after 1941,bears a, ribbon ,with two vertical stripes in black and tan. Instructions to Dishtowel RIC,19
  39. Advent of the interstate or Trans-Canada Highway in Canada in 1963 established, ribbon ,development, truck stops, and industrial corridors along through ways. Evolution
  40. Be able to tear it, to which Henri replied:" It looks to me that with this, ribbon ,as though I will gain no fame from it if I do tear apart such a slender band
  41. Fasces consisted of a bundle of birch rods, tied together with a red leather, ribbon ,into a cylinder, and often including a bronze axe (or sometimes two) amongst
  42. An enzyme that contains a cofactor is carbonic anhydrase, and is shown in the, ribbon ,diagram above with a zinc cofactor bound as part of its active site. These
  43. Was simplified, leaving only the logo and a plain white swirl (the" dynamic, ribbon ,"). In 2008,in some parts of the world, the plastic bottles for all Coke
  44. Design software to communicate with their custom hardware frames either by, ribbon ,cable or fiber optic cable for long distances, allowing the Amiga to control up
  45. Some small items of clothing such as an orchid in her hair, a bracelet,a, ribbon ,around her neck, and mule slippers, all of which accentuated her nakedness
  46. Does not denote an additional award and only one such device may be worn on any, ribbon , The Bronze Star Medal with the Valor Device is the United States military's
  47. The chloroplast may be discoid, plate-like,reticulated, cup-shaped,spiral or, ribbon ,shaped in different species. Most of the members have one or more storage
  48. And soft as a silken ribbon , yet strong and firm. The messenger brought the, ribbon ,to the Æsir, and they thanked him heartily for completing the task. The Æsir
  49. Printed is passing in front of the paper. The paper presses forward against a, ribbon ,which then presses against the character form and the impression of the
  50. Dies, Patria, Libertad" ( meaning" God, Fatherland,Liberty" ). A red, ribbon ,under the shield reads," Republican Dominican" ( meaning" Dominican Republic

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