Examples of the the word, fountain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fountain ), is the 7593 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A 28-story administration building, a colonnade, and a reflecting pool with, fountain , designed by Aral do Cassette of I. M. Pei and Partners (now Pei Cobb Freed).
  2. Anchored by Wander Veer Park, a large park with a botanical garden and a, fountain , The park was modeled after New York City's Central Park and originally shared
  3. Up fountain pens and cleaning up smudged pages, and the sharp tip of his, fountain ,pen often tore the paper. Biro had noticed that inks used in newspaper printing
  4. Its distinctive red-brick architecture. In front of it is the Neptunbrunnen,a, fountain ,featuring a mythological group of Triton's, personifications of the four main
  5. To support a Dyson shell by dynamic means similar to those used in a space, fountain , Masses traveling in circular tracks on the inside of the sphere, at velocities
  6. Small botanical garden and also features a walking path, a lagoon, and a large, fountain , Events and festivals BIX Fest is a three-day music festival with many
  7. Type of ink. Since, when tried, this viscous ink would not flow into a regular, fountain ,pen nib, Bíró, with the help of his brother George, a chemist, began to work on
  8. Baku's seafront. The boulevard contains an amusement park, yacht club, musical, fountain , statues and monuments. The park is popular with dog-walkers and joggers, and
  9. At the entrance Image: Escalate de Estrada del Park Güell. JPG|Third, fountain ,at the entrance with the dragon Casa Milà (), better known as La Herrera (
  10. Standing is the winner. Some games have rules involving the" cascade ",", fountain ," or" waterfall ", which encourages each player to drink constantly from their
  11. But less politically successful, rival Francesco Borrowing). However,the, fountain ,was built several years before the façade of the church was completed. In
  12. Fountains with a remote solar panel that can be placed in the sun while the, fountain ,is located in the shadow. Other accessories to be taken into account are garden
  13. Structures in Chiapas de Corzo are the Santo Domingo monastery and the La Pile, fountain , Santo Domingo has indigenous decorative details such as double-headed eagles
  14. That would be able to write on his leather products, which then-common, fountain ,pens could not do. Loud's pen had a small rotating steel ball, held in place
  15. Of Heisenberg. Noteworthy among the monuments of the town is the Maximilian, fountain ,(1880),with statues of Maximilian I of Bavaria, the emperor Henry II and his
  16. Coin banks, greeting cards, planters,neckties, suspenders,belts, curtains, fountain , pens,and other shoo paraphernalia were produced. A garment factory in
  17. End facing Brenner Avenue by artist Susan Scheme called Salmon Run. The water, fountain ,piece was not functional for many years, until it was restored in 2006.
  18. River walk, which will feature trails, pedestrian bridges across the river,a, fountain ,and skating plaza, and a" civic garden" in front of the City Hall. Multiple
  19. Amman, che bell' Mario HAI dominate! " Amravati continued working on this, fountain ,for another ten years, adding,in a mannerism style, around the perimeter suave
  20. Thousands of students, faculty,and visitors gather around the front campus, fountain ,for an annual Christmas carol sing and lighting ceremony, culminating in the
  21. Type, approached by a domed farther. In front of the church stands a marble, fountain ,(F),covered by a dome supported on columns. Opening from the western side of
  22. Maquettes of famous buildings from across Europe. The Mannered Pis, a bronze, fountain ,of a small peeing boy is a famous tourist attraction and symbol of the city.
  23. From the water. The whole gives nevertheless a coherent impression. The, fountain ,served as an example for future fountain -makers. Other famous sculptures by
  24. Five. " The effect is illustrated by Coleridge as:: In the hexameter rises the, fountain ,'s silvery column, : In the pentameter aye falling in melody back. While the
  25. Fosdick's, he was a celebrity spokesman in print ads for Shaffer Snorkel, fountain ,pens (along with colleagues and close friends Milton Ca niff and Walt Kelly)
  26. Sitting out area form an 8,400 m² (90,400 sq ft) landscaped garden with, fountain , trees and artificial stone paving. No commercial element is included in the
  27. Poem Alexander is first a conqueror, then he searches unsuccessfully for the, fountain ,of life and gradually becomes a man of wisdom, has debates with Greek and
  28. Works of the Attic sculptor Praxiteles (4th century BC). File: Aphrodite, fountain , JPG|Fountain of Aphrodite in Mexico City. File: Venus Medici. JPG|An
  29. Is adjacent to the newly built International Center of Maugham and the musical, fountain , Other prominent parks and gardens include Hadar Alien Park, Samad Verdun
  30. In winter. Two tall glass sculptures make up the Crown Fountain. The, fountain ,'s two towers display visual effects from LED images of Chicagoans' faces
  31. Point pens for RAF aircrew as the Biro; they found they worked much better than, fountain ,pens at high altitude, the latter being prone to ink-leakage in the decreased
  32. Complete most of the remaining drawing. He lettered dialogue with a Radiograph, fountain ,pen, and he used a crow quill pen for odds and ends. He used Liquid Paper to
  33. Combine the ballpoint design with the use of liquid ink and flow systems from, fountain ,pens; Space Pens, developed by Fisher in the United States, combine a more than
  34. From Hunt, Diana and Her Nymphs Surprised By A Faun by Rubens. *The famous, fountain ,at Palace of Camera, Italy,created by Paolo PepsiCo, Brunelli, Pietro Solar
  35. A traffic junction in the town center, although there has not been a working, fountain ,there for some years),Lomond Galleries, a former factory with an impressive
  36. In choosing a make and model of pen. Characteristics Compared to roller ball and, fountain ,pens, ballpoints require more pressure to write. Ballpoints lack the free
  37. Having by his own motion neglected the natural law, and becoming the origin and, fountain ,of wickedness, and misusing himself, not from any extraneous necessity, but
  38. Last word. Bernini worked along with Role Errata to create a much admired, fountain ,for the Lisbon palace of the Portuguese nobleman, the Count of Ericeira. For
  39. Dijkstra was known for his habit of carefully composing manuscripts with his, fountain ,pen. The manuscripts are called Ends, since Dijkstra numbered them with END
  40. Period between 1904 and 1946,particularly alternatives or improvements to the, fountain ,pen were invented. Slavoljub Eduard Penal invented a solid-ink fountain pen
  41. Table, and a" Catherine" slip-covered sofa. Montblanc offers a Hemingway, fountain ,pen, and a line of Hemingway safari clothes has been created. The International
  42. By the City of Ballarat Band in 1913 as a tribute to the bandsmen of the,a, fountain ,dedicated to the early explorers Burke and Wills, and those dedicated to
  43. Stable. In products that may require a longer shelf life, such as syrups for, fountain ,beverages, aspartame is sometimes blended with a more stable sweetener, such as
  44. And Pepsi have been successful alternatives in the Middle East. A Coca-Cola, fountain ,dispenser (officially a Fluids Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus-2 or FGBA-2)
  45. 1528,its twelve altars and accompanying pictures were destroyed. The" Justice, fountain ," (Gerechtskeitbrunnen) was built in 1634,and is made of French limestone;
  46. Asgard in the Royal Palace of Harangue, and in the gardens, the figures on the, fountain ,of Neptune are also by him. The Augustinian monastery at Salamanca contains the
  47. Fire Station) at Schützenmattstrasse 56,Fischmarktbrunnen (, fountain ,), Geltenzunft at Marketplace 13,Gymnasium (School) am Kohlberg (St
  48. Written by the famous calligraphers of that period. There is also a, fountain ,(Adrian) where worshipers can perform ritual ablutions before prayer; the
  49. The fountain pen were invented. Slavoljub Eduard Penal invented a solid-ink, fountain ,pen in 1907,a German inventor named Baum took out a ballpoint patent in 1910
  50. Editor, was frustrated by the amount of time that he wasted in filling up, fountain ,pens and cleaning up smudged pages, and the sharp tip of his fountain pen often

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